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HSBC quits Pakistan.

I was pointing out Pakistani banks are multinational too with operations in US, UK, CAS, Africa, China, Switzerland, Middle East, Far East.

If FDI is the main concern, then remember local banks get certain concessions and profit sharing by the State Bank which allows them to give better rates and services. Local banks are even allowed more branches, have thousands of branches each and 10,000 plus workers in the country.

Foreign banks are working on things like bank guarantees, remittance hubs (certain remittance networks Pakistani banks can't reach they go through them), treasury deals and perhaps remittances to their own home countries.

All areas where local banks are competitive too, so you have to be really good to survive in the market. HSBC is probably leaving because its no longer profitable or the profit margins have reduced beyond an acceptable limit.

Pakistan banks operating in US, UK, CAS, Africa, and China are not same as HSBC or Citi operating in Pakistan. Pakistan banks operating in other countries cater to Pakistani expats, while global banks such as HSBC, or Citi connect Pakistan’s economy to foreign institutional investors and funds.

Moreover, revenues from retail banking for global banks in developing countries constitute a small portion. Most of their revenue comes from investment banking, sales/trading and advisory. So it is the question of reduced profit margins.
I guess the part where HSBC is leaving 75% of the world including USA Canada japan Russia Taiwan and other countries sends a different message but when it comes to Pakistan it is cause of bad investment.

Look at their share price it's very obvious their management sucks and is clueless, it would have been one thing if they were just quitting Pakistan .

First, HSBC is the second largest bank on the planet. So winding up in USA, Canada, Japan, or Russia will make no sense. HSBC will just play into Citi's hand. At maximum, they must be consolidating their operations to cut costs.

Second, most of the developed world is already saturated for investments, so FII are looking to invest in developing world. So winding up in Pakistan could be discerned in two ways 1) Investor are not finding Pakistan an attractive investment destination 2) Or, the costs of operating in Pakistan out weights the profits. Either way it is not a good sign for Pakistan

Third, no company or bank will wind up its operation because of bad management. It has the option of changing the management, which is much more cost effective.
lol, indians and their bad info

Rank_____Bank_________________________________Country___Market cap ($b, 8/2011)
1________Industrial & Commercial Bank of China_____China_____223.4
2________China Construction Bank_________________China_____167.1
3________HSBC Holdings_________________________UK_______150.06

World's Largest Banks by market cap 2011

this is in 2011 and HSBC is completely british

also more recently, wells fargo has over taken HSBC to become 3rd after the 2 largest chinese banks
Pakistan has a very healthy banking industry and one or two banks leaving will not make a dent. Pakistan has a strong banking sector, but they charge higher interest. Though the rates have come down but still higher than the Western World.
I have seen that those banks that came from other countries in Pakistan as well as those which are local NON_Islamic ones are facing serious problems now and there are news from many years back that they will gradually be over taken by the local Islamic Banks soon which is now happening and We have high hopes that after that in coming years we will going to see that state Bank of Pakistan will going to make our whole Banking system a complete Islamic Banking system for ever in which no one will be allowed to take profits nor the banks will be allowed to take interests on loans.
Pakistan has a very healthy banking industry and one or two banks leaving will not make a dent. Pakistan has a strong banking sector, but they charge higher interest. Though the rates have come down but still higher than the Western World.

They are charging higher interest rates because the Central Bank has set the rates very high to try and contain inflation.
Good for Pakistan.. :coffee:
HSBC is the worst bank with no ethics...!! If you happen to have a HSBC Credit Card then you would know all this...
HSBC shut down several banks in Asia, not just in Pakistan

theyve shut down their consumer finance business in Canada; shutting down non-performing branches in the US as well.

it's no wonder the thread starter (an indian with a pink name - who probably doesnt even know squat about banking or financial sector) thought this would be a way to mock or poke fun at Pakistan

a country whose banking sector -- despite the economic slowdown - has actually performed decently and even braved the global recession of 2008/09
The title of this thread is deliberately negative and a little shortsighted. :coffee:
Good for Pakistan.. :coffee:
HSBC is the worst bank with no ethics...!! If you happen to have a HSBC Credit Card then you would know all this...

I feel you man...:) That's why I said no to them.
Even their Fixed Deposit Rates aren't that good now a days. On the other hand local banks in here are doing much better. They claim to be international Bank, but they can't help me with any off-shore Banking facilities.
I guess this is a slap on the face of the Indian member whom started this thread :P.

Two more banks join race for HSBC

KARACHI: Two more banks have joined the queue to buy HSBC Pakistan operations reflecting the good health of local banks despite ongoing global financial crisis.

Banking sources said that Habib Bank and Silkbank had approached the State Bank to allow due diligence of HSBC. Earlier similar move was made by MCB Bank and KASB Finance taking the number of interested parties to four.

This is amazing for many bankers that Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation (HSBC), which is one of the largest global banks, is in difficult situation while Pakistani banks find it profitable to make more investment and enhance their capacity.

The HSBC is making effort to shorten its global operations for improving its health.

Banking sources said the State Bank had yet not granted permission to any interested party for conducting due diligence of HSBC.

“Habib Bank and MCB Bank could be serious candidates for buying of HSBC Pakistan operations as both have strong balance sheets with high profits,” said a senior banker.

Banking sources said the United Bank, which is also interested in HSBC, had yet not approached the State Bank for due diligence.

The HBSC move to quit Pakistan could weaken the confidence of other foreign banks earning meager profits in Pakistan as the five big local banks pocketed more than 84 per cent of entire banking industry profit in the last year.

A senior Pakistani banker said the HSBC decision of leaving the country was because of two reasons. Firstly, the bank was in the process of restructuring its global operations in a bid to minimise the impact of global financial crisis; secondly, Pakistani economy had been failed to emit positive signals for its recovery during the last four years.

He said the plunging foreign direct investment and rising outflows from equity market were disappointing for the foreign banks.

Furthermore the government policies practically harmed the banking industry. Being the largest borrower of the banking system the government has replaced the banking services through banking investment in government papers.

The financial crisis which began from United States in 2007 and spread all over the world particularly hit the European banking system, could hardly damaged the profitability of banks in Pakistan.

“The reason is clear that banks in Pakistan mobilised deposits through their large networks which the foreign banks cannot do with small presence while they pay negative return to depositors by keeping most profits with them,” said Mohammad Imran, a banking expert.

He said the foreign banks may return to Pakistan only when large global banks succeed to overcome the still prevailing financial crisis.

Foreign banks have been increasing their presence in the economies like India and China as both the offer better potential for growth and earnings.

Two more banks join race for HSBC | DAWN.COM
I feel you man...:) That's why I said no to them.
Even their Fixed Deposit Rates aren't that good now a days. On the other hand local banks in here are doing much better. They claim to be international Bank, but they can't help me with any off-shore Banking facilities.
but the also say that they are 'the world's local bank' so maybe its the local bit coming to play here ..LOL

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