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Hu Jintao questioned by Barack Obama on China's human rights record

ok , if in your view overlooking the human rights helping your ecomony ..then why explanation/disscussion..

Not overlooking "human" rights, but perhaps overlooking "political" rights.

The most important human rights, are to have food and water, then to have stability and safety.

That is far more important than political rights. What is the point of having more political freedom if you are starving to death?
Ignoring the obvious intentions of the Indian thread starter...

Improving human rights is always a priority, as a country becomes more developed. The most important thing is to ensure that the people have enough food and water.

Some double standard by US, did Obama question India in his last visit regarding "caste-system" which been condemned by UN as human rights abuse issue ? Its about human rights abuses to 200 million "untouchables" :undecided:
UN says caste system is a human rights abuse - Telegraph :tdown:
I notice that the Indian and Uk media only find fault and "embarrassment" with Hu's visit to the US.

seriously the vice president himself went to the air port to greet the "dictator" that alone should tell you alot of what American think of China.

all this talk about Human rights is to assuage the ego of liberals within the democratic party. NOBODY gives a hoot about human rights in China. Americans only cares about their living standards. If you believe that Americans are benevolent and care about Human rights...they would have been in rwanda... but rwanda has no oil or anything useful..hence no "liberation" and "planting the democracy seed" like when Bush went into iraq.

who ever wrote this article is a joke, bringing up harry reid???? are you kidding me? harry reid didn't show up? that suppose to be a negative light on Obama and Hu's dinner??? Harry Reid wouldn't win a general election if he ran against Hu jintao for the president of the United States.

John Boehner didn't show up? for like a stiff toward Obama than Hu. Boehner is ultra pro business. big business run wall streets, big shots CEOs were there so boehner's bosses showes up and that's all that matters.

at the end of the day, americans still love their chinese food, adopt a chinese daughter and love to shop at walmart...even though everybody on the internet hates walmart...walk into any wal mart in the US and its packed.

at the end of the day, chinese still love their kfc, year for their hollywood flick, send their kids to america for school, drive american cars
Human right is a complex issue that affects countries everywhere around the world regardless if you are a developing or a developed country. Take America for example. I am sure they had their fair share of "Human Rights" issue namely (Just randomly picking it out of the hat) Guamtanimo Bay. They too had people protesteting outside the White House about that.

India, on the other hand, is the largest democratic country of the world, they too does not have a clean human rights records. Every year, thousands of people are imprisoned for political reasons, often without charges of trials. Torture and ill treatment are common, and hundreds have died in custody. Hundreds more are victims of extrajudicial executions or forced "disappearances". Armed groups commit grave human rights violations, including killings, tortures and rapes, with impunity.

It is best left for China to deal with its own issues and countries who already have their hands full of problems to stick their noses elsewhere rather than taking the usual cheap shots at China and doing nothing to actually help.
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Not overlooking "human" rights, but perhaps overlooking "political" rights.

The most important human rights, are to have food and water, then to have stability and safety.

That is far more important than political rights. What is the point of having more political freedom if you are starving to death?

We have far more human rights than indians. That's obvious. However, whether the US has the right to even talk about human rights with us is unknown.

I posted on CNN before. Whenever I brought up the US collapsing, my comments were deleted by the censors within a day. However, in Chinese forums, the censors do not delete comments talking about the collapse of China. Anyone that has visited QQ, Wangyi or Tianya knows.

There is a Patriot Act in the US that allows censors to read your mail/email, track your movements and police to search your house with no warrant. Police carry guns in the US and shoot on sight. Contrast with China, where 4 police just days ago were killed by criminal terrorists because they did not carry guns.

You could be killed by the US terrorist police for reaching for your license when you park your car. You could be killed by the US terrorist police any time, any where, with no warning, committing no crime and not knowing why you were shot by the terrorist police. Fully 1% of the american population is in jail, there is no nation in the world that imprisons the absolute number of prisoners the US does, much less the percentage of population. The US is a true prison state for 95% of its people, those who were unfortunate enough to not be born into a Wall Street white ruling class family.
Ignoring the obvious intentions of the Indian thread starter...

Improving human rights is always a priority, as a country becomes more developed. The most important thing is to ensure that the people have enough food and water.

come on CD,every time an indian poster post some thing abt china,u start to bring ur rants.
u shud answer the question and leave it.
rather than this u start to derail the threads,i know the reason :azn::azn:but u must control

xeixei ni
come on CD,every time an indian poster post some thing abt china,u start to bring ur rants.
u shud answer the question and leave it.
rather than this u start to derail the threads,i know the reason :azn::azn:but u must control

xeixei ni

Just a correction, the proper term is "xie xie".

And the thread seems to be going in the right direction, so I wouldn't worry about it.
indian human rights


:lol: is obama ignoring something, and we know this black shitt visited india recently???
We have far more human rights than indians. That's obvious. However, whether the US has the right to even talk about human rights with us is unknown.

I posted on CNN before. Whenever I brought up the US collapsing, my comments were deleted by the censors within a day. However, in Chinese forums, the censors do not delete comments talking about the collapse of China. Anyone that has visited QQ, Wangyi or Tianya knows.

There is a Patriot Act in the US that allows censors to read your mail/email, track your movements and police to search your house with no warrant. Police carry guns in the US and shoot on sight. Contrast with China, where 4 police just days ago were killed by criminal terrorists because they did not carry guns.

You could be killed by the US terrorist police for reaching for your license when you park your car. You could be killed by the US terrorist police any time, any where, with no warning, committing no crime and not knowing why you were shot by the terrorist police. Fully 1% of the american population is in jail, there is no nation in the world that imprisons the absolute number of prisoners the US does, much less the percentage of population. The US is a true prison state for 95% of its people, those who were unfortunate enough to not be born into a Wall Street white ruling class family.


What exactly is the US's problem with china??

the same fear that the US will have of india:

1.) we are demographically large, far larger than the US. however, before when we were weak and poor, the US was OK, since it could continue consuming resources like crazy.

2.) when our economies started developing, there was the fear from the US that we'd use more resources, thus depriving it of its stranglehold on consuming an extremely disproportionate amount of the world's resources.

3.) furthermore, these 2 countries with large populations are not only developing fast but started from a low base, meaning that their consumption of world resources is guarenteed to increase!

4.) not only that, both are independent and free of US influence in both foreign and domestic policy. The US cannot tolerate different opinions and independent governments. Note, it is perfectly fine with violations of human rights, brutal dictators, hereditary kings, but never independence. What is Iran? Capitalism + Democracy yet it is demonized by the US. What is Saudi Arabia? Feudal Monarchy that's best friends with US.

5.) the mode of rise is also important. China and India are not rising through selling limited natural resources. China is an industrialized nation (though not a developed one). India is industrializing. The US never fears countries that get rich by selling their blood, but they truly fear other industrial powers, especially those not under their direct control.

6.) India is a part of this too, but India currently is at the stage where China was 15 years ago. When the US is number 2 (in British Empire days) they waited for their chance to strike and become number 1. When the US is number 1, it always links up with number 3 to actively suppress number 2. India should beware.

In summary:

US fears losing its control over resources, fears independent governments, fears alternative values systems, fears countries with superior demographics, fears alternative technologies, fears the spread of non-US controlled technology, and fears most of all, that the "legend" status it tries to cultivate through Hollywood movies and propaganda news is broken.
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