Why don't you stay home, relax and pick a few pockets once in a while. No hard work and all the fun. Right?
If it helps me keep ahead of you and keep your head under my foot. Sure, why make ten times the effort when all it takes is picking one pocket. This isnt utopia, its world politics... every dirty filthy deed imaginable to get ahead is all good.
How do you know that Chinese didn't spend that much money in R&D
Because I worked with them and know their mentality. Their work ethic is nothing like any of ours. Our Jugaad pales in comparison to what these people are capable of and do.
The height of my inteliegnece is clearly better than the depth of your intellect. A more intelligent person would have understood my inference to them getting everything on the P-800 oniks from the Russians.So, they cracked the Indian OEM's HQ like Data Pattern Pvt. Ltd., and copied the whole things.
wow, height of your intelligence.
But then, I expect too much from the Indian representation on PDF.. I might have better luck in getting terrorist recruits to talk on peace.