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Humanity Assassinated: Ethnic Cleansing of Minorities in Bangladesh

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Stay on topic. This is about the state-sponsored ritualized killing of minorities in BD, not Hindu caste system.


What state sponsored killing?Had there been state sponsored killing there would not been any Hindu left in the country.
Don't think everyone is like Narendra Modi.

But we see hindu people are doing well for their living and we find them representing in every sphere.

But certainly we find some conspirators who are trying their level best to break the peace.

No need to stay on this crap topic.

Just another google boy wasting my time.
For a sordid tale of rape,torture, looting, killing, and repression of the press, read below:

Document - Bangladesh: Attacks on members of the Hindu minority
Document - Bangladesh: Attacks on members of the Hindu minority | Amnesty International

Amnesty International has been concerned about the situation of members of the Hindu community in Bangladesh over the past several months. Following the general elections on 1 October which were won by a coalition led by Bangladesh Nationalist Party(BNP) with a large majority, BNP supporters reportedly attacked Hindus because of their perceived support for the rival Awami League party during elections. Hundreds of Hindu families were reportedly driven off their land by groups affiliated to the BNP-led coalition who, in some cases, allegedly burnt their homes and raped Hindu women. Several Hindus were reportedly killed. Amnesty International is calling on the Government of Bangladesh to bring to justice perpetrators of these attacks regardless of their position in society or in any political party.

Amnesty International is also calling for the immediate and unconditional release of prisoner of conscience Shahriar Kabir, a journalist who has sought to publicise abuses against Hindus.

Discrimination against Hindus

Hindus in Bangladesh have tended to vote for and support parties such as the Awami League. They have therefore been the target of a political backlash by supporters of parties opposing the Awami League.

As a minority community in Bangladesh sharing a language and religion with the Indian populations of West Bengal, Hindus have been subjected to discriminatory practices or attacks by Muslim groups in Bangladesh. None of the governments in Bangladesh since its independence has taken any decisive steps to protect Hindus in the face of potential threats, including the current attacks.

While both Hindu men and women have been subjected to attacks and intimidation, Hindu women have been also subjected to sexual violence. As a state party to the International Convention on the Elimination of all forms of Discrimination against Women, the Bangladesh Government is required to take steps without delay to eliminate discrimination against all women in Bangladesh. The Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women has identified gender-based violence which includes rape, as a form of discrimination (General Recommendation 19 of 1992).

Attacks against Hindus

The current wave of attacks against the Hindu community in Bangladesh began before the general elections of 1 October 2001 when Hindus were reportedly threatened by members of the BNP-led alliance not to vote, since it was perceived their vote would be cast for the Awami League. The backlash after the elections was systematic and severe. Reports indicate that the worst affected areas have been in Barisal, Bhola, parts of Pirojpur, Khulna, Satkhira, Gopalganj, Bagerhat, Jessore, Commilla and Norsingdi. Attackers have reportedly entered Hindu homes, beaten members of the family, looted their property and in some cases, raped Hindu women.


One of the affected villages was Ziodhara. Fear of backlash created a severe atmosphere of tension in the village. Several hundred Hindu villagers left for fear of being attacked and Hindu children would not attend schools.


In another village, Deuatala Bazaar, gangs of young men wielding sharp weapons reportedly went from door to door telling Hindus to ''go away''. Hundreds of Hindu villagers reportedly left the village.


In the village of Daspara in Mithanala union, Mirersarai Upazila, a gang of about 25 youths reportedly attacked homes of Hindus around midnight on 5 November. One person, Sunil Das Sandhu, 28, was reportedly hacked to death and 16 others were injured, some seriously. They ransacked houses, looted them, dragged family members out of their homes and beat them. Police reportedly arrested 12 persons in connection with this attack, but it is not known if they have been charged.

Hundreds of Hindu families have fled across the border into India because they have been attacked or threatened. They have been trickling into India reportedly either by paying bribes or crossing along the remote unmanned border areas. According to Agence France-Presseof 29 October 2001 they have either ended up in camps or gone to their distant relatives. Hindus interviewed by journalists have said they have been targeted because they were thought to have been supporters of the defeated Awami League.

Some Hindu places of worship have also been attacked, including one in Chandaikona Bazaar in Royganj area in Sirajganj on 22 October by a group of youths who damaged Hindu statutes and looted the place.

Following a petition filed by a Bangladeshi legal aid organization, Ain-o-Salish Kendra, the High Court ordered the government on 26 November to explain why it has not done more to protect the country's Hindu religious minority. The court gave the government one month to respond.

Allegations of rape

Human rights organizations in Bangladesh believe over 100 women may have been subjected to rape. Reports persistently allege that the perpetrators have been mainly members of the BNP or its coalition partner Jamaat-e-Islami. Rape victims are frequently reluctant to disclose their ordeal. What follows is a sample of the available information.


A college student was reportedly raped in front of her mother at her home in Azimnagar, Bhanga, Faridpur. The attackers reportedly entered her home on 6 October at about 9pm, ransacked the house, looted valuables and raped the student before leaving the house.


A school girl was reportedly gang-raped in Delua, Ullapara, Sirajganj on 8 October. Attackers entered her home, ill-treated members of her family, took her outside the house and raped her.


Two Hindu women were reportedly raped in front of their husbands on 11 October in Khanzapur Upazila in Gournadi, Barisal. The attackers reportedly came at night, knocked at the door, and told the family that they should leave the area because they had voted for the Awami League. They then reportedly tied up the husbands and raped the women.


Two Hindu women were reportedly raped in their home in Bashkandi, Chorfashon, Bhola on 6 October. Male members of the family had already gone into hiding for fear of being attacked. The attackers entered their home and raped the girl and her mother.

