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How to kill F-22

F-22 would drop you like flies before any plane even finds it on radar, if ever it does.
I think there is very less chance to kill F22.... But this Possible, if you have Powerful SAMS and long range radar...
Also, it depends on skill of the pilot, and if you see F22 first, then yeah,you got some chance, use your skills and you can kill the F22.... .
I think there is very less chance to kill F22.... But this Possible, if you have Powerful SAMS and long range radar...
Also, it depends on skill of the pilot, and if you see F22 first, then yeah,you got some chance, use your skills and you can kill the F22.... .

Makes sense .. The only way is SAMs ... Until we see something close to F22....
I read this article before but it was terrible. The way to kill an F-22 is to locate it (using VHF-band radar) and then throw Mig-21s or other old expendable aircraft at it (with instructions for the pilots to eject at the first sign of a missile attack) until it runs out of missiles shooting them down. Then you send in a group of modern aircraft to engage it WVR and destroy it.

You could also just send a few Sukhois at it with the same results, but rather than relying on the Sukhois defeating any AMRAAMs fired at medium range, it's safer to use decoys to soak up the AMRAAMs first.

this is the most practical way of shooting down a f22 i think :lol:

but u forgot about it's gun & cannon.


bribe or blackmail the Pilot to commit suicide when airborne!
-A narrowband HPM weapon
-Missile carrying hpm warhead
-S-400/S-300/S-350 with Koluchuga system

Ask Syria who are believed to have shoot the F 22 down.

It was claimed via S-300 but there is no official confirmation.If there is truth in this report ,it could explain why USA is not attacking Syria.
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