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IAF had Superior airpower compared to china in 1962

I still don't understand, if India claims to have superiror airpower in 1962, why still sent S.o.S to get help from U.S; only a nation that run out of military options before seeking help from other. The only rational explaination is that Indian gorverment was afraid of losing the precious airplanes to Chinese ground troops or consider IAF worthless.
Coz it never had confidence in its own ability.Insider in indian govt knew of this fact that they do not stand a chance hence S.O.S was sent to the USA.All this nonsense of ,"Oh we would have won the 1962 war had we used IAF in the war", is just to salvage some image,respect,pride.
After all indian leadership have to give the explanation to its people about the whooping.
I still don't understand, if India claims to have superiror airpower in 1962, why still sent S.o.S to get help from U.S; only a nation that run out of military options before seeking help from other. The only rational explaination is that Indian gorverment was afraid of losing the precious airplanes to Chinese ground troops or consider IAF worthless.
For that you need to understand the steps taken by Nehru and his wrong decisions one after another. The defeat in 1962, yes, I openly admit it was a defeat, was because of Indian leadership not Indian armed forces.

Problem was Nehru didn't take Armed forces Chiefs' advice then and this cost us a lot.

If you want to learn more about it, leave the posts with same old nuisance value and go through the articles on 1962 war. It will give you the clear picture.
Coz it never had confidence in its own ability.Insider in indian govt knew of this fact that they do not stand a chance hence S.O.S was sent to the USA.All this nonsense of ,"Oh we would have won the 1962 war had we used IAF in the war", is just to salvage some image,respect,pride.
After all indian leadership have to give the explanation to its people about the whooping.

atleast IA have many victories to its record... what PA have is a lifetime of shame with losses after losses.. we are not even going to the issue of how PA commanders abandoned their junior officers on the face of precision bombing by IAF !!

U guys should know atleast the prowess of IAF after 1999 ? :)
its been over half century since 1962.but nothing has change china can come to delhi and still whoop india right at janpath.

No they cannot. The environment and the balance of forces is not in favour of PLA marching into Delhi. Taking account of the current balance of forces, the Chinese have an advantage in terms of mobility and numbers but they don't have the logistics in place to march all the way to Delhi. Those T90's backed up by SU30MKI's are deadly machines and will cause a havoc on advancing PLA columns. The days of battle of annihilations are long gone.
For that you need to understand the steps taken by Nehru and his wrong decisions one after another. The defeat in 1962, yes, I openly admit it was a defeat, was because of Indian leadership not Indian armed forces.

You do not have to admit what is already in our history in no ambiguous language. We were defeated and there has been no closets to hold the skeletons here..

Problem was Nehru didn't take Armed forces Chiefs' advice then and this cost us a lot.
He was also betrayed but yes he was at fault too.
it seems the 1962 war has left a long-lasting impact to India.We can find a lot of articles about it in the major medias.This is the only war in the long history of China and India,and it is small scale with small casualties of both of us.we Chinese almost forgot it .just let it fade......such things would not happen again.
i dont know why there are so many threads involving 1962 war.but when it comes to airpower,i think the auther make sense.PLAAF has long been left behind by most airforces of the world.i hope we can catch up with them.though it may take long.
i dont know why there are so many threads involving 1962 war.but when it comes to airpower,i think the auther make sense.PLAAF has long been left behind by most airforces of the world.i hope we can catch up with them.though it may take long.
As to china air force, we already rank number 2 in the world.
As to china air force, we already rank number 2 in the world.

Mate, i request u to introspect, nos. necessarily not mean quality, though nothing to take away from PLAAF, it's a formidable force.
As to china air force, we already rank number 2 in the world.

I would say Number 3, given the fact that Chinese airforce uses J7s and J8s. They are older planes, compared to what the Russians use today. And they have it in superior numbers too I guess.
As to china air force, we already rank number 2 in the world.

I really doubt that. There are many airforces around with better planes (and I'm not talking about India here).

UK, USA, Russia, etc. I guess I'd put PLAAF at around 4th or 5th.
EzioAltaïr;3522475 said:
I really doubt that. There are many airforces around with better planes (and I'm not talking about India here).

UK, USA, Russia, etc. I guess I'd put PLAAF at around 4th or 5th.

Please leave UK along, it's no more than an dilapdated empire begging India buy fighter jets. Russia's military budget for it's air force is too much less than USA and china, even behind India.

In what appears to be a quasi-official response, the nationalist Chinese daily, Global Times, reacted predictably to recent remarks made by Air Chief Marshal N.A.K. Browne about the employment of air power in the 1962 war. However, certain facts need to be contested as they convey the wrong image of the Indian Air Force (IAF) of those times.


In the final analysis, an all-round lack of understanding of the capabilities of air power, and a perceived fear of escalation, should it be employed, led to it not being exploited. After the Kargil experience, which did not lead to any escalation when India employed offensive air power, significant progress in air-land synergies has been made in India. This will ensure that 1962 is never repeated as far as the use of air power in high-altitude terrains is concerned.

The writer is a serving Air Vice Marshal of the Indian Air Force. Views are personal

IAF had Superior airpower compared to china in 1962 | idrw.org

This is just stupid all the way thru.

it's even more sad when the dude is vice air marshal, a supposely edcucaded position.

He has no clue on:

what is the difference between air equipments and airpower.

The two are not the same. It depends on who uses what, when and how.

The human beings underly the hardware have critical imput in deciding the outcome.

Case in point, 1951 Korea War: when the US and the UN forces had vastly more superior equipments on

both air, sea and land, and they were not hesitated using them, against the Chinese.

So what happened? why the stalmate??

Or 2 guys waiving machetes have superior "airpower" than a bare-handed and determined Kungfu dude? This is what this vice Air Marshanl believes even 50 yrs after....oh my,:no: Another room-tempreture alike IQ score.

Last but not least, India was very lucky in 1962 when the PLA involved were mostly fresh-off-boat young ones without too much experiences. If it had been several years earlier when they were the old school tough ones from the voracious Korean War or the Chinese Civil War crops, they would have had swept most of India meantime driving Indians into the Indian Ocean.
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