A number of Hindu girls were reportedly abducted. It is not known whether or not they have returned to their families. A gang of armed men reportedly abducted three Hindu girls at the village of Nohata in Shreepur in Magura district on 11 October 2001. The men reportedly entered their home at midnight and took the girls away. Another girl was reportedly abducted from her home at Razarchor, Sadar, Barisal after the attackers were not paid a large sum of money which they had demanded for leaving the family alone. They also molested the girl's mother and her aunt. There are fears that all of these girls may have been subjected to rape.

National and international reactions to the attacks

Soon after the elections, the Bangladeshi press covered atrocities against the Hindu communities widely, raising awareness in Bangladesh about their situation and urging the authorities to take action. The move was reinforced by Bangladeshi human rights organizations some of whom sent investigative teams to the affected areas and held public meetings in protest against the attacks.

On 15 October, Amnesty International issued an Urgent Action expressing concern at reports that Hindus and other religious minorities have been attacked since the general election, allegedly by supporters of the BNP-led coalition. Members of Amnesty International throughout the world wrote to the authorities in Bangladesh urging them to take immediate action to stop any attacks on religious minorities and to provide the victims of these attacks with adequate and durable protection. They wrote to the Prime Minister Begum Khaleda Zia asking her to set up an impartial and independent commission of enquiry to investigate the alleged attacks, identify the attackers and bring those responsible to justice. Amnesty International members also wrote to the Inspector General of Police urging him to ensure that his officers take appropriate action on complaints against the alleged attackers.

Government reaction to concerns about the attacks was initially one of denial. Amnesty International was particularly disturbed by reports in the Bangladesh media in mid-October quoting Bangladesh Home Minister, Altaf Hossain Chowdhury, as saying the news of the attacks on members of the Hindu minority in Bangladesh were ''baseless, exaggerated and politically motivated''. He said during a visit to Barisal that he had not found any evidence of such reports. However, on 26 October, he reportedly admitted that atrocities had taken place but provided no information about the scale of the problem.

On 9 November, Agence France-Pressereported that the Bangladesh Government had set up a committee headed by the principal secretary to Prime Minister Khaleda Zia to investigate alleged atrocities committed against members of the Hindu community and their reported exodus to India. The committee does not appear to be independent of the government, as the Home Minister reportedly has a supervisory role. The committee was to submit a report within a week but there has been no further news about the progress of this committee.

To date, a number of BNP members have reportedly been arrested in connection with the attacks on Hindus. For example, on 15 October, the Daily Starreported the arrest of Abdur Rouf, President of the BNP unit at Purba Delua village, Ullapara thana, Sirajganj. He had reportedly led some 16 BNP activists who had attacked Anil Shill, beating him as well as his wife Basanta Rani and their two daughters Purnima and Gita Rani in an attempt to secure land belonging to the family. Initially, the police had refused to register a case against the attackers.

Reports in the Bangladeshi press continue to point to the problems faced by members of the Hindu minority, particularly in rural areas. One such report indicates that some 30 Hindu families in Reeshipara village of Boraigram Upazila in Natore have allegedly been threatened by armed men identifying themselves as members of the BNP to either provide them with 300,000 Taka ($5,317) before the end of Ramadan or leave the village and settle in another place.

Killing of Gopal Krishna Muhuri

The killing of a prominent member of the Hindu community appears to be connected to the current wave of attacks on Hindus. On 16 November, Gopal Krishna Muhuri, Principal of Nazirhat College in Chittagong was shot dead at his home. Four gunmen posing as members of the police detective branch came to his house, called him to come to the door and fired two shots at his head which killed him instantly. The circumstances surrounding his killing point to the strong possibility that he was targeted because of his identity as a prominent Hindu with a successful career in the educational establishment of Chittagong city. He had banned political activity in the college, a move popular with ordinary students but opposed by armed students' groups affiliated to the political parties who fight for the control of halls of residence at educational institutions. At the same time, a two-year extension of his tenure reportedly created mounting disquiet among the majority Muslim staff of the college. Police reportedly arrested at least two teachers and colleagues of Gopal Krishna Muhuri on 17 November in connection with his murder. They were allegedly linked to Jamaat-e-Islami, a party in the coalition government.

Arrest of Shahriar Kabir

The arrest of a prominent journalist and writer, Shahriar Kabir, who was investigating the situation of Hindus after the attacks, has sent a chilling message to human rights defenders in Bangladesh and throughout the world. He was arrested and taken into custody of the Special Branch of the police on 22 November at Dhaka Zia International airport on his return from Kolkata. He had been to India to cover the situation of Hindus who had fled persecution in Bangladesh after the general elections. Police seized his passport, five video cassettes, 13 audio cassettes, three CDs, several unprocessed films and his camera. He was detained under Section 54 of the Code of Criminal Procedure, which allows the police to detain people without a warrant of arrest for 24 hours. The police asked for his remand in police custody and a two-day remand order was issued by the magistrate. However, the lawyer representing Shahriar Kabir sought a stay of this remand order for two weeks, which was granted. The court did not grant bail to the prisoner and he was sent to Dhaka Central Jail where he was then served with a detention order under the Special Powers Act (SPA).

The SPA provides for detention on the grounds of ''preventing [a person] from doing any prejudicial act'' for example by causing ''fear or alarm to the public or any section of the public''or ''to prejudice'' matters relating to defence, foreign relations, security, community relations, administration of law, essential supplies and services, and economic or financial interests. Its broadly formulated provisions allow for the detention of people in contravention of their right to freedom of expression. It has been frequently used by Bangladeshi governments to detain political opponents. The extent of its abuse is such that the Bangladesh Nationalist Party - now the largest component of the ruling coalition - declared in its manifesto its intention to repeal the law. The government has pledged to fulfil this promise.

The explanation the government has given for the detention of Shahriar Kabir is that ''it was later found that the videos contain objectionable and misleading statements that are detrimental to communal harmony and subversive of the state'', and that Shahriar Kabir ''in the interest of vested quarters was involved in tarnishing the image of Bangladesh and of the government in the outside world''.

