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IAF might get upto 300 FGFA

LCA is made to replace MiG21Bis (100), 120 MiG21 are Bison standard, they are as good as F16 Block 31-32, If you don trust me, search it on google...[/COLOR]

So far the LCA is better then the F-16A/B
but.... I have a hard time reading your post.

It seems you don't know what you're talkign about....
what the heck is a F-16 block 31-32?????
I am talking about dogfights because you mentioned the SU-30MKI's maneuverability.
Maneuverability, is irrelevant for BVR combat.

The radar advantage is true but the giant RCS is a huge disadvantage.
MKI can use it's weapons before the F-16 can, but the F-16 backed with an AWACS can see the MKI first, the F-16 pilot may take protective counter measures, to avoid detection.

it will be down to pilot skill and training, end of
Heard of novator awacs killer?
we would be getting 50 T-50 PAK FA (the Russian single seat version) in fly away condition by 2015. The remainder 200 are twin seat config FGFAs that would be manufactured in India.

50 T-50 by 2015`! lol, how? dont you think russian will gear up its own fleet first and then to IAF`?
Yes I have.....
AWACS can stay out of range of navator ;)
While still feed info about the MKI to the F-16.

have you considered the situation where our Phalcons are airborne?....which ofcourse are awacs with a higher range of detection/tracking capabilities ...? we too have awacs you know.....
You heard about the range of Novator?

I don't understand how guys here come up with absurd claims like AWACS can't be detected beyond 250-300 km/ Novator can't shoot AWACS:hitwall:,
Wake up buddy AWACS are made by humans aliens/god didn't send them on earth worst they are nothing more than sitting ducks in the sky, a Mig 21 would shoot it down if in hands of decent opponent forget about Su 30MKI..............might sound heart breaking but sadly it's true.
I don't understand how guys here come up with absurd claims like AWACS can't be detected beyond 250-300 km/ Novator can't shoot AWACS:hitwall:,
Wake up buddy AWACS are made by humans aliens/god didn't send them on earth worst they are nothing more than sitting ducks in the sky, a Mig 21 would shoot it down if in hands of decent opponent forget about Su 30MKI..............might sound heart breaking but sadly it's true.

Novator K-100 has a semi-active guidance system, that means it'll have to be guided to a great extent towards its target until the onboard sensors picks up the target.
So you have two choices.
1. Let the launch platform (Su-30MKI) do the guidance and let it to come within the enemy radar tracking range.
Or 2. Let an AWACS handle the guidance part and keep both the launch platform and the AWACS away from the enemy radar coverage.

Yes I have....
Tell me, what is the exact range?

350-400 km, if launched from an altitude (generally over 10000-15000m above the sea surface).
as far as i know the max range of novator is 350-400km.....
And your assertion that the f 16 will shoot first may very well turn out to be false as the mki has a very good jammer and should be able to jam the f 16s missiles....this was mentioned in the lecture by the us colonel after red flag 08 excercises
@ jungibaaz.... Manouverability is also very important in bvr combat if you want to dodge/fool the missile...... The israelis, for example, have perfected the art of dodging bvr missiles - and indian air force has very good relations with the isaf, so you can be pretty sure that we would have learnt this trick from the them
Novator K-100 has a semi-active guidance system, that means it'll have to be guided to a great extent towards its target until the onboard sensors picks up the target.
So you have two choices.
1. Let the launch platform (Su-30MKI) do the guidance and let it to come within the enemy radar tracking range.
Or 2. Let an AWACS handle the guidance part and keep both the launch platform and the AWACS away from the enemy radar coverage.

350-400 km, if launched from an altitude (generally over 10000-15000ft above the sea surface).

It uses an active radar guidance.It uses an enlarged Agat 9B-1130M seeker,the same seeker used on the R-77 BVRAAM.
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