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IAF MIG29SMT Superior to F16/52 Report

Tell that to your leaders...who shout India is destablizing the regional security.....every time there is a new defence procurement by India.:rofl:

O C'mon Indians start to cry even if we produce a needle..............Face the truth man..............Its a good Indian policy.............. Arms for peace.................Tell me how a nuke sub can lead to more peace than a race to nuke sub......... Some times i think that every one is a "sardar jee" in India:coffee:
O C'mon Indians start to cry even if we produce a needle..............Face the truth man..............Its a good Indian policy.............. Arms for peace.................Tell me how a nuke sub can lead to more peace than a race to nuke sub......... Some times i think that every one is a "sardar jee" in India:coffee:

If you read your post carefully.....its you who is crying over Indian Defense Developments...

Please provide some links where Indian Leaders have commented upon Pakistan defense procurement being threat to regional stability...

I can provide you enough sources of Pakistan Leadership and defense personal going out in the media and saying that India has been procuring weapons and this is destabilizing the region.

And tell me why should Indian not procure weapons....We have Pakistan on one hand and China on the other....both having aggressive intentions towards India...both are heavily armed......should Indians sleep over it.....and do nothing.
If India is buying more Migs then wts bad in that....
They shld......coz they know their ~120 MKI, 60 Mig 29, 40 Mirage, 125 Mig 21 Biason and 100 Jaguar might face against 40 F-16, 200 Mirage, 200 F7, 40 A5 and 160 J-10, 300 J-8, 400-500 F-7, 100 Su 30 MKK, 76 Su 27, 130 J-11, 100 JH-7, 100 H-6, 480 A5/Q5

Green and red are supperoir in quality and quantity.

Dont worry, we are going to have 4.5th generation fighters in our fleet
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MTBO/MTBF....F-16 wins hands-down (with 4K hours between engine overhauls, there is currently no Russian engine that comes even close).
Depends on which engine the Mig 29 will get, because the RD 33MK is comparable:
# The service life of the engine is a long 4,000 hours;
Klimov :: Production :: Aircraft Program :: RD-33MK
Availability is a huge issue. Unless IAF is ready to do some massive engine sparing, the old and new Mig-29 variants will continue to be susceptible to these issues and availability rates will be up and down.
Why? HAL is producing the old and will produce the new engines under license, so why should there be a problem of engine spares?
The other benefit to the PAF is that all F-16s in fleet will be on the same avionics and weapons upgrade path. Maintenance is much easier and cost-effective.
Why again? All Mig 29 will be upgraded, so all will get the same avionics and weapons, that means maintenance for Mig 29 will not be more difficult, or costlier for IAF.
Aircraft to aircraft comparison is not really that important. Given the positive cover of AEW, most of these aircraft will not be relying on their own air intercept radars to detect other aircraft.
Yes but only if all AWACS aircrafts in both air forces are inducted and they offer a full coverage of the border region. Till then, the radar of the fighters will remain important and given the fact that IAF already has AWACS inducted and has already a clear advantage in this field with the MKI, makes the radar of the new block 52 even more important.[/QUOTE]
I agree that the US weapons gives an advantage in a2a and a2g, but the Migs will be used mainly as interceptors, so a2g and range won't play a big role for them.
If India is buying more Migs then wts bad in that....
They shld......coz they know their ~120 MKI, 60 Mig 29, 40 Mirage, 125 Mig 21 Biason and 100 Jaguar might face against 40 F-16, 200 Mirage, 200 F7, 40 A5 and 160 J-10, 300 J-8, 400-500 F-7, 100 Su 30 MKK, 76 Su 27, 130 J-11, 100 JH-7, 100 H-6, 480 A5/Q5

Green and red are supperoir in quality and quantity.

Dont worry, we are going to have 4.5th generation fighters in our fleet

i don't see Bangla af and SL af in this....what about ISI af?
even when you count your own planes...you tend to count the chinese planes also...isn't it foolish to hopelessly bank too much on a separate nation?
If you read your post carefully.....its you who is crying over Indian Defense Developments...

Please provide some links where Indian Leaders have commented upon Pakistan defense procurement being threat to regional stability...

I can provide you enough sources of Pakistan Leadership and defense personal going out in the media and saying that India has been procuring weapons and this is destabilizing the region.

And tell me why should Indian not procure weapons....We have Pakistan on one hand and China on the other....both having aggressive intentions towards India...both are heavily armed......should Indians sleep over it.....and do nothing.

le mera bacha....
India voices concerns over drone sale to Pak
NEW DELHI: Indian External Affairs Minister S M Krishna has reacted to a possible arms deal involving sale of US drones to Pakistan. Krishna has emphatically told America that an arms sale would create instability in the region adding that in the past, such weapons have always been used against India.

Pakistan has drawn up a big list of military purchases from the United States. But, what’s worrying India is that Islamabad is lobbying hard to get the deadly Predators Drones from the United States.

