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how to defend against a possible US invasion of Pakistan ?

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how will china react , do they provide any support or they will change there eyes

its time when pakistan can test Chinese friendship on ground

usa will be act hard as they can but time to see how pakistan will react and how china will react

---------- Post added at 09:57 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:57 PM ----------

how will china react , do they provide any support or they will change there eyes

its time when pakistan can test Chinese friendship on ground

usa will be act hard as they can but time to see how pakistan will react and how china will react
If a conflict does come to be between the US and Pakistan, there wont be an invasion..
What will happen will be surgical strikes on Pakistan's nuclear assets and installations.. its high value assets such as the F-16's. the Erieyes.. and the like.
The US does not want its hands dirty in Pakistan more than it needs to.
It would want to denuclearize Pakistan, so that the hawks in India can have their way.

Lets hope it doesn't come to that.

Come on, i was not expecting this atleast from you, i don't know why people talking like this about Pakistan nukes, for God sake try to understand that Pak nukes are not lying in some open ground, lot of high ranking military & intel officials have made it clear that these assets are well protected & underground & i guess that it maybe strictly monitered 24/7 by ISI & IB agents whereas military's SSG commandos guard it so if any one wants to destroy it they will have to locate it(which is impossible, remember RD case) & if they find it they will have direct conflict with intel agents & SSG's, now this is not some IGI game that all will be in their favour.

---------- Post added at 12:03 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:00 PM ----------

Now this is a SANE post. We must all work together to ensure a peaceful resolution to the present situation.

I've saw you support the post that bring Pakistanis morally down, why not remove great green & white flag that you can't respect.

I've saw you support the post that bring Pakistanis morally down, why not remove great green & white flag that you can't respect.

I will keep the flags as they are, thanks.

It is not any post that brings Pakistanis down morally; it is Pakistanis themselves.

After all, above the flags is my DP: TRUTH HURTS!
Please keep in mind that the S and its allies.170 million strong Jihadis will then face the combined might and fury of the U After all, the other side will fight too. (I could dissect the 170 million number further and end up with a much smaller number that can actually do something "useful," but let's leave that aside for now.)
No they won't ,,, they are cowards who are aggressive ONLY against those who demonstrate cowardice,,, Like Pakistanis are doing right now,,, N.Korea didn't & they didn't have guts to do anything against N.Korea... Iran didn't & they didn't do anything against Iran... "Ghar Kay Shair" the bullies who when confronