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I need your advice

Hi @Hazzy997 ,

I can empathize with you since I , too, come from a family that is conservative and expresses its view to me as if it should be followed to the word. Both my parents are physicians in Japan, and as the eldest of 4 children , I was expected to follow in their footsteps. I was pre-med when i was in college , took all the requirements for entrance into medical schools in Japan. I minored in Psychology (industrial). After i graduate , i joined the armed forces to explore the world , of course to the objection of my parents.

It was when i served in the JMSDF that i realized the importance of organizational effectiveness, and the career opportunities in this field. I took graduate studies in the US, and now am finishing my Ph.D in Industrial / Organizational Psychology. I love my field, knowing what i have contributed to my line of work/ study, and the opportunities that is before me when i finish my Ph.D. I encourage you to find your true calling, an inward analysis so to say. Decide in what you want to do , not what anyone else wants you to do, because in the end, brother, you will have to live with your decision.

If you consider medicine, that, too, has a lot of opportunities, but so does engineering. In fact, biomedical engineers can make 6 figures , let alone if you finish your Ph.D in it. There is also a lot of options in mechanical engineering, computer engineering, chemical engineering, as well as civil engineering.

Best wishes on your decision. And remember...ask for the Blessings of the Almighty to guide your decision.

Good Luck!!

See you around.

PS. It helps to build a 5 year plan. :)

Nerd and a Virgin :sarcastic:
I'm ahl Al-Kitab. I've studied Islam for a while, and have read Q'uran and the life of Prophet Muhammed (PBUH).
How come are you ahl-kitab? o_O I don't get it...i thought u'd be a buddhist by default since ur japanese. Please clarify.
How come are you ahl-kitab? o_O I don't get it...i thought u'd be a buddhist by default since ur japanese. Please clarify.

OT: There are Christians in Japan, my friend. :)

Zen Shinto is a philosophy, so it is capable to implement it into Christian life. But i digress. Apologies to the op
OT: There are Christians in Japan, my friend. :)

Zen Shinto is a philosophy, so it is capable to implement it into Christian life. But i digress. Apologies to the op

No need to apologize for anything my friend. You are one of the most decent people I've met. :)
OT: There are Christians in Japan, my friend. :)

Zen Shinto is a philosophy, so it is capable to implement it into Christian life. But i digress. Apologies to the op
Good to know that :-)

No need to apologize for anything my friend. You are one of the most decent people I've met. :)
I think the same! But thats not surprising for me. I been a fan of japanese people for the very same reason.
No need to apologize for anything my friend. You are one of the most decent people I've met. :)

Make dua for us all in this thread. Ramadan is approaching. You make dua to Allah Ta'ala that he guides you into the career of your choice and makes the way easy for you.

Make dua for me too that I find a good job after I graduate.
Make dua for us all in this thread. Ramadan is approaching. You make dua to Allah Ta'ala that he guides you into the career of your choice and makes the way easy for you.

Make dua for me too that I find a good job after I graduate.

Include me , also in your prayers. After i graduate...! God is Great!
Become a drug dealer.

•you can afford the hoes
•you can live in a mansion like that guy from scarface & american gangster
•you'll be filthy rich
•you don't have to buy any more drugs if it's your own product

HowTo:Become a Drug Dealer - Uncyclopedia, the content-free encyclopedia

Some important information. I hope this will be valuable.

On Being a Good Drug Dealer
Q: Is it OK to boast about the quality of my product to boost sales?
A: Never. Your word is your bond. Do not say something is "really tight shit" unless it is. Your customers, unless they are novices, will know. Your reputation, and thus your chances at repeat business, will suffer.

Q: How much should I mark up my product?
A: It depends on the availability of the product, how difficult it was to obtain your product, the current market price and how much legal trouble you could accrue as a result of your product acquisition and distribution.

Q: What about friend prices?
A: Should you make a profit on a close friend? I think not. Everyone else? Absolutely.

Q: How to tell the difference?
A: A close friend would stand by you if you were caught trafficking/selling your respective product, including, if necessary, regular prison visits for the duration of your sentence.

Q: What's the best manner in which to conduct a deal?
A: Professionally. Remember, while this is a business of acquaintances, it is still a business. Treat it as such.