At the time of writing, the grounds given by the government for the detention of Shahriar Kabir do not relate to any specific penal charges. On 1 December, the Bangladesh High Court asked the government to explain within one week why Shahriar Kabir's detention was not illegal. The ruling followed a writ petition by defence lawyers challenging his detention.

Shahriar Kabir's detention appears to be solely for writing articles, giving interviews and taking video footage of Hindus who have been the subject of attacks in recent months. In light of this, Amnesty International believes that Shahriar Kabir's arrest is in contravention of his rights to freedom of expression, which includes freedom to express his views peacefully on the plight of the Hindu minority in Bangladesh. There is no indication whatsoever that he has used or advocated violence. Amnesty International therefore considers Shahriar Kabir to be a prisoner of conscience and is calling for his immediate and unconditional release.
Just like BJP in India has Muslim Members.....But you never knew that.....do you...now you go and do some Google search.....all the best..

Stay on topic.. don't derail the thread...

Before that tell me how well do you actually know me that you are "ASSUMING" about me.

When did I say India does not have any muslims?

What state sponsored killing?Had there been state sponsored killing there would not been any Hindu left in the country.
Don't think everyone is like Narendra Modi.

But we see hindu people are doing well for their living and we find them representing in every sphere.

But certainly we find some conspirators who are trying their level best to break the peace.

No need to stay on this crap topic.

Just another google boy wasting my time.

So when it comes to India....every thing is state sponsored terrorism...every riot....every crime is state sponsored.....:hitwall:

.....but in Bangladesh...its crime...just another crime....:hang2::angel:

Why not stay on the topic.....because its showing Bangladeshi Underbelly.....you guys love exposing Indias underbelley...but you guys are uncomfortable when you are in question...
Glomex, Ignore his feeble attempts to deflect the subject onto India.

This thread is about the atrocities of Bangladeshi people and government against their minorities - a continuous, unending torture for each and every non-muslim living in that hell-hole that was mistakenly called a " country"
@IndiaNews98... I appreciate the work you are doing.....People who like shouting at India have to be shown a mirror...
Did you even read the stuff that has been posted on this thread? If you had read it, you would not be asking that question.

I have read those when they were fresh news.Now they are old news.

Now let me expose you some tricks here.

1.When a Hindu professor is killed by Jamat e Islami cadres,it is hindu oppression.Minority torture and more.
But when a muslim professor,for e.g. Prof. Humaiun Azad,gets attacked and later mysteriously killed in Germany,it is dubbed as "the price he paid for writing against extremists".

Why is the double standard here?Why can't they both termed as the same?
Why the religious angle is brought in place?

2.When a hindu women gets raped,its hindu oppression.But when a muslim girl gets raped,its a normal crime.

Why the religious angle is brought in place?

3.Extortion is common in our part of the world.When a hindu family are extorted by terrorists,its an oppression.
But when a muslim family becomes victim,it does not even make headline.

Why the religious angle is brought in place?

The answer is simple.A big conspiracy to instigate religious riots and destablize the nation.
Glomex, Ignore his feeble attempts to deflect the subject onto India.

This thread is about the atrocities of Bangladeshi people and government against their minorities - a continuous, unending torture for each and every non-muslim living in that hell-hole that was mistakenly called a " country"

I am inviting you to visit Bangladesh.and say the same words in front of a Hindu Bangladeshi.

I am sure he is going to slap you right there.
I am inviting you to visit Bangladesh.and say the same words in front of a Hindu Bangladeshi.

I am sure he is going to slap you right there.

You can expect a similar hospitality when you come to india...and shout about Illtreatement of Indian Muslims....One guy ...busted Musharraf for making an attempt to do this ...you could be next.....
I am inviting you to visit Bangladesh.and say the same words in front of a Hindu Bangladeshi.

I am sure he is going to slap you right there.

Is that the same Bangladeshi Hindu whose wife was gangraped in front of him by a mob, and who have never been arrested or faced any kind of punishment?
Bangladesh slammed for persecution of Hindus
Bangladesh slammed for persecution of Hindus
Aziz Haniffa in Washington, DC | November 02, 2006 21:56 IST

The US Commission on International Religion Freedom slammed Bangladesh for continuing persecution of minority Hindus. It also urged the Bush administration to get Dhaka to ensure protection of religious freedom and minority rights before the next national elections in January.

In a new report titled 'Policy Focus on Bangladesh', released on Capitol Hill last week, the USCIRF, an independent, bipartisan federal agency funded by the US Congress, said that since its last election, 'Bangladesh has experienced growing violence by religious extremists, intensifying concerns expressed by the countries religious minorities'.

It noted that 'Hindus are particularly vulnerable in a period of rising violence and extremism, whether motivated by religious, political or criminal factors, or some combination'.

The commission, includes one South Asian American, former New York solicitor general Preeta Bansal, now an attorney with the New York-headquartered Skadden Arps, Slate, Meagher and From.

'The position of Hindus has multiple disadvantages: perceived identification with India, an alleged preference for one of Bangladesh's two major political parties, and religious beliefs abhorred by Muslim fundamentalists', it noted.

The report said that in many instances, 'such violence appears aimed at encouraging Hindus to flee in order to seize their property in what is a desperately land-poor country'.

It recalled that during and immediately after Bangladesh's Parliamentary election in October 2001, 'there were numerous reports of illegal land seizures, arson, extortion, sexual assault, and intimidation of religious minority group members, particularly Hindus'.

The report, drawn up after commission members, including Bansal, visited Bangladesh, said that 'minority group representatives and human rights groups with whom the commission met ascribed these attacks to armed militant groups or to partisans of the Bangladesh Nationalist Party, which is led by Prime Minister Khaleda Zia.

'As Hindus and other non-Muslims are popularly perceived to favor the Awami League, intimidating Hindu voters was viewed as a way to help to the BNP and its Islamic allies in the elections', it stated.

The Commission warned the lack of accountability for crimes reported against minority groups in the previous election promoted an atmosphere of impunity and for a renewal of violence against Hindus and other non-Muslims in the upcoming election.

