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Hypocrisy of Musharraf Lovers

Yeah thats a political answer not an honest one.Iam aware as a Mullah you are not Familiar with the concept of honesty..


could you also tell me what do u think about Mullahs going around during last election times when they won in NWFP.asking people if you want to vote for Quran vote for me.Mullah declaring them self Quran what would that be considered in Islam.

I will answer the question if you tell me why mushy backed the same mullah parties,who have never won nothing in pakistans history at the expense of democratic parties.
Mushy helped the mullahs take power by using the above tactic on a uneducated populace.
I will answer the question if you tell me why mushy backed the same mullah parties,who have never won nothing in pakistans history at the expense of democratic parties.

The Mullah MMA party IS a democratic party!!!!!!!!!! It competed in elections!!!! DUH
Yeah thats a political answer not an honest one.Iam aware as a Mullah you are not Familiar with the concept of honesty.

Dear Dabong1

Cheetah says you are a mullah but an american article on Pakistan written by some one called Scot says that the PA morale is low and fellow soldiers are openly criticising Gen M on the official website of PA and quotes the comments of an unknown Lt. Col called Dabong1.


I will find the article and post it.

Dear Dabong1

Cheetah says you are a mullah but an american article on Pakistan written by some one called Scot says that the PA morale is low and fellow soldiers are openly criticising Gen M on the official website of PA and quotes the comments of an unknown Lt. Col called Dabong1.


I will find the article and post it.


So Dabong is a Lt Col under cover?

He should be supporting his Chief actually.

Links please.

However, it would be surprising if an officer can criticise his Chief in an official PA website! He could get court martialled under the section for an "act unbecoming of an Officer" read in conjunction with the section on "An act or omission prejudicial to good order and military discipline".
Let musharaff,BB,NS and all the other's that want power stand in a fair election.
Who ever wins we accept as the leader and follow there policies.
I personally would like it if minaj-ul-quran,Edhi Foundation,human rights groups,lawyers,retired military ect got together and formed a political group...something new,not tainted with the past regimes/govt.:pakistan:

Allah does not change the state of a people till they change themselves.

I agree, but when NS has signed that he will live in exile according to the law. He must remains there. As for BB she needs to be taken to the court, and let the fair judges decide on her corruption cases, only then she can take part in the election. I hope Pakistani courts dont allow corrupt leaders to take part in the election, do they?
I agree, but when NS has signed that he will live in exile according to the law. He must remains there.

The story of Pakistan is the story of ambitious and adventurist Generals denying the people their rights.
-Former Air Force Chief, Mohammad Asghar Khan

Article 243.1 of the constitution of Pakistan states that 'The Federal Government shall have control and command of the Armed Forces' and when a person is commissioned as a member of the Armed Forces, takes the following oath

"I ------, do solemnly swear that I will bear true faith and allegiance to Pakistan and uphold the Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan which embodies the will of the people, that I will not engage myself in any political activities whatsoever and that I will honestly and faithfully serve Pakistan Army (or Navy or Air Force) as required by and under the law."

What penalty should musharaff suffer for breaking his oath to the nation?

If NS is going to face any charge let it be for hijacking first and then corruption.
A court case wth NS on trial ,live on tv so the pakistani public can see if was really willing to hand over the head of pak army to the indians.

As for BB she needs to be taken to the court, and let the fair judges decide on her corruption cases, only then she can take part in the election. I hope Pakistani courts dont allow corrupt leaders to take part in the election, do they?

I totally agree,but accountabilty should be across the board including the army and the mullah parties,and not be concentrated on just the ML and PPP ect.
The Mullah MMA party IS a democratic party!!!!!!!!!! It competed in elections!!!! DUH

The same way musharaff was "elected" as president is the same way the MMA are a "democratic party".
The MMA never existed as party until musharaff put it together,there the same face of a coin,one wears the uniform of a general while the other the uniform of a mullah,take the uniform off and basically its the same person.
If NS is going to face any charge let it be for hijacking first and then corruption.
A court case wth NS on trial ,live on tv so the pakistani public can see if was really willing to hand over the head of pak army to the indians.