Q: Should I weigh the product in front of the customer?
A: Most definitely. Robert Frost wrote, "Good fences make good neighbors." In dealing, good scales make good customers.

Q: Is it OK for me to invite the customer to indulge in the product with me or socialize after the deal?
A: Because you are in the position of power, you can do both, but remember, customers are not substitutes for friends or an engaging life of your own. Most people prefer, regardless of what they may feign in your presence, to have as little contact as possible with drug dealers. The truth is, if the customer could go down to the grocery store and purchase his particular product, he would. Also, not everyone is as impressed by your oversized sound system and latest gaming machine as you are. The customer is there for the product. Never forget that.

Q: Should I print out business cards to use as a networking device?
A: No. Under no circumstances should you ever advertise that you are a drug dealer. Also, if possible, keep all product and any records you maintain at a separate, secure location from the one in which you reside. Product at your home should be like a steak on the grill served the moment it's ready.

Q: Is it OK to sell to someone under 18 or sometimes, maybe, cut the product slightly to increase your profit margin?
A: Absolutely not. While drug dealing is illegal in the United States, there is still an honor code, just as a code of honor exists for all professions and all human beings in all walks of life. You may breach the honor code and perhaps remain unscathed for many years, but trust me, gentle drug dealer, you will get served.

Q: Is it OK to trade drugs for sex?
A: Certainly you can make the argument that between consenting adults, it's copacetic. However, I don't recommend it. The emotional price of such a transaction, despite what anyone may tell you, is far more costly than any fleeting benefits you may garner.

Q: Should I have other aspirations besides dealing?
A: Please. Like serving in the military, dealing should not be a career. How many career military people do you know who are well-rounded, vibrant,happy people?

Q: What's the best way to hide my earnings from the IRS?
A: Safety deposit boxes at banks other than the one in which you have your main account. Also, any job that allows you to declare tips is good, such as bartending or stripping. And please, don't be so stupid as to live so far above your "real" means that you practically beg to be arrested; particularly avoid a paper trail. This means no credit cards.

Q: Once my dealing days are over, is it OK to hint at my wild past?
A: No. Unless you're a celebrity or running for governor of Minnesota.

Q: How can I be the best drug dealer I can be?
A: Buy good product. Charge a fair price. Conduct yourself in a professional manner. Practice strong customer service. And always remember, the main reason your customers associate with you is the product. You are simply a necessary segue to their altered reality.

The secrets of being a good drug dealer - Everything2.com
@Hazzy997 From the data you provided i would suggest go for MBA in human resource. then try to land a job and do it for 1-2 years. then do you own business, preferably conventional business like authorized car showroom or maybe authorized service center.

good luck.
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Do a law degree. You will make money, a good start for politics and the chicks will dig you :D
@Hazzy997 From the data you provided i would suggest go for MBA in human resource. then try to land a job and do it for 1-2 years. then do you own business, preferably conventional business like authorized car showroom or maybe authorized service center.

good luck.

I definitely will open my own business in the future after I get settled. Thanks for the advice.

Do a law degree. You will make money, a good start for politics and the chicks will dig you :D

Are you a lwayer? He he...

I won't be doing that though. :D
I'm a young college student, still early on. However, I'm not sure what I want to get into to. I have no passion for medicine, science or mathematics. Politics for me is a hobby/need, I don't want a political career. Nor anything related to military. I want to be able to make a good living.
I'm not a person who explores all areas of life. So I have trouble guiding myself. The family expects me to get into medicine although I despise it.
I have a passion for the automotive industry. I don't want to do engineering though. I believe I would enjoy some sort of strategy based role or management role in the automotive industry. I like to read about information a lot and make something out of it. As of now though I'm all over the place. So I need to make a decision to keep me focused on one topic.
Does anybody here know what degrees would suit me? If you need more information about me please ask more questions so I can evaluate what's right for me. Because this is stressing me out lately.
I know this may not be the right place, but, please experienced people leave me some useful advice.

Divorce lawyer will be the best profession for you. :rofl:

Easy money to earn. :lol: Cheating spouses are the easiest cases to win. :rofl:

And you can be the shoulder to cry on for the ladies :rofl:

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