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I am Punjabi


Sep 8, 2008
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I am Punjabi:

I am Punjabi, not a Pakistani, So its important for me to support Punjabi leaders "only".

Its not important for me to even think about the whole federation or people who represents federation.

What matters for me is Punjabi leaders. because i am Punjabi not a Pakistani.
Yes Zardari is an evil and PPP is lousy, simple reason for that is their leadership is not Punjabi.

All of us remembers Zardari’s NRO and easily forgets the open, signed and sealed deal of Sharif brothers with Mush (The Dictator), no one remembers their cases and their corruptions, because we are Punjabi and we cant even point a finger at our own leaders, their cases and DEALS are exempt from criticism. Because we are Punjabi not Pakistani.

We doesn't care when our Punjabi leader in his own Government ORDERS the SC judges (Recorded tapes are still in record) to give decision according to their likeness, At that time it was Freedom of judiciary. We forgot it because of simple reason we are Punjabis and such shameful act was not done by some Zardari but our very own Punjabi leader.

Yes we will support nawaz and his favorite judges, coz Nawaz is true judicial champion, as far as attacking the SC with the mob and destroying the building, harassing the judges is concerned. What the hell are you talking about, Aren't you Punjabi? we are programmed to not think about such incidents. Bloody software glitch.

Yes we all remembers Dogar , his PCO oath, forgets Iftikhar Ch PCO, his shameless oath by the hands of Mush (Yes the same Dictator Mush) collaboration with Mush for years, every one remembers Farah Dogar, no one remembers Arslan Iftikhar. Well, why would we? our Punjabi leader is supporting them, and we are Punjabi not Pakistanis.

We are ready to say "labaiek" on Nawaz's disobedience call, because this is what important to save Pakistan from all its problems, its important to invite Gen Kiyani to rape our country. We are Punjabi but not Pakistanis.

Our leader's self respect, integrity and all other concerned senses came alive Right after being declared "Non eligible" to hold any office, before that when he was enjoying Government , he got only praises for "Baray Bhai". But who cares, as soon as Nawaz is Punjabi, we are Punjabi. So just **** the word "Pakistani"

I want to support and DEVELOP a system But for me system should emerge from Punjabi mind, no matter the mind is hypocrite, no matter the movement is hypocrite, no matter our leaders are hypocrite. I want to support and develop a PUNJABI system.

Punjab Zindabad:pakistan:
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I am Punjabi:

I am Punjabi, not a Pakistani, So its important for me to support Punjabi leaders "only".

Its not important for me to even think about the whole federation or people who represents federation.

What matters for me is Punjabi leaders. because i am Punjabi not a Pakistani.
Yes Zardari is an evil and PPP is lousy, simple reason for that is their leadership is not Punjabi.

All of us remembers Zardari’s NRO and easily forgets the open, signed and sealed deal of Sharif brothers with Mush (The Dictator), no one remembers their cases and their corruptions, because we are Punjabi and we cant even point a finger at our own leaders, their cases and DEALS are exempt from criticism. Because we are Punjabi not Pakistani.

We doesn't care when our Punjabi leader in his own Government ORDERS the SC judges (Recorded tapes are still in record) to give decision according to their likeness, At that time it was Freedom of judiciary. We forgot it because of simple reason we are Punjabis and such shameful act was not done by some Zardari but our very own Punjabi leader.

Yes we will support nawaz and his favorite judges, coz Nawaz is true judicial champion, as far as attacking the SC with the mob and destroying the building, harassing the judges is concerned. What the hell are you talking about, Aren't you Punjabi? we are programmed to not think about such incidents. Bloody software glitch.

Yes we all remembers Dogar , his PCO oath, forgets Iftikhar Ch PCO, his shameless oath by the hands of Mush (Yes the same Dictator Mush) collaboration with Mush for years, every one remembers Farah Dogar, no one remembers Arslan Iftikhar. Well, why would we? our Punjabi leader is supporting them, and we are Punjabi not Pakistanis.

We are ready to say "labaiek" on Nawaz's disobedience call, because this is what important to save Pakistan from all its problems, its important to invite Gen Kiyani to rape our country. We are Punjabi but not Pakistanis.

Our leader's self respect, integrity and all other concerned senses came alive Right after being declared "Non eligible" to hold any office, before that when he was enjoying Government , he got only praises for "Baray Bhai". But who cares, as soon as Nawaz is Punjabi, we are Punjabi. So just **** the word "Pakistani"

I want to support and DEVELOP a system But for me system should emerge from Punjabi mind, no matter the mind is hypocrite, no matter the movement is hypocrite, no matter our leaders are hypocrite. I want to support and develop a PUNJABI system.

Punjab Zindabad

Our leaders divide people just for their benefits. To an extent you are right that this thought prevails in some people of not only Punjab but people of every province and media has to perform a very important and responsible role in this regard to remind people that they are Pakistanis first and they have to think as a federation.

