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Hunting down Shias: Society’s deafening silence

The title should appropriately have been read, Hunting down Pakistanis, Society’s deafening silence. Its just not about the Shias, but Sunnis have suffered as well and at times worse then this. That does not make this tragedy any less a tragedy. So rather then highlighting it as a sectarian issue, it should be highlighted as an issue that plagues us all, and effects us all equally.

It is a sectarian issue because while the Shia are being hounded out by the Sunni extremist organizations, the Sunnis getting killed are NOT by Shias, but by fellow Sunnis themselves.
I was having this discussion on another thread on this phenomenon in South Asia..
The need to one up the other , the need to cut the other down regardless of what the case is.
Adios is quite right.. that Pakistan is just a country.. not a nation.. nowhere close to it.

The fact that sectarian divide has little to do with who is in power or not.. that it depends on influencing public perception.
And not to derail the thread but to give you an example closer to home.. would it matter even if the Indian president was a Muslim.. if there was another communal riot and more Muslims got killed than anyone else?

The rulers are irrelevant.. Zardari's theological beliefs are hardly relevant in his corrupt practices.. nor were Musharraf's.

The divide is not just limited to Shia/Sunni.. the ridiculousness of Pakistan's sectarianism has reached new heights..
Deobandis wont visit a mosque run by Bareilvis.. Shia's wont go to Sunnis or vice versa..
If you cannot even acquiesce to pray in the same mosque... what possible unity are you expecting to achieve??

you don't have to go hypothetical. In 1984 India had a Sikh President sitting in Delhi.

This is a problem in the Sub Continent. This has been the history of of the Sub Continent. There is a very small time frame in history when the People of the Sub Continent were part of a single Nation. Had the sectarianism been such an issue Saudi Arabia would have been the first country to go after their Shia population or Iran after their Sunni Population. But we don't see anything like that. What we see is another South Asian Country getting divided on expected lines.
It is a sectarian issue because while the Shia are being hounded out by the Sunni extremist organizations, the Sunnis getting killed are NOT by Shias, but by fellow Sunnis themselves.

Wake up sir both the shia and sunni killing are done by LeJ(they are not suuni's even they are not muslims )

And neither by wahabis and there is no sectarian problem as i stated in my previous posts '' i belongs to sunni family and i'm sunni too,but my both brothers are f0llow the concept of wahabism and even they were sad on karachi/Quetta's blast. Even a person who has humanity will feel sad on such innocent killings...
General youre mixing talibans and lef and ssp.
talibans arent targeting no particular sect, but Pakistanis in general.
lej and ssp are particularly targeting shias. but what i said was that from last 2-3 months they have caught speed in what they have been doing.
its a clear fact that they are foreign sponsored. Especially by saudi, oman,. America and india to fail china in taking over gawader. now you might find it debatable but thats what the given proofs by our intelligence says and people believe.
It's a clear case of sectarian violence - even the victims say so - at least one can agree that the victims know who's killing them.

There's no CIA, MOSSAD, RAW involved here other than Sunni Extremist groups who are out to purify Pakistan.

A mullah says "Pakistan should be called a Sunni state".
The LeJ says " we will kill each and every Shia in Pakistan".

Don't be an ostrich about it.
What a sad state of affair for Shias of Pakistan!! They are probably one of the most hated people after Ahmadis and Hindus there..
May god give them.the strength and courage to act against the fanatics..
What a sad state of affair for Shias of Pakistan!! They are probably one of the most hated people after Ahmadis and Hindus there..
May god give them.the strength and courage to act against the fanatics..

Stop talking crap when you don't know ****.

Shias are being targeted by the LeJ/TTP, just because they need a target. No Pakistani Muslim HATES anybody. Perhaps Indian Muslims be hating on the Hindus? Your theory however doesn't apply to Pakistan.
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