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Hu Jintao questioned by Barack Obama on China's human rights record

Welcome back with a new "ID" mr kingofking, enjoy your troll while you last.:cheers:

I'm here .... try to understand the post ( If you even don't understand better take help of CD ) before you fix your opinion on all Indians

FYI : I have got sick of all the trolling going on in this forum ( not impling any one in perticular ) that's the reason why I thought of being silent for a while by not posting ( dont think that I was being banned this wholen time ).

When did you find my posts to be trolling ????
Why doesnt Hu question America about Guantanamo bay? US must stop its patronising attitude, it should clean its own backyard first.
This is more of understanding one's culture and way of life.........

By the same notion, China can raise the issue of Human Rights abuses in Guantanamo Bay, Kosovo, Somalia, Iraq, Afghanistan. However the US would obviously deny there is abuse of such a State level and only "individual persons". But in general, the US would see it as no harm on its part.

China is a sovereign country and as such, they have their own culture, tradition, religions, way of life and country.........Who the hell is the US or any other to tell them how they should live their lives....i.e. Democracy.....The US, like many others countries in the West need to respect other cultures and their way of life....that is the way they live then respect it.......

If people are going to become pro-democracy in China and begin movements and programs which threaten the Chinese set up, then they will be dealt with, and most likely, be looked at as anarchists and possibly terrorists.....

I am sure the US would not tolerate its Muslim popluation in the US calling for a Shariah government........looking at the terror Muslims live in the US, I am sure this too would come under some abuse.....

Another Chinese POV can be that the US promotes terrorism through the disguise of figure of speech by allowing terrorists groups like the KKK to exist in the US............

Point is..........the US cannot expect people to dance to their tune.......China is different, accept it.....they have no reason to change and nor do you.......
That's too bad....
People protested his vist here and also in US..

Obama shouldn't have raised human rights...
Obama ur too bad....
1st you have to understand that all this human rights bullshit on china is nothing more than anti-china propaganda.

the fact that Hu agreed along with these statement and even suggesting that china needs to improve it's human rights is agreeing with the propaganda!

Hu is definitely not a real leader because if he was he would argue and point the human rights bullshit on the US instead.

I really hope this Xi guy is better. Hu needs to go.
1st you have to understand that all this human rights bullshit on china is nothing more than anti-china propaganda.

the fact that Hu agreed along with these statement and even suggesting that china needs to improve it's human rights is agreeing with the propaganda!

Hu is definitely not a real leader because if he was he would argue and point the human rights bullshit on the US instead.

I really hope this Xi guy is better. Hu needs to go.

hey, 2 wrongs don't make it right. China needs to improve her human rights record.
hey, 2 wrongs don't make it right. China needs to improve her human rights record.

not really. china is still developing and as it progresses the lives of citizens will rise and so will other social issues.

like i said, this is propaganda trying to demonize and make china look evil.

and Hu Jintao is a moron.

China too big to be bullied

Some rightwing commentators claim the US and China are already at war, if not yet in the conventional sense, and accuse Obama of naivety.

Simon Tisdall

White House talks between Barack Obama and China`s president, Hu Jintao are not just any old summit. The former US national security adviser Zbigniew Brzezinski summed up the mood, describing the meeting as "the most important top-level US-China encounter since Deng Xiaoping`s historic trip more than 30 years ago". As some in China and the US see it, the choice boils down to one of future war or peace.
Facing critical public, congressional and business scrutiny, Obama is under pressure to stand up for US interests and obtain tangible results. The past year brought a series of public clashes, reinforcing a growing US belief that China was swapping its designated role as strategic partner for that of strategic rival. Specific issues - Beijing`s supposed unfair trade practices and intellectual property theft, US arms sales to Taiwan and South China Sea security disputes, the attempted gagging of Google, and the continued detention of the Nobel peace prize winner Liu Xiaobo - raised the bilateral temperature, sometimes to boiling point. Standard
Some rightwing commentators claim the US and China are already at war, if not yet in the conventional sense, and accuse Obama of naivety. Through currency manipulation, commercial attrition and expanding overseas investment, Hu is pursuing "war by other means", said Irwin Stelzer in the Weekly , adding: "The communist regime sees trade policy as merely one strategic weapon in a war aimed at overtaking the US as the world`s pre-eminent economic and military power." He cited the boast of China`s defence minister, General Liang Guanglie, that "in the next five years our military will push forward preparations for military conflicts in every strategic direction".
While firmly rejecting war analogies, the White House knows it has a fight on many fronts - economic, political, ideological. Hillary Clinton, the secretary of state, said last week that relations had reached a crucial juncture: "It is up to both nations to translate the high-level pledges of summits and state visits into action. Real action, on real issues."
Tim Geithner, the treasury secretary, Robert Gates at defence and Obama himself have all joined Clinton in setting out what the US expects from China. Their shopping list includes fuller co-operation on nuclear proliferation and climate change, stronger support on specific problems such as Iran and North Korea, and a more "responsible" exchange rate policy. White House aides say Obama also plans to publicly step up pressure on human rights.
Obama met leading US-based Chinese human rights advocates last week, discussing how best to influence attitudes from within.
The problem with America`s exhortatory approach is that it rarely works. Clinton admitted that Beijing resented such interventions as an infringement of sovereignty. This unpalatable reality reflects a bigger truth: the US must stop trying to tell China what to do. China is too big to be bullied, too canny to be conned, too complicated to be changed from without. And it cannot sensibly be blamed for America`s declining global clout.
Why doesnt Hu question America about Guantanamo bay? US must stop its patronising attitude, it should clean its own backyard first.

Hu's there to improve things not make em worst, obama gets political ammo for mentioning human rights, Hu give him a "yep okay" answer then we move on and make more money
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