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I have a Q for the missile experts here

This stems from the many reports I read about underwater missiles being tested by underwater pontoons. How come nobody is thinking about making single missile silos that can be in un-manned ' smaller' submarines and avoid the need for humans to man them?

With no need for Oxygen generation one can have deep submerged submarines just moving around with almost no detection. even if detected - no loss to life.

You would have a mini unmanned sub capable enough to remain underwater for months, at locations far away from base. It would need to send/receive massages secretly while remaining 100s of meters underwater. Both of this are pretty difficult.

The frequency for radio communication used for long distances 100s of meters underwater is below 100 Hz, not good for large data communication needed to direct the sub. Only US and Russia as yet posses the tech for such frequencies. Also, due to frequent needs to contact the base, the sub will be more vulnerable, reducing the stealth factor which is the speciality of subs.
Another fine example of Chinese IQ. India is in way more advanced stages in its military assets building than China was- when China at the same GDP as India. You had never even had an A/c let alone started building one nor did you achieve any headway on nuclear submarines back then. Get lost locust.. we are discussing above your pay grade.

BTW genius , you use what gets the job done. it is a submerged pontoon that emulates a submarine.

You give too much credit to your country India. America don't need a enemy within like you. Go back to India.
Yes. stay underwater longer+ harder to detect. If they fire a missile and the launch is caught on a satellite then no risk of loss to human life as retribution attack on it.
when submarines are harder to detect , how can we send signals to it and control it at longer distances and depths ?
We dont even have good R/c Vehicles and UAVs . Its highly difficult to control such a vehicle and firing missile with out human interference .
when submarines are harder to detect , how can we send signals to it and control it at longer distances and depths ?
We dont even have good R/c Vehicles and UAVs . Its highly difficult to control such a vehicle and firing missile with out human interference .

Not really - the SOP for US boomers is to go up to <10 M depths periodically and raise their antenna above waterline to recieve comms. We can programme our UUVs to do the same.

I think the bigger challenge is reliability - you are entrusting long range , destructive offensive weapons on a platform, which if it breaks down - you have no way of retrieving and maybe even finding.

Also, what if China/Pak/US/... finds any of these platforms and decides to capture it? What can we do to stop them?

I like DARPA's Hydra concept. I can imagine Submersibles launched from Destroyers/Carriers at war time, which carry Cruise missiles and quickly & sliently penetrate enemy's naval defences to launch the missiles (at pre-selected targets) from very close to the coast.

This will be very hard to defence against.
This stems from the many reports I read about underwater missiles being tested by underwater pontoons. How come nobody is thinking about making single missile silos that can be in un-manned ' smaller' submarines and avoid the need for humans to man them?

With no need for Oxygen generation one can have deep submerged submarines just moving around with almost no detection. even if detected - no loss to life.

An UUAV for autonomous undersea ASW ops....


Here...Please read this. Unmanned Undersea Systems

Hope that helps!
Yes. stay underwater longer+ harder to detect. If they fire a missile and the launch is caught on a satellite then no risk of loss to human life as retribution attack on it.

what if the sky net took control of it :pop:

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