Pakistan is a multi-cultural and multi-ethnic society and it happens in this type of society. I really admire Indian media in this regard that they keep reminding people that they all are Indians and we must also follow them for good.

I am a Pakistani and that is my identity.

Pakistan Zindabad!
Truely a disgusting thinking on anyone's end who thinks that he is punjabi and not pakistani.....should be hanged...
Keep Thinking that You are Punjabi, Pathan, Balochi, Sindhi, Urdu speaking Mujahir, Shia, Sunni, etc etc and you Will Have Lot of 1971s, Then Feel proud being Punjabi, Balochi, sindhi, Pathan or whatever.

Power is in Unity not in Ethnicity Division.

I don't know any Punjabi, sindhi, Balochi or Pathan I know only Pakistanis in Pakistan.

I don't know any Shia, Sunni I know Only Muslims.
Even anyone bothered to read the lot, then you could see the tongue in cheek irony in this !!
Even anyone bothered to read the lot, then you could see the tongue in cheek irony in this !!
I don't like the insinuations implied here. Punjabis aren't protesting for a Punjabi or against a Sindhi. The Pakistanis of Punjab had voted for a person and he has been forcibly removed from his position. This elected official had even done a good job in the few months as CM.

When you're disregarding the wishes of 65% of Pakistanis, it is you who are acting against the federation, not the Pakistanis of Punjab, the Punjabis. This is a real poor show in my opinion...

If a provincial assembly session is held today to vote for the CM, the PML-Q forward block and the PML-N party would clinch the seats away again. PPP has given this BS excuse to buy sometime with this 2 months extension. They are going to try their best to bribe their way out of this problem in this time.

Not all Punjabis who are supporting NS are some NS fans. But you got to go against the people who are in the wrong. If you have any doubts, let Punjab vote, you'll get your answer.
Good to know you are a Pakistani Punjabi I just think you should start voting for least evil of the lot I feel that Nawaz's contrbutions to the nation are far more than his politicised cases his factions attacked the SC but in all the evidence presented they were people who later left the party with no charges what so ever Mushahid Hussein being the most prominent one Nawaz has been seen as to have gotten the nation to its true freedom and a high acheivement of distancing from U.S. The point is that Nawaz was educated from two thirds of our nation with 80% votes from Literate people which is quite a number his brother has honestly done wonders to his state and he has given us Nuclear Power increased our Energy and I don't remember that his work was only restricted to Punjab so stop the ethnic Slur and vote for the righ people rather than hoping for a good General.
Good to know you are a Pakistani Punjabi I just think you should start voting for least evil of the lot I feel that Nawaz's contrbutions to the nation are far more than his politicised cases his factions attacked the SC but in all the evidence presented they were people who later left the party with no charges what so ever Mushahid Hussein being the most prominent one Nawaz has been seen as to have gotten the nation to its true freedom and a high acheivement of distancing from U.S. The point is that Nawaz was educated from two thirds of our nation with 80% votes from Literate people which is quite a number his brother has honestly done wonders to his state and he has given us Nuclear Power increased our Energy and I don't remember that his work was only restricted to Punjab so stop the ethnic Slur and vote for the righ people rather than hoping for a good General.
I'm no fan of Nawaz, but given the current band of bandits that are in the running for Pakistan's leadership roles, hes the least evil dude and Zardari is the most.

I would like to see him take down Zardari and then hope someone better comes along the process. I know when Nawaz comes he'll do what Zardari did, start consolidating power, seek revenge, so on. Let the people vote, sure our people vote horribly, but till we don't get burned like hell, we won't ever learn.

If Zardari loses out in Punjab, this will be his first political defeat since, well since his first success, the death of his wife.

BB died, Zardari won.
He got an alliance with NS to pressurize Musharraf, Zardari won
PPP won the elections, Zardari won.
He gave many promises with NS in return for support, Zardari won
He backed out of those promises with little response from NS, Zardari won
He kicked out Musharraf, Zardari won.
The courts started hounding NS, Zardari won.

PPP isn't happy with Zardari but the man doesn't seem to be losing on any front, so no real voice of decent rose. Now a few things have happened in quick successions:

1) Aitezaz and Naheed left the PPP, the symbols of BB's favorites
2) Fatima Bhutto announced that she would be fighting from BB's strongholds (one seat won't make her PM but it would be a symbolic defeat)
3) NS and SS have really become the new recipients of the sympathy vote. However you put it, they were wronged. A puppet court keeps throwing out decisions against them, they have the people's mandate behind them, ideally the mandate should be supreme over the Supreme court.

Even today, if you discount the fact that NS and SS were guilty of the hijack then remomve them and put someone else in their place. The Governor has hijacked the Punjab Assembly because he know when they sit a motion to vote the new CM would be raised and with almost all certainty it would be someone from the PML-N gang.

