No, you got it wrong. When they ask for LCs they are not specific to any single Arm, but they want to get women for different fields. Those field includes (as i have mentioned previously) PR, Signals (computer related stuff), Ordnance, DPCs (Data Processing Cell-Pure CS related job), C4I (again CS related job), so relax and better pay attention to your studies and just wait for the induction schedule
Ahan..Thanks a lot.I really am feeling good after reading your post.Another thing (sorry to disturb you so much), is that i wanted to know when they ask for LCs. I am still left with 2 semesters right now for my MS to be completed so i wanted to know how frequently they ask for it so that i plan accordingly.
Thanks a lot Sir.I am not aware of many things so any of your guidance will be appreciated a lot.