It said that during meetings with the commission, Hindus said they feared political manipulation of voter registration process that could have them excluded from voter rolls. They said government representatives administering the process overlooked minority neighborhoods.

'Hindu leaders with whom the commission met also described problems their children faced in gaining access to religious education in their own religion, as is supposed to be the case in Bangladesh's public education system', the report said.

The commission urged the Bush administration to 'face up to the seriousness of the threat facing Bangladesh and to lead the international community in monitoring the January 2007 elections'.

It also called on Washington to urge Dhaka to prevent anti-minority violence during the election and to encourage the Bangladesh government to address religious extremism and violence.

The Hindu American Foundation applauded the report and commended the commission on the recommendations it submitted to the administration. The commission had invited the HAF as a respondent at a meeting it convened on Capital Hill to coincide with the report's release.

Ishani Chowdhury, HAF's executive director, told rediff.com the commission's policy brief reiterates the foundation's concern about the situation of the minority Hindus in Bangladesh.

She said the commission's report was in concert with the HAF's detailed report on human rights violations in Bangladesh against minority Hindus.

That report was released some months ago at a Capitol Hill event presided over by Congresswoman Ileana Ros-Lehtinen (Republican, Florida), the co-chair of the Congressional Caucus on India and Indian Americans.

Chowdhury said it is imperative that steps be taken to protect the Hindu population, which has dropped from 30 percent of the population in 1947 to 9.6 percent now, and to ban discriminatory laws and practices.

"Our hope is that this message is carried forth and long-term action taken before it truly becomes too late," she said.

Recalling HAF's annual human rights report, Chowdhury said, "The low-scale religious cleansing of the already shrinking minority Hindu population in Bangladesh is of grave concern to not only the Hindu American Foundation but also to those who share the ethos of pluralism and tolerance."

During the forum, former Bangladeshi ambassador to the US Tariq Karim, now an adjunct professor at the University of Maryland, warned that the homogenous Bangladesh population, 96 percent of whom are ethnic Bengali speakers, are now deeply polarised because of the Islamisation of the polity, enabled and encouraged by the ruling BNP government as well as by previous military and quasi-military administrations.

He warned that what happens in Bangladesh in January 2007 would affect the Indian subcontinent in a major way.

Karim said that the proposed head of the caretaker government, which will assume office in end-October should step aside 'because he once served in the BNP' and, so, lacks credibility.

"Moreover, the BNP-led government deliberately raised the retirement age of high court justices from 65 to 67 years so that the current chief justice of the Supreme Court would become the chief adviser to the caretaker government," he said.

Karim said the secretariat of the Election Commission should be separated from the prime minister's office 'to restore the credibility of the Election Commission'.

Selig Harrison, director of the Asia Program at the Center for International Policy - a Washington-based think tank, said the 'unhealthy and dangerous influence of oil-money' being poured into Bangladesh had encouraged the collusion of government officials with Islamist groups and the Inter-Services Intelligence, Pakistan's intelligence agency.

He described the Election Commission as a farce and said it had already decided there would be 93 million voters, 13 million more than there are actual voting age citizens, in the upcoming election. "This will allow ballot-stuffing in a grand scale," he said.

He also pilloried the US Ambassador to Bangladesh, Patricia Butenis, for describing Bangladesh as a moderate Muslim state, saying this kind of praise seemed to endorse the BNP's lack of protection for minorities in the country and encouraged its strategy of working with extremist Islamist parties responsible for the persecution of minorities.

Cynthia Burton of the International Republican Institute said the two main political parties in Bangladesh, the BNP and the Awami League, were involved in a zero-sum game and, hence, not interested in changing the status quo in Bangladesh.

She said the core institutions in the country are weak and are being further undermined and destabilised by the present government.

Patrick Merloe of the National Democratic Institute said both the BNP and the Awami League's nomination process were 'driven by money and muscle power' and spoke of the abusive measures the police took to break up political rallies.

This hostility between the two parties, he said, 'has led to political instability', and added, 'neither party has encouraged constructive opposition'.
Read on folks....state sponsored land grab, arbitrary detention and torture of activists, fundamentalists given free hand....it gets worse and worse

Fresh Land Grabbing and Bengali Settlement Programme continued in CHT
Fresh Land Grabbing and Bengali Seetlement in CHT

News report submitted by: Ms. Rosaline DE Costa, Hotline Bangladesh.

Land grabbing by Bengali settlers and imminent forcible eviction of indigenous Jumma peoples from Sadhana Tila area under Dighinala Police Station, Khagrachari district of the Chittagong Hill Tracts of Bangladesh became a flashpoint. The Sadhana Tila Buddhist temple has been desecrated by the illegal plain settlers and is facing destruction. In addition, following the publication of a leaflet by the Students and Youth Committee Against Land Aggression, Zone Commander of Dighinala, Major Qamrul Hassan summoned Mr. Sattyendriyo Chakma, headman of Baghaichari Mouza (Kapaeeng Watch mistakenly mentioned Mr. Jnanendriyo Chakma as Headman of Babuchara mouza in previous report), to the zone headquarters, interrogated and threatened to kill him if he did not allow the illegal settlers to capture the Sadhana Tila land.

Since 15 August 2007, indigenous peoples of Sadhana Tila have been living on the edges of an impending communal riot as the military authorities have undertaken programmes to settle over 800 illegal plain settler families by evicting indigenous Jumma peoples and destroying the Sadhana Tila Buddhist temple. Indigenous Jumma peoples have been living in these lands from time immemorial.

As the Sadhana Tila became a flashpoint, on 28 August 2007, Chief of Bangladesh Army, General Moeen U Ahmed visited the area. Since then, the situation has only deteriorated.

On 2 September 2007, the illegal plain settlers destroyed some of the houses of indigenous Jumma peoples around Sadhana Tila Buddhist temple. Earlier on 1 September 2007 at around 12 noon, a group of settlers led by Md. Malek and Chand Mian pulled down the signboard of Sadhana Tila temple and smashed it. They also threatened the Buddhist monks to leave the temple and destroyed a few houses of the Jumma people at Sadhana Tila.