So the Punjabis are not just pissed off for no reason here. They are 65% of all the Pakistanis. Obviously one would want to settle things according to procedure. But if the bandits break procedure and use non-constitutional methods, things will get ugly.

Expect a humongous long march, btw.

Zardari is going to make it ugly. He has already mobilized the PPP in response to PML-N, today there was some violence too. He isn't like Musharraf, he's got party workers for his support, so expect some major problems which will just fuel the fire in NS's support ultimately.

I'll give you a very small example. SS had started selling 2rps roti at certain locations all over Punjab. This very small gesture at the very least ensured that Punjabis did not go to bed hungry. Even the street beggar can afford 2rps.

Governor Taseer as soon as he usurped power from SS, killed this program since it was like giving credit to SS.
^^ Governor Taseer has responded with some serious allegations against SS today in his press conference....The political temperature is getting higher day by day....Long march is just around the corner....It would be a big show on 16th march....one to be seen.
^^ Governor Taseer has responded with some serious allegations against SS today in his press conference....The political temperature is getting higher day by day....Long march is just around the corner....It would be a big show on 16th march....one to be seen.

Yeah at least we will get something to see as 23rd March Parade has been canceled.
This is not the time for the assertion of your ethnic or cultural identity man... please do not even think of it now... You will have time to assert your identity later... but if there is no Pakistan, you must know this, no Punjabi or Sindhi or Balochi will be safe there, do not forget you are actually surrounded by enemies, who will pounce on you and your family if it gets the chance and it is again Pakistan, whatever her character, failed or successful, that can protect you and thus you should now identify yourself with Pakistan even if it hurts you anyway... because "when on board, all should cooperate with each other".
Zardari is making too many enemies I think he just wants one stint and then a long departure from politics he is not winning any Punjabi's or Sindhi's the price of living for even the poorest family has reached 18,000 a month whils minimum wage is 6000 something and a family unit is 4.2 people so our country is bound to fail.
I am Punjabi:

I am Punjabi, not a Pakistani, So its important for me to support Punjabi leaders "only".

Its not important for me to even think about the whole federation or people who represents federation.

What matters for me is Punjabi leaders. because i am Punjabi not a Pakistani.
Yes Zardari is an evil and PPP is lousy, simple reason for that is their leadership is not Punjabi.

All of us remembers Zardari’s NRO and easily forgets the open, signed and sealed deal of Sharif brothers with Mush (The Dictator), no one remembers their cases and their corruptions, because we are Punjabi and we cant even point a finger at our own leaders, their cases and DEALS are exempt from criticism. Because we are Punjabi not Pakistani.

We doesn't care when our Punjabi leader in his own Government ORDERS the SC judges (Recorded tapes are still in record) to give decision according to their likeness, At that time it was Freedom of judiciary. We forgot it because of simple reason we are Punjabis and such shameful act was not done by some Zardari but our very own Punjabi leader.

Yes we will support nawaz and his favorite judges, coz Nawaz is true judicial champion, as far as attacking the SC with the mob and destroying the building, harassing the judges is concerned. What the hell are you talking about, Aren't you Punjabi? we are programmed to not think about such incidents. Bloody software glitch.

Yes we all remembers Dogar , his PCO oath, forgets Iftikhar Ch PCO, his shameless oath by the hands of Mush (Yes the same Dictator Mush) collaboration with Mush for years, every one remembers Farah Dogar, no one remembers Arslan Iftikhar. Well, why would we? our Punjabi leader is supporting them, and we are Punjabi not Pakistanis.

We are ready to say "labaiek" on Nawaz's disobedience call, because this is what important to save Pakistan from all its problems, its important to invite Gen Kiyani to rape our country. We are Punjabi but not Pakistanis.

Our leader's self respect, integrity and all other concerned senses came alive Right after being declared "Non eligible" to hold any office, before that when he was enjoying Government , he got only praises for "Baray Bhai". But who cares, as soon as Nawaz is Punjabi, we are Punjabi. So just **** the word "Pakistani"

I want to support and DEVELOP a system But for me system should emerge from Punjabi mind, no matter the mind is hypocrite, no matter the movement is hypocrite, no matter our leaders are hypocrite. I want to support and develop a PUNJABI system.

Punjab Zindabad:pakistan:

Exactly spoken like a true punjabi.

This what we have been trying to wake our people to that punjabis are the enemy of pushtoon and baloch blood.

They have dominated goverment and politics and have the highest population and are breeding other groups out so they always have an upper hand in votes etc.

Insha Allah those days of treachery and discrimination are coming to an end and we will push our people and terrortery and not stop till sarhad once again borders river jehlum.

I mean what would we have expected from punjabis who are nothing but undercover indians in nature and by heritage and roots.

Pokhtoon baloch mille khua till the bitter end.

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