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i want to know!!

Is traveling to Saidu Sharif safe? Does someone needs special permission to go there?

safe..under full army control..absolutely normal life. but road from Bahrain to Kalam is still broken, due to floods (30-km), rest of the roads are A-one, newly built.. my cousin went there 2-week ago, I went there last summer...

nope, no special permission required.. Swat is part of Khyber-Pukhtonkhuwa province.
safe..under full army control.

nope, no special permission required.. Swat is part of Khyber-Pukhtonkhuwa province.
Yah ,I know that much.but is it safe to travel with small children and older men and women.few of them are really old .like 90+. How about acomodation in hotels?what are the easy way to go there? From Karachi?
Hello ,PDF members.especially from Pakistan, please post pictures and other related documents about Sowat/or is it Soaath? How are the people? Language? Culture. I want to know about this valley. Does majority of the people speak pashtun?
Is anyone here in PDF from Sowat?
This will give you a fair idea. The document has enough text and pics to make you understand Swat:

Xeric's Primer: The Swat Story

The Swat Story
Are you swati? Can you please post pictures?There is a King, right? What's his name?
It is kind of personal.

The title was/is Wali e Swat... its no more a princely state.. and its unofficial wali is Miangul Aurangzeb.. former governor (19th) of KPK n even Baluchistan... n son in law of Gen Ayub Khan:


He served in the army aswell...

Swat is mostly pashtun n Hindko (most of whom are pakhtun by origin anyways)..

A few pics:

Swat - The Switzerland of Pakistan

Amazing Swat !!

Or try

Yah ,I know that much.but is it safe to travel with small children and older men and women.few of them are really old .like 90+. How about acomodation in hotels?what are the easy way to go there? From Karachi?

Yup, absolutely safe... Im not sure whether older people would be able to travel this far... kids no problem, accommodation; no problem at all..
So how to go to saidu Sharif from Karachi.need to hire guide?
Dhaka- dubai- Kabul by air,then Kabul - jalalabad by car.this plan was canceled because of security reasons.
Also a third option was suggests by some one,Dhaka- Delhi by air ,connecting local flight to Srinagar,which will be easy on older people.
But still need details of karachi- saidu track.

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