I. State's attempts to implant over 800 families of illegal settlers at Sadhana Tila

The Sadhana Tila area under Dighinala Police Station comprises about 300 acres of land and houses a Buddhist Meditation Center and a sizable indigenous Jumma population. As stated above, indigenous Jumma peoples have been living in these villages from time immemorial.

Since 13 August 2007, the illegal plain settlers supported by the Bangladesh army personnel and the Bangladesh police have launched programmes to forcibly capture the lands of the area. Bangladesh army personnel led by Dighinala Zone Commander, Major Qamrul Hassan ordered the Buddhist monks residing in the Sadhana Tila Buddhist Temple and indigenous peoples living around the Buddhist temple to leave in order to settle over 800 illegal plain settlers' families.

As indigenous Jumma peoples refused to comply, trucks and jeeps load of illegal settlers have been coming to Sadhana Tila and cutting the jungle around the Buddhist temple for constructing houses under the protection and command of the Bangladesh army and police personnel.

On 23 August 2007 at about 5 pm, a group of illegal settlers broke into the temple boundary and began cutting tress and shrubs belonging to the temple. When the Jumma villagers protested, the army and the police falsely accused the Buddhist monks of possessing arms and wanted to search the temple. A violent confrontation between the Jummas and the illegal settlers was narrowly prevented after the intervention of Union Council Chairman, Mr Paritosh Chakma.

II. Involvement of the local civilian administration and the army

The Bangladesh Army and police personnel have been actively involved in the land grabbing at Sadhana Tila area. The army authorities have reportedly announced an incentive grant of Taka 50,000 for each settler family who will be willing to settle there, in addition to Taka 1,000 as monthly allowance. The army personnel have also reportedly threatened to stop free food rations to those settlers who do not want to settle in Sadhana Tila area.

Since 30 August 2007, the army personnel themselves have been cutting jungles around Kamala Bagan School near Sadhana Tila Buddhist temple. They have also stepped up patrol to provide protection to the plain settlers.

III. Request for interventions

The situation is so grave that the possibility of a communal riot cannot be ruled out if the indigenous peoples protest against their eviction or destruction of their temple. The illegal plain settlers simply have been on a riotous mood. They have been using various tactics to instigate the indigenous peoples to protest in order to get some reasons for launching a full-scale communal attack on the indigenous peoples.

About 81 indigenous Jumma elders such as Headmen, Karbaris (village chief), women leaders, incumbent and former Chairmen and members of the Union Councils submitted a memorandum to the Deputy Commissioner of Khagrachari district on 2 September 2007 to stop the atrocities. Since the atrocities have intensified following the visit of General Moeen U Ahmed, it is unlikely that the Deputy Commissioner will be able to take effective measures.

Please find the attachment for details on Situation of CHT in Bangladesh during State of Emergency.

Kapaeeng Watch appeals to influence Government of Bangladesh for stopping land grabbing and settlement programme of Bangali settlers in CHT, south-eastern part of Bangladesh.

A. Arrest, detention and torture of indigenous activists

While the ongoing crackdown on the corrupt politicians across the country is a commendable job, the arrest of the members of the ethnic Jumma organisaitons who are fighting for their just rights cannot be acceptable. There is wide apprehension that the government agencies may misuse the emergency powers to arrest the ethnic Jumma rights activists in the Chittagong Hill Tracts. Particularly the government forces have targeted the indigenous Jumma activists including members of the PCJSS. To materialise their allegation, the government forces have been showing arm recovery from arrestees' possession putting their (army) arm and hence lodging false arm case against them. Since the promulgation of the State of Emergency, at least 2 innocent villagers have been killed and 50 indigenous activists have been arrested by the government forces. Among them, PCJSS claims at least 20 members and UPDF claims at least 10 members have been arrested. In addition, it has also been reported that at least 20 innocent Jummas including public representatives, women and villagers have also been held. Please annexure for list of arrested activists.

Filing false cases against arrestees and punishing them

Allegations have been received that most of them have been arrested putting arms and ammunitions by the army. They all are falsely charged not only for keeping illegal arms and ammunitions, but also for extortion, kidnapping, killing etc. In some cases, the cases have been filed under section 16(b) of the Emergency Power Rules of 2007 which restricts release on bail to accused during the enquiry, investigation and trial of the case.

Among the arrested activists (please see annexure), Mr. Satyabir Dewan, General Secretary of PCJSS, Mr. Ranglai Mro, mouza Headman and UP Chairman, Mr. Bikram Marma, President of PCJSS Kaptai branch and Sai Mong Marma, Organising Secretary of PCJSS Kaptai branch have been punished 17 years imprisonment for each. The statements of complainant and witnesses have been studied by the reporter that the statements of complainer and witnesses against them given to the court were contradictory to the statements of the case submitted to the police station, but the punishment was declared. One of lawyers of Satyabir Dewan said that military forces led Major Yasin from Rangamati brigade verbally ordered the judges of the Chittagong judge court to declare punishment to all the cases filed against indigenous activists.

Relatives of both arrested activists said that they have been arrested putting arms by the military forces from their residence. Mr. Polo Dewan, son of Satyabir Dewan confirmed that he witnessed putting a country-made pipe-gun under his bed by an army person as he was at the room at that time. He said that he protested against it. But the army threatened to arrest him too.

