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Hundreds of Indian students may be deported from USA

I read somewhere - American have killed all Red Indians.

I think they have recognized Black Indians also.

I think they will either kill these Black Indians or may be kick them out of mainland USA if they are kind enough.

There was a thread on the forum a couple of days ago about how PDF has changed your perception and the only thing I have found out is that many Pakistanis are heavily racist and believe in some fictional Aryan/Middle eastern ancestry to claim that they are better than most south asians specially all Indians. The amount of racism I have seen on this forum goes well to show where these members come from and what upbringing they are given. Its truly saddening that today "Brown" people are discriminative towards their own people and then they cry when Caucasians do the same to them in North America or the UK.
@ Desiman, The sad thing is even the moderate , liberal Pakistanis including the mods seem to be silent about it, there by endorsing their views.
These racist are not even sensitive about ppl in Pakistan who are darker complexion (Karach?)/ Hindus etc. Just in a hurry insult indians they are alianating there own ppl.

Good going. You score a point on a virtual forum and end up creating a rift in ur society. Thank u mr fair Pakistani.
Kind of like this news.. About time...

Someone go screw the H1B Fraudsters too... There is nothing wrong when things are done legally, deserving students go to study, deserving workers get to work and similarly employers and universities getting benefited from the incoming students and workers. But Some scoundrels have made millions out of human trafficking using all corrupt means possible.

Some people will do anything to stay in US and The Universities/Companies take advantage of this to make money. There are indeed thousands of students who are not able to get proper work visas and just get admitted in some obscure college/univ to maintain status and continue working ( Mostly cash) to make money. similarly many employers try sell new grads as 5-10 year experienced candidates and make hell lot of money.

In a way US Authorities were aware of this from long time. but the scale at which this university got involved just pushed the limit too far.
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wow..you must have thought that you are throwing the mother of insults at indians...whether you believe it or not, whether you want to live on that hipocracy or not..

Indians are the most successful people in the sub-continent..and the gap between you and me is going to increase enormously in the near future and you will never reach us in the distant future..keep that in mind..you just have to mental masturbate..nothing else you can do..

Hey do you think he really cares about education, professional or scientific achievements? Isn't being fair enough to feel superior?

BTW, I think he would be ready to kiss up to the white people for their "superiority."
llegal immigrants from India Increasing at a High Rate

When it comes to illegal immigration in the United States, Hispanic illegal immigrants largely outnumber other undocumented immigrants. The estimated number of illegal immigrants in the United States is about 12 million. Mexicans make up nearly 7 million and the next largest group of Hispanics are Salvadorans and Guatemalans. Hispanic illegal immigrants often receive media coverage, especially when immigration raids occur or an immigrant is believe to die while crossing the border into the United States. In addition, Hispanic illegal immigrants usually remain the focus of immigration debates. Many take minimum wage jobs and sometimes even work two jobs. While there is no denying that Hispanics come to the United States in large numbers, individuals from India actually make up the group with the largest percentage increase in illegal immigration since 2000. In fact, it is estimated that in 2000 there was about 120,000 illegal immigrant Indians. That number grew to about 270,000 in 2006 which represents an increase of 125%. Indian illegal immigrants compared to other immigrants tend to be less obvious to spot. Many Indians get into the U.S. with an H-1B Visa so they do not have cross the border illegally. Indian illegal immigrants tend to have attained a higher level of education that other illegal immigrants in the United States. In addition, many immigrants from India can speak English fluently. Immigrants from India often work for high-tech companies and perform highly skilled jobs such as engineering and computer programming.

Due to the quality of India’s workforce it is no surprise that they are being issued a high number of temporary work visas. During the 2005 fiscal year, Indians were granted nearly 195,000 work visas that allowed them to come to the United States. About 100,000 of these visas were H-1B visas, marking India as the country with the greatest number of temporary work visas granted. Mexico was second on the list with nearly 170,000 work visas. It was followed by the United Kingdom with slightly more than 155,000 work visas. Due to the many opportunities for advancement in the U.S., especially for those with specialized skills, some visa holders purposely overstay their visa. They are aware that if they are caught violating the terms of their visa they may face deportation. However, for many illegal immigrants it is a risk worth taking. Enforcement of immigration law for immigrants who violate the federal guest worker program is not known to be strictly carried out. Immigration officials and staff already face a large number of cases, and they are often understaffed. In fact, backlogs for immigration documents can stretch anywhere from months to years. One board member of the Houston South Asian Chamber of Commerce said that there was no efficient way of tracking down individuals participating in the visa program who are actually returning to their homeland once their term expires. An unidentified U.S. Department of Homeland Security official also expressed a similar concern. The official stated that there was no strong method of keeping track of guest workers in the United States.

Immigrants who overstay their visa usually have a higher degree of education and greater incomes than those who cross the American border illegally. Due to the current enforcement levels it does not mean that an individual who overstays their visa will not be caught. However, most commonly, individuals who overstay their visa will often face a delay in being caught, if they are caught at all. Therefore, overstaying a visa offers an incentive because it allows an immigrant to remain longer in the United States. Nonetheless, the Department of Homeland Security is working on improving their current tracking system. They have introduced the US-VISIT or United States Visitor and Immigrant Status Indicator Technology program. The program includes the ability to collect travel and biographic information. In addition, biometric information like fingerprints and photographs can also be collected. Another change introduced by the American government has been the introduction of more high-tech passports. Still many weaknesses in the tracking system remain. For many who desire to permanently live in the United States, they first gain legal entry into the United States and then overstay the conditions of their visa. Crossing the border to enter the country illegally poses a much greater risk of detection and harm. However, many get frustrated in trying to obtain a visa, as it often takes months and sometimes years. Moreover, may individuals do not qualify for any type of visa and therefore decide to gain admittance to the United States illegally.

Illegal immigrants from India Increasing at a High Rate
Hey do you think he really cares about education, professional or scientific achievements? Isn't being fair enough to feel superior?

BTW, I am wondering what he'll feel regarding the white people..

Whatever helps them feel better than US. They might not be even racists but to score a point some of these kids can stoop to any level.
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