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IAEA, Hypocrisy and Israeli Nukes.

Iran made commitments under the NPT and received extensive nuclear assistance through IAEA and bilaterally (for example, the nclear reactor in Busher which was designed and built by Germany and Russia). Israel never joined the NPT, so its nuclear status is equivalent to India and not to Iran. There is no international justification to pressure Israel more than India or Pakistan or North Korea - none of them are NPT members (unlike Iran).

You never gave any rationale and good explanation why Israel is the one which "violate the peace". I dismissed all your previous nonsense about the so-called "danger" of Israel and showed that the real threat is Iran and it should be dealt by the international community without any connection to Israel.

As usual you ignore facts, reality, and the truth and all you can do is scream, slander and expose how little you know and understand about this issue.

P.S: Writing in bold letters and bigger fonts will not make your nonsense somehow more accurate than before.

Israel violates the peace by acquiring nukes when others in the ME don't have it, israel violates peace by ignoring the security of others.

Israel violates the peace by acquiring nukes when others in the ME don't have it, israel violates peace by ignoring the security of others.

Did China violated the peace in its region just by developing nuclear weapons? And India? And Russia? And France?

If the answer is YES, then you should say that Israel should dismantle when all the nuclear weapons countries will dismantle because they all are a security threat with no difference.

If the answer is NO, then you argument that Israel danger the peace in the ME just by having a nuclear programme is a lie.

Pick your answer, whatever it is it contradicts your distorted argument.
China developed nukes to counter the Russian and the american nukes, india got it to counter China, then Pakistan got it to counter india., but of course, you wouldn't see it that way because of your treachery and abhorrence for truth. Now, since israel has the nukes iran should acquire nukes to counter the israeli nukes.
China developed nukes to counter the Russian and the american nukes, india got it to counter China, then Pakistan got it to counter india., but of course, you wouldn't see it that way because of your treachery and abhorrence for truth. Now, since israel has the nukes iran should acquire nukes to counter the israeli nukes.

In your reply you ignored just a little thing: Who Israel needs to counter? Or do you think that all the countries except Israel have security threats? Your slandering can easily be used against you: "but of course, you wouldn't see it that way because of your treachery and abhorrence for truth"!

Iran develops nukes with no connection to Israel, but as a result of their hegemonic ambitions. Israel has no conflict with Iran so this argument is absurd.
Iran develops nukes with no connection to Israel, but as a result of their hegemonic ambitions. Israel has no conflict with Iran so this argument is absurd.

Iran develops nukes with no connection to Israel, but as a result of their hegemonic ambitions. Israel has no conflict with Iran so this argument is absurd = a typical zionist lie
Iran develops nukes with no connection to Israel, but as a result of their hegemonic ambitions. Israel has no conflict with Iran so this argument is absurd = a typical zionist lie

Why? Because you say so?

If you believe in your lies elaborate what conflict Iran has with Israel - Border disputes? Natural resources? Ethnic groups?

And if there is a conflict, please let us all know when and how it began: until 1979 Israel had diplomatic relations with Iran including military cooperation, How it settles with your fantasies?
You cannot breathe without lying, it's in your blood.

If I lie then how come you find it so hard to prove it? I ask you questions and you are acting like a shameless coward.
You're proving it for me when you open your stinky mouth.

If I lie you can comment directly on what I wrote which is not true and expose it, like I systematically do with your lies.

However, you are both a coward and an ignorant anti-Semite, so your intellectual capacity is not enough even for realising what proving a lie means. I am sure that truth I presented is a very hard burden on the distorted illusion you built for yourself to hide from reality.
If I lie you can comment directly on what I wrote which is not true and expose it, like I systematically do with your lies.


Here's one example of your lies, you said, "Iran develops nukes with no connection to Israel, but as a result of their hegemonic ambitions. Israel has no conflict with Iran so this argument is absurd. " The truth is quite the opposite.
Here's one example of your lies, you said, "Iran develops nukes with no connection to Israel, but as a result of their hegemonic ambitions. Israel has no conflict with Iran so this argument is absurd. " The truth is quite the opposite.

And what is the truth?
The israeli nukes are the result of israel's hegemonic ambitions.

Please explain how what you call "Israel's hegemonic ambitions" settle with the territories Israel has withdrew from since the 1970's and twice as big as its current territory?

Will you answer or will you run away again?
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