On the other, Tanindra Lal Chakma, central member of PCJSS was arrested in connection with false extortion case filed by Md. Fuyad Hussain, Manager of Grameen Bank of Babuchara branch with Dighinala police station. Wife of Tatindra Lal Chakma claimed that the government forces compelled Md. Fuyad Hussain to file this case against her husband. However, as Mrs. Chakma said, her husband was granted bail in June 2007 as complainant denied before court to have involvement of Mr. Chakma with this extortion. Again, Mrs. Chakma also claimed that bail of her husband was cancelled on 23 July 2007 as Md. Fuyad Hussain again withdrawn his statement due to tremendous pressure from military. Md. Fuyad Hussain did not agree to talk on this issue with this reporter. Mrs. Chakma also confirmed that two cases falsely charging for killing have also been filed against her husband with Dighinala police station on 2 August 2007. Mr. Tatindra Lal is veteran ex-combatant and competent organiser.

One of false cases is arm case against Mr. Shaktipada Tripura and Bholash Tripura filed on 14 June 2007. It is reported on that day the Joint Forces conducted massive raid house of Mr. Shaktipada Tripura, Organising Secretary of central committee of PCJSS. His wife informed that during the raid, military forces searched the house, but found nothing and hence left the house. However, they came back after few minutes. They again encircled the house and declared themselves to recovery a country-made gun from back of the house. The military picked up Mr. Bholash Tripura, Finance Secretary of Khagrachari district branch of Hill Student Council, from the house. Two cases for keeping illegal arms and foreign currency were filed against Shaktipada Tripura and Bholash Tripura with Khagrachari police station. Bholash Tripura was also shown arrest under section of 16(b) of Emergency Power Rules of 2007. Shaktipada who are also vocal traditional leader (Headman) in Khagrachari was compelled to leave his place for avoiding arrest.

Brutal torture on arrestees indiscriminately is a must

Complaint has also been received that during the custody of the government forces and remand, most arrested activists have been brutally tortured and harassed. Mr. Ranglai Mro, for example, has been tortured inhumanly at army camp. It is learnt that due to serious condition, the police of Bandarban police station did not agree to receive him while army tried to hand over to them at late night of 23 February. At the last, he was admitted to Bandarban district hospital by the joint forces and transferred to Chittagong Medical College hospital later. Mr. Mro has been targeted as he has been raising voice against the eviction of the local people including indigenous Mro families in the name of the expansion of Ruma cantonment.

Similarly, the relatives of the victims also confirmed that arrested activists, namely, Sai Mong Marma, Nagor Chakma, Sumit Chakma, Bholash Tripura were brutally tortured during army custody.

Two killed during emergency

An innocent villager Suresh Mohan Chakma (40) died after severe military torture in Ghilachari of Rangamati district. It has been reported that on 3 March 2007 a group of army personnel from Ghilachari camp under Naniachar Thana raided the house of Suresh Mohan Chakma s/o Phedera Chakma in the village of Choichari. The victim was groaning with high fever with an intravenous drip set up when the arrest was made. However, the army provided no rationale for the arrest nor showed any warrant. After the arrest Mr. Chakma was taken to the camp and was severely beaten. He was released after three days on 6 March. The next day he died as a direct result of the torture.

Mr. Rasel Chakma s/o Paritosh Chakma of west Dewan Para under Naniarchar sub-district in Rangamati district was killed during the custody of security forces. He was arrested on 5 August 2007 from his house by the military forces. Security forces said that he was killed by heart attack. The dead body was taken to Rangamati hospital for post-mortem. Dr. Amal Chakma transferred the dead body to Chittagong Medical hospital for post-mortem, as there is no similarity between the statements of the security forces and wounds of the dead body. Rasel Chakma might be killed due to brutal of the security forces. See Bengali national daily Prothom Ali, 7 August 2007 for reference.

Pressure on indigenous activists does not stop after arrest and detention

In fact, pressure on indigenous activists does not stop by arresting and sending detention of their leaders, the government forces are putting pressure on the indigenous activists who are yet not arrested to give up raising voice against military and Bengali settlers including resignation from their respective organisation. Among other, Shuva Mangal Chakma, PCJSS leader and Chairman of Kengrachari Union confirmed that due to tremendous pressure of Bilaichari army zone he signed on a paper where contained that he would not continue work with PCJSS and give up politics and would be liable if any crime, such as, extortion, kidnapping etc is happened. Similarly indigenous activists including public representatives and PCJSS members in Rangamati and Khagrachari districts have been compelled by the military to sign on such paper.

It is also reported that in May 2007 Zone Commander of Jurachari army camp of 8 Bengal under Kaptai brigade is also organizing public meeting with the indigenous people where he speaks against the indigenous activists, particularly PCJSS leadership. He is also threatening indigenous people and permanent Bengali residents to face severe consequences if they would continue supports to the PCJSS and other indigenous activists.

Mr. Biplab Tripura, General Secretary of PCJSS Khagrachari branch said to this reporter that the military is pressuring on PCJSS leaders of Tripura community to leave PCJSS and to compromise with military; otherwise they would be faced cases like Shaktipada Tripura and Bholash Tripura. Mrinal Tripura, Sudhakar Tripura, Braja Tripura etc are of Tripura activists who are under tremendous military pressure. They all are vocal for indigenous cause in CHT.

False cases are also being lodged against the indigenous activists so that they compel to leave their work area or to go hiding with an aim to destroy leadership or to make leadership vacuum among the indigenous peoples. Mangal Kanti Chakma (32), Chairman of local Union Parishad (UP) and PCJSS leader in Longadu sub-district told to this reporter that a case for extortion and kidnapping against 14 activists including himself and Laxmi Prasad Chakma, Vice President of PCJSS was filed with Longadu police station by Rup Kumar Chakma from Jurachari sub-district on 22 June 2007. He said that Rup Kumar Chakma is well known army informer in Rangamati. Mr. Mangal Kanti is of opinion that this case is nothing but repression and harassment on indigenous activists in order to suppress their voices.

B. Land grabbing and settlement of Bengali families increased

The military authority is charged with whipping up of communal violence against the Jumma people. Again, the military authority is aiding, abetting and instigating the Bengali Muslim settlers for the forcible occupation of more and more Jumma peoples’ land. Even the military authority itself is acquisitioning more and more Jumma’s land on one pretext or another. The Jumma people have no redress against this injustice. Further the military authority still receives over 10,000 metric tons of food grains every year for Pacification Programme to rehabilitate more and more Bengali Muslim settlers to turn CHT region into Muslim-majority region.

