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i recommend guys to stop thinking about change

pakistan is a dead nation, i hope people to realise this reality and accept it

My nation is neither dead nor is it going to die ever. It will never fall to the religious bigot nor will it fall to the ethnic bigot. Who are you to tell us that?

We, the sons of this soil believe in this country... the current times are a test upon us of our loyalty, of our courage. If we begin dividing ourselves and losing hope we fall and if Pakistan falls I will fall with it with the kalashnikov in my hand. This land is ours and there is nothing more important than it.

I hope that mentality helps us strive for success. Personally I do not accept a person who thinks highly of a terror chief who calls partition an error to do this. If it is where it is its because of us (all of us Pakistanis) and if it will fall it will fall because of us (That includes you) but we can ensure its survival by striving for it and working for it.


That is the only logical choice... but sitting here in Karachi my head is spinning with the trash-talk and MQM-loving of Karachiwala's. Our family will never understand that change is at the doorstep.
Inqilab can come if votes of Paindoo illiterate village dwellers is counted as half vote and urban votes as full...
Its the paidoos who drown us always as they cant or wont vote against their feudel lord...

Inqilab can come if votes of Paindoo illiterate village dwellers is counted as half vote and urban votes as full...
Its the paidoos who drown us always as they cant or wont vote against their feudel lord...

I hope people arent planning to do "bayth" to IK.. at the level of sheer blind faith.. that seems to in the cards.
Next up, they will start using Ameer next to his name.

I agree to an extent with darkinsky.. just like the people of prophet Saleh.. Pakistanis have almost bled and carved their camel to death.. and are now reaping their sown.
IK is the little hobbit bilbo baggins fighting the lord of the rings...
But he will prevail..
IK is the little hobbit bilbo baggins fighting the lord of the rings...
But he will prevail..

Have to agree with everybody else, bilbo baggins really just wrote a book.

Day by Day IK is becoming like the Dean Kamen of Pakistani politics.. was celebrated and made a lot of hubbubb.. but faded away because he never really accomplished anything
No hope for the nation where everyone wants others to change but themselves, well its a simple math equation and it produces divide by zero Error

Have to agree with everybody else, bilbo baggins really just wrote a book.

Day by Day IK is becoming like the Dean Kamen of Pakistani politics.. was celebrated and made a lot of hubbubb.. but faded away because he never really accomplished anything

because he selected some bad advisors, advisors who came from the same system he is fighting to change. He took their advise and began to start and end every sentence with PML-N. I was the original IK supporter and totally turned off by the sameness in their politics, the politics of dirt. If we need that why we need a new party, we already have tested and trusted in that field.
Unfortunately media is against Qadri due to BArelvi and Deobandi differences i guess.
actually i heard from some media persons when met with them.
^^ School bully :P

Which makes me think.. who qualifies as gollum in Pakistan??

Zaid Hamid??

That 'abidi' guy,cant remember his full name..
Is from PPP .
Gollum gollum arrest me :lol:

Which makes me think.. who qualifies as gollum in Pakistan??

Zaid Hamid??

That 'abidi' guy,cant remember his full name..
Is from PPP .
Gollum gollum arrest me :lol:
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