The worries of New Delhi are that any military equipment bought by Pakistan is essentially meant to be used against India, said Indian External Affairs Minister S M Krishna.

Pakistan is seeking Predator Drones from the United States saying they need the drones to fight militancy along the Afghan border. But, invariably the drones would be used along the Indian border both for spying and combat missions, he worried

A list has been drawn up and they include helicopters, night vision devices, laser guided ammunition.

Predator drones are particularly worrisome as they constitute top of the line technology. They are unmanned aerial vehicles with weaponry that can accurately hit targets. The United States is using them extensively for fighting militants, including in parts of Pakistan’s Northwest Frontier Province area.

India does not have anything equivalent to the predators and there is concern about India having them. Currently India is working to get an equivalent of the predator. This is the Harop system from Israel but it will be a long time before India gets them, he added.
India voices concern at reported Pak nuke expansion
AFP, New Delhi
ndia's army chief said on Friday arch-rival Pakistan's apparent expansion of its nuclear programme was a "matter of concern" for the entire world that only global pressure could halt.

General Deepak Kapoor was speaking after satellite photos released on Tuesday showed Pakistan had expanded two sites crucial to its nuclear programme, according to a US arms control institute.

The Institute for Science and International Security said the enlargement was part of an effort to bolster the destructive power of Pakistan's atomic arsenal.

"Even if Pakistan is looking at deterrence, they require a minimum amount. But when you keep increasing it, it is a matter of concern," Kapoor told reporters in New Delhi.

"I think the world community should put the kind of pressure which is required for Pakistan to cap their nuclear weapons," he added.

Pakistan stopped short Thursday of denying reports it had expanded its nuclear programme, accusing India of disturbing the regional balance and compelling Islamabad to take remedial steps.

A peace process between the two neighbours has been on hold since deadly militant attacks in Mumbai last November, which killed 166 people.

India has said it has "overwhelming evidence" that "official agencies" in Pakistan were involved in plotting and carrying out the attacks, an apparent reference to Pakistan's spy agency and army.

Also on Friday India's newly appointed external affairs minister, SM Krishna, renewed calls for Pakistan to stop militant activities directed at India from Pakistani soil.

Islamabad admitted in February for the first time that the Mumbai attacks were planned partly in Pakistan and filed a case against eight suspects, saying that six of them were already in custody.

"We would like to live in peace with Pakistan but it is very difficult for India to continue a dialogue" until Islamabad takes steps to fight terror, Krishna told Indian television channel CNN-IBN.

Krishna added the threat of extremism in Pakistan, whose military has launched a full-scale offensive against Taliban militants in the northwest of the country, was a matter of concern for India.

"India will be a partner in fighting the terror in Pakistan but unfortunately every time our efforts reach critical stage, suddenly a heinous crime is perpetuated from Pakistani soil on India."
F-16 sale to Pakistan : Indian concern
Reports of a renewed Pakistani effort to buy F-16 fighter jets from the US have led India to voice fears that their acquisition could spark off an arms race in South Asia.

Washington however maintains that no such sales are contemplated.

The Washington Times on October 22 quoted an unnamed Indian government official as saying, “We are against introducing such advanced weaponry into South Asia.

“They are not useful in the war on terror, and experience has shown that they could be used against India. ... They could spark a build up or a weapons race in the region.”

Participants at a six-day US-India forum sponsored by the Aspen Institute and the Confederation of Indian Industry that ended Tuesday are believed to have raised the subject before US Defence Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld, telling him that such a sale, while manageable for the Indian military, would be taken badly by the Indian public.

Rumsfeld did not offer any comments on the prospects of sale of the F-16s at the meeting Monday, the participants said.

However, an unnamed retired senior Indian military officer said he had an inkling about an initial sale of 18 planes, with another 62 aircraft to be sold later, the Times report said.

India’s concerns surfaced once again in the wake of media reports from Islamabad that quoted Pakistan air chief Air Chief Marshal Kaleem Saadat as saying in September that the US had agreed to consider selling F-16 fighters to Pakistan, providing at least 18 of the planes.

Sadaat followed it up with an interview recently with Jane’s Defence Weekly, saying the transfers would probably be announced after next month’s US presidential election.

Last week, Rear Adm. Craig McDonald, head of the office of the US defence representative in Pakistan, was quoted again in the Pakistani media as saying that the Bush administration would go before Congress early next year to seek authorization for the sale.

However, the US State Department minced no words when it bluntly refuted the idea.

“There has been absolutely no decision taken anywhere, at any level of the US government, on the sale of F-16s to Pakistan,” a department official said on condition of anonymity.