It is reported, for instance, that last June 2007, the military forces settled down at least 200 families of Bengali settlers at Dantkupya village under Khagrachari sub-district evicting 12 families of indigenous people from their traditional land. Mr. Prithwiraj Chakma, a villager of Dantkupya said to this report writer that a camp was set up on his land on 8 March 2007 by the military forces of 32 Bengal in order to provide security to the settler families. He also confirmed that the General Commanding Officer (GOC) of 24th infantry division of Chittagong cantonment visited the camp on 29 July 2007 for this purpose. See annexure for details.

On the other, complain has been received from a relative of Kabakhali mouza Headmen requesting not to be named that military forces undertook plan to be settled about 300 families of Bengali setters at Kripapur village under Kabakhali mouza soon. The military have already visited the places for the same. On the other, this source also confirmed that settlement programme is going on at Merung, Changrachari and Betchari under Dighinala sub-district and Lemuchari and Itchari areas under Mahalchari sub-district.

Rasamoy Chakma, one of victims of land dispossession in Khagrachari said that from January 2006 to June 2006 Bengali settlers from Nunchari cluster village occupied more than 500 acres of land and built about 300 houses on the recorded lands of the Jumma people of Gamaridhala under Khagrachari sadar sub-district. They also occupied lands of the Bouddha Shishughar Orphanage and Jumma villagers at Saprue Karbari Para under Mahalchari sub-district. Every day they threatened the Jumma people for committing communal riots.

One Priti Marma of Khagrachari informed to this reporter that Upazila Nirbahi Officer (sub-district executive officer) of Mahalchari sun-district directed by Mahalchari army zone called a meeting on land disputes at his office on 5 August 2007 with representatives of both Bengali settlers and Jumma villagers. But bypassing the demand of Jumma people, the UNO ordered the Jumma people to be presented their land documents within a few days. Priti Marma also claimed that there are huge traditionally occupied lands, other than recorded lands. Traditionally occupied lands do not require to have land deed. It is mentionable that government does not formally recognize the rights of the traditionally occupied lands. Government regards these lands as state-owned. They are also known as Khas lands. Priti Marma said that government forces are using State of Emergency in occupying Jumma’s land in order to move programme of ethnic cleansing forward.

With an aim to conduct this land grabbing and settlement programmes uninterrupted, the military forces are forming so-called ‘Shanti Committee’ (Peace Committee) with representatives both from Jumma and Bengali settlers in several places. Mr. Ramani Mohan Chakma, Headman of Dantkupya mouza confirmed, for example, that such committee was formed at Dantkupya villager in his chair. Three representatives from each Bengali and Jumma community included as member of this committee. One of the members requesting not to be named said that Jumma villagers were compelled to be member of this committee. He also said that this committee is nothing but to continue military’s work uninterrupted. He also expressed that no Jumma people agree willingly to be member to this committee as their lands have been seizing. On the contrary, they have option to protest against this activity as State of Emergency is going in the country.

Meanwhile, recently in March 2007, the authority of Ruma cantonment ordered to leave area as they acquired about 7570 acres of ancestral land of indigenous peoples for expansion of Ruma garrison. More than 4000 indigenous family mostly belong to Mro community will loose their land due to acquisition. Mro leaders claim local people have not been consulted before taking land acquisition. One of the office bearer of the Movement for Protection of Land Rights and Forest, a land rights organisation based in Rangamati, claimed that only in Bandarban district in CHT, 40,077 acres of land were given lease to the outsiders. In addition, a total 94,066 acres of land for so-called afforestation and 75,686 acres for military base have already been acquired in the same district.

On the other, complain has been received from Mr. Chandra Lal Chakma, a PCJSS member in Bilaichari upazila that RB Habildar Rafuque of Digholachari army zone of 8 Bengal in Bilaishari under Rangamati district forced him to leave his recorded grove land handing over to a Bengali Muslim settler named Md. Abdul Aziz in May 2007. He said that Abdul Aziz has been living on this land for years without his permission. However, Aziz recently decided to go back to his original home district of Sylhet by selling this land to a Bengali settler named Md. Motaleb. Receiving this information, Mr. Chakma put objection to Bilaichari police station and one police officer named Samiran Chakrabarty looked into the objection and declared judgment in favour of Mr. Chakma. But Abdul Aziz took shelter to Digholachari zone complaining that Mr. Chakma forcibly evicted his family and army of Digholachari zone forced Mr. Chakma to hand over his land to said Bengali settler otherwise he would be faced crossfire. Now Mr. Chakma left his home area for security reason.

In the last week of July 2007 high military officials in Khagrachari met with District Awami League and BNP leaders in a meeting at Brigade headquarters. Ultra communalists like Joynal Abedin, chairman of Khagrachari Municipality, leader of so-called Sama Odhikar Andolon and a close aide to jailed ex-MP Abdul Waddud Bhuiyan, and Zahedul Alam, General Secretary of Khagrachari branch of AL, among others, were present at the meeting. They discussed the settler issue and decided to begin settlement expansion. The military officers urged both the AL and BNP leaders to shun mutual political bickering and work for the common interest of the Bengalis in CHT.

C. Strengthening of the extreme nationalists and communal organisations geared up

Military forces have also been supporting the extreme nationalists and communal organisations in CHT to implement its policy of Islamisation. Among others, Bangali Krishak-Shramik Kalyan Parishad (Bengali Peasant-Labourers’ Welfare Council), Parbatya Gana Parishad (Council of Hill Tracts People), Parbatya Bangali Chhatra Parishad (Hill Tracts Bengali Students’ Council), Parbatya Chattagram Sama Odhikar Andolan (CHT Equal Rights Movement), Sarba Daliya Bangali Oikya Parishad (All Party Bengali United Council), Parbatya Bangali Oikya Parishad (Hill Tracts Bengali United Council), Nagarik Forum (Citizens’ Forum), Bengali Tigers etc. are the most active organisations in CHT.

The main activities of these organisations are to orgnise Bengali Muslims, particularly settlers against the indigenous community, to create communal tension in CHT and commit attack on indigenous localities, to occupy indigenous people’s land forcibly, to oppose implementation of the CHT Accord, to counter the activities of indigenous peoples’ organisations mainly PCJSS and other supportive organisations etc. The Sama Odhikar Andolan (Equal Rights Movement) is the latest extreme nationalists and communal organisation, which was formed under the leadership of BNP’s ex-MP Abdul Wadud Bhuiyan who have been arrested by the Joint Forces. Mr. Bhuiyan was a product of military forces, but he sank into deep corruption, hence military forces deployed in Khagrachari had no way to protect him. However, the military forces are still supporting the followers of the Abdul Wadud Bhuiyan.

As part of the strengthening of the extreme nationalists and communal organisations, military forces supported to organise district conference of the Sama Odhikar Andolan held on 20 July 2007 at office of the Khagrachari Contractors’ Association. Though State of Emergency does not permit to organise such conference, but Sama Odhikar Andolan could easily do it. As per decision, holding of sub-district level conferences and reconstitution of sub-district committee of the Sama Odhikar Andolan are also going on uninterrupted.

On the other, the followers of Abdul Wadud Bhuiyan have been rehabilitated to Khagrachari Hill District Council (KHDC) nominating them as member of this council in July 2007. The Chairman of the council, Mr. Manindra Lal Tripura was appointed by Adbul Wadud Bhuiyan during the regime of BNP-led coalition government. He has been kept up as chairman. The Bengali member of the newly constituted KHDC, Md. Abu Bakar Siddique is BNP leader and Sama Odhikar leader as well. Other three new Jumma members, namely, Mr. Animesh Dewan, Mr. Sanu Mong Marma and Mr. Ruitoi Marma are also leaders of BNP and beneficiaries of Abdul Wadud Bhuiyan.

D. No initiative for implementation of the CHT Peace Accord

Since assuming to the state power by the present Caretaker Government undertook various vital initiatives that were not addressed by any political government, such as, drive against widespread corruption, separation of judiciary from the executive, re-constitution of Anti-Corruption Commission etc, but it is the Dr. Fakruddin Ahmad’s interim government who addresses the same. Considering this, the indigenous Jumma people hoped that this neutral Caretaker Government would start proper implementation of the CHT Peace Accord that was also kept unimplemented by the previous political governments. However, though 8 months have passed, no proper initiative has yet been taken for implementation of the CHT Peace Accord by the Caretaker government.

It is slightly signaled hope that three meetings have been held during the present Caretaker government. But no progress has been made to this direction. The first meeting was held in April by Dr. Iftekhar Ahmad Chowdhury, Advisor for CHT Affairs Ministry (CHTAM) with four chairmen of CHT Regional Council and three Hill District Councils. The 2nd meeting of Advisory Committee of CHTAM was also held by Advisory Committee of the Ministry of CHT Affairs at his office. It is reported that development activities of the CHT, implementation of the CHT Peace Accord and other issues were discussed in the meeting, but no concrete decision has been taken in the meeting. Indigenous people in CHT claim that the meeting was nothing but eyewash.

Besides, another meeting of the Task Force on rehabilitation of the returnee tribal refugee and internally tribal displaced families was also held at circuit house of Khagrachari district, chaired by Mr. Samiron Dewan, Chairman of the Task Force on 3 June 2007. But no decision or discussion has been made on rehabilitation of the internally Jumma displaced persons who are living in miserable condition.

On the contrary, the government curtailed at least one-third budget of CHT Regional Council, an apex body of the special administrative arrangement for CHT. Now CHT Regional Council is facing financial crises to run its activities.

The indigenous people of CHT demanded proper implementation of the CHT Peace Accord to the Caretaker Government. Recently in the programme organised on occasion of international day of world’s indigenous peoples in Dhaka, participants and speakers both among from civil society of mainstream people and indigenous peoples again raised demand for implementation of the Accord. They are of opinion that this is Caretaker Government who could implement the Accord like other crucial issues, such as, drive against the corruption, separation of judiciary from the executive, re-constitution of Anti-Corruption Commission etc.

However, they claimed that the military forces are still reluctant to implement the Accord. The military authority continues to be final policy making and law enforcing authority in the CHT like as before during the political government. Anti-Accord attitude of the military forces is the main challenge in implementing the Accord.


Like widespread corruption, terrorism and abuse of power in Bangladesh, the CHT problem as well as non-implementation of the CHT Peace Accord is also a crucial national problem in the country. For the sake of good governance and rules of law in the CHT, implementation of the CHT Peace Accord is a must. Without proper and speedy implementation of the CHT Peace Accord, a congenial atmosphere for free, fair and impartial election could not be ensured in the region. In order to resolve CHT problem through political and peaceful means and to create a favourable atmosphere for free and fair election, international community should influence present Caretaker Government of Bangladesh and Bangladesh Military Forces to:

1. start initiative for speedy implementation of the CHT Accord that paves the way for the peace and development in the region;

2. prepare voter list of the region only with the permanent residents of CHT as per CHT Peace Accord and allow to enter international observers in CHT during the preparation of voter lists and election as well;

3. stop military atrocity and harassment on the indigenous peoples’ activists and withdraw the cases filed against them, and release them immediately;

4. stop settlement programme of Bengali settlers and land grabbing and return back them to their cluster villages until and unless land disputes are resolved through land commission.
Murder, extortion, oppression have characterized the government of this country.

Islamic Republic of Bangladesh? Truly. It is by muslims, for muslims, Everybody else can get the hell out. Watch this google video which will unveil the TRUTH about this despicable land of bloodthirsty gangsters and rapists

Killings of Nizami-Khaleda
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