There is no need for the live telecast. There is absolutely no need for it. If a neutral judiciary passes Nawaz Sharif for his acts, then he can absolutely take part in the election, even though i wouldn't want him to be elected.

Nawaz Sharif has history of making stupid claims, and doesnt care about the nation, but rather himself. Same goes with the BB. I believe there is a law that you shouldn't spread information which may be binded to the security of Pakistan.. and especially when you are tasked to be the commander of chief in the past.

With these type of leaders. Pakistan will continue to suffer. You must agree that Musharraf is a better leader in all aspects, and is a member of the SSGs. Have we not had NS.. the Kargil would have executed well.

You have to see from another view that Musharraf by kicking these "nonsense leaders" from Pakistan politics is basically giving hope for the future of Pakistan, and there is nothing wrong with that. Even though every Pakistani would want to have free elections letting NS and BB elect.

I totally agree,but accountabilty should be across the board including the army and the mullah parties,and not be concentrated on just the ML and PPP ect.

So Dabong is a Lt Col under cover?

He should be supporting his Chief actually.

Links please.

However, it would be surprising if an officer can criticise his Chief in an official PA website! He could get court martialled under the section for an "act unbecoming of an Officer" read in conjunction with the section on "An act or omission prejudicial to good order and military discipline".

Dear Dabong1

Cheetah says you are a mullah but an american article on Pakistan written by some one called Scot says that the PA morale is low and fellow soldiers are openly criticising Gen M on the official website of PA and quotes the comments of an unknown Lt. Col called Dabong1.


I will find the article and post it.


LOL ......bro i am neither a mullah or a Lt. Col.
Do please post the article by the other me!....i think i better change my name.
A general who took Pakistan almost to the brink of destruction.

I must have missed that, you're stooping very low even for you. You're not part of the Imran Khan fan club are you? :lol:
With these type of leaders. Pakistan will continue to suffer. You must agree that Musharraf is a better leader in all aspects, and is a member of the SSGs. Have we not had NS.. the Kargil would have executed well.


Sorry to jump into your discussion but I couldn’t resist when I read what u said above about Kargil misadventure. How could you say that kargil would ve gone well if it wasnt NS, he was actually the one who begged Clinton to ask India pull back its troops and push for cease fire, only upon insistence from Musharraf. All neutral observers know that Pak was not left with many choices but a cease fire as our remaining oil reserves were about to finish, USA and west totally against us, and even china was not happy on this. Kargil was the real reason why NS was ousted as he had strated questioning musharraf's intentions and there was a demand ona inquiry. And obviusly a siting general can never be inquired by a "Bloddy Civilian"

So would you please be kind enough to really elaborate your point.
Kargil could not have been better executed than what it was done.

As I have said before and say it again, occupying areas that are vacant, even very deep, is not a problem. However, if you have not thought about secure logistic supply (called securing the Line of Communications in military parlance), then you have no hope in hell to sustain that stay.

This is a oft repeated flaw in history of battles (read Lifeblood of War : Logistics in Armed Conflicts by Maj Gen Thompson where he very lucidly enunciates how logistics through the history of warfare including the Crusades made or broke a campaign!).

The problem is that all Generals of all armies love grand plans that are picture perfect and tactically they are feasible. However, they, in their grandeur of having made "brilliant tactical plans" get puffed up to the cheers of sycophant underlings in uniform and overlook how that operation is to be sustained, since logistics is the unglamorous aspect of warfare. And then then they come a cropper!

To be fair to Nawaz Sharif (and I am no fan of his), he cannot be blamed!

It is amusing to find that the temperament of dubbing civilians as 'bloody civilians' is common inspite of the border! :)
Kargil is another discussion which has been discussed in the think tank. Thats totally another topic. Please refrain from discussing such that here..

After watching Ex-CJ interview on CNN the other day. I had to excuse myself out of our Cafeteria. As all my American friends had a fit of Laughter on his English. As they say , "like Father like Son".
Ex-CJ was not a bad guy, but he did seem to take things personally after his dealings with Musharraf and collaborating with the PPP.
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