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Hurdles For MBT Arjun Mk.2?


Apr 19, 2011
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Before it was blacklisted last month, Israeli Military Industries (IMI) was steeped in a complex consultancy for the indigenous Arjun Mk.2 battle tank, a platform the DRDO is depending on for more solid orders from the Indian Army. IMI, which was one of six firms barred from business with the Indian MoD last month, was, along with compatriot firm Elbit, providing all manner of assistance to the Combat Vehicles R&D Establishment (CVRDE) to ready the improved Arjun Mk.2 for user trials in June this year.

The firm had been helping improve the overall design of the tank, specifically its turret and hull for more accurate and reliable firepower. Crucially, the firm was also helping the programme team optimise fuel consumption and mobility by bringing down overall weight. Finally, it was to provide assistance in optimising production line processes at the OFB's Heavy Vehicles Factory (It was an OFB related issue that led to the firm being blacklisted along with five others).


Thank you Saint Antony, we owe you one...10 years of delay expected. Idiot !!
:tdown: UPA is leading this nation into ruins! Pathetic loser Anthony and his mistress once again.
I just hope this MOD directives only applies to future deals and does not effect any ongoing projects...
Anthony has crippled procurement and damaged toe preparedness of the military.

He should resign.

I miss George Fernandes.

There were bribes under his leadership, I wont defend that.

But when the forces needed something, they got it fast.
Despite what this says, Arjun Mk.2 will remain on track. I have lost all faith in Shiv Aroor as a defence reporter tbh.
Thank you Saint Antony, we owe you one...10 years of delay expected. Idiot !!

Oh please, so the one that does the right thing is the bad guy now? What about those who took the bribes? We want less corruption in India, but don't want delays because of bribe cases either. But then we have to change the peoples mindset not to take and to offer bribe for each and everything in India and don't start to hate those, who are trying to change something.
Antony should start a webisite that shows name and picture of every military personal that was caught taking bribes. These people often get away too easily, especially in the public view. What happend for example to the air force man that asked Dassault for money to get a better place on the air show? When everybody must fear to be that kind of exposed to the public, they might think twice before they do such things.
Stop blaming AK fools. Blame every single corrupt fuking govt in the past who led to this crippling porcess in the first place. Nothing happened to Kapoor and Fernadez becoz e very fuking political joker in every party is in on it. You fools are so stupid that you cannot see that tehy are all corrupt.....our laws have no teeth....courrption should be handed death penalty only......and it hsould be handed quickly no appeals....

Anthony has crippled procurement and damaged toe preparedness of the military.

He should resign.

I miss George Fernandes.

There were bribes under his leadership, I wont defend that.

But when the forces needed something, they got it fast.

Yeah great logic.....it doesn;t mean the military got quality....it means they got whoever paid the minister the most....
Thank you Saint Antony, we owe you one...10 years of delay expected. Idiot !!
Why attack Antony for following the rules. Its not as if Arjun tank was being developed at super fast speed prior to this anyway. These accusations are usually thrown around by the corrupt and incompetent to hide their bitterness.
Can you point out how much they have improved Arjun till now? How long have they been helping?

Saying no to crap is also a good thing.
Really and how ??? Any DM would have done the same. Infact IA should have a fleet of 1000 Arjun but thats not happened...
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