No cause for worry : Experts

However, according to some analysts, India need not lose sleep even if Pakistan manages to acquire more F-16 fighters from the US. After plastering American combat pilots in an exercise earlier this year, IAF top guns now have another reason to be gung ho: their top-notch mean machines have proved more than a match for F-16s, the much-vaunted ‘fighting falcons’.

Russian-made Sukhoi-30MKI jets are apparently outgunning American F-16s on “several aspects” at the ongoing Indo-Singapore air combat exercise in Gwalior.

This is the first-ever face-off between these two sophisticated war machines originating from the two former Cold War adversaries.

“Our Sukhois are doing very well against the F-16s (of Singapore Air Force) in terms of manoeuvrability, sophistication of avionics and weapon systems. Similarly, our MiG-29s and Mirage-2000s are also matching up to the F-16s,” say IAF sources.

IAF is pitting even its MiG-21s, which constitute over 45 per cent of India’s combat fleet, against F-16s during the ‘Sindex-Ankush’ exercise in Gwalior.

“Ever since the Pakistanis acquired F-16s from the US in the mid-1980s, we wanted to size them up. So, we are matching almost all our planes with F-16s of the Singapore Air Force, which are more advanced than the F-16s of Pakistan,” said sources.

The IAF has also tasked its elite combat school to develop manoeuvres for MiG-21s to elude the radar cones of F-16s.

IAF spokesperson Squadron Leader Mahesh Upasani said : “Results of the exercise will be assessed only after the debrief. It’s premature to comment at this stage.”

Instead of F-16s, the US had fielded the F-15C Eagles during the Cope India-04 exercise in February. So, the decks were promptly cleared when Singapore came knocking for training facilities with its F-16s.
i don't see Bangla af and SL af in this....what about ISI af?
even when you count your own planes...you tend to count the chinese planes also...isn't it foolish to hopelessly bank too much on a separate nation?

Nations are different....but friendship is beyond nationality.
Bangla and SL dont have enough potential to strike back India.

I counted planes of PAF and PLAAF and I mentioned with green and red font color.
Any ways....stop burning.......Ur getting new Migs.....go on.....u need them. ............ur having less quantity and quality then PAF and PLAAF
Facts about indians

- deluded
- ignorant
- pathological liars
- fanboys
- trollers

All of sudden out of no where this absurd report claims to portray F-16s as poncy little fighter.
Just alone AESA radar does not change the feat of fighter jets other wise at first place IDAF would be integrating AESA radars on F-16s and F-15s to out match the adversaries.
I am not contradicting the fact that AESA radars are generally superior to other type of radars but one can not under mine a very matured MSA radar like APG-68v9 and consider it as a toy front of 1st generation AESA radar.

F-16 has superior A2A A2G armaments, and the A2A performance if not better but par to SMT simply because the American posses superior technology.
Both SMT and Block52+ are equally as good. and IMO PAF is going to utilize their F-16 better then IAF SMT and perform better in A2A and A2G.
Facts about indians

- deluded
- ignorant
- pathological liars
- fanboys
- trollers

All of sudden out of no where this absurd report claims to portray F-16s as poncy little fighter.
Just alone AESA radar does not change the feat of fighter jets other wise at first place IDAF would be integrating AESA radars on F-16s and F-15s to out match the adversaries.
I am not contradicting the fact that AESA radars are generally superior to other type of radars but one can not under mine a very matured MSA radar like APG-68v9 and consider it as a toy front of 1st generation AESA radar.

F-16 has superior A2A A2G armaments, and the A2A performance if not better but par to SMT simply because the American posses superior technology.
Both SMT and Block52+ are equally as good. and IMO PAF is going to utilize their F-16 better then IAF SMT and perform better in A2A and A2G.

mr.growler or barker what ever.... let me tell u one thing, the more u tell pakistan has got a good force to defend the country, the more will the world laugh at u... U seek help of US to protect ur nukes, how on earth are ur forces dependable, We saw how the security personals for the srilankan team ran away when they were attacked and many were shot dead when they ran..... U can never produce a decent armed force...... now you are welcome to growl at my post mr growler.... :blah::blah::blah:
mr.growler or barker what ever.... let me tell u one thing, the more u tell pakistan has got a good force to defend the country, the more will the world laugh at u... U seek help of US to protect ur nukes, how on earth are ur forces dependable, We saw how the security personals for the srilankan team ran away when they were attacked and many were shot dead when they ran..... U can never produce a decent armed force...... now you are welcome to growl at my post mr growler.... :blah::blah::blah:

refraining from replying to low quality poster who clearly lacks a brain to comprehend anything beyond his narrow mind bobble the great bharat.
growler..............you should also not become harsh.......put forward some arguments if he doesn't counter them with arguments.......let him alone we have a 1000 like him ova here
F-16 block 15 MLU M3 vs SMT

PAF F-16 external payload



AIM-9M8/9 (most advance IR after AIM-9X)



AGM-64 (next generation)


BLU-109 (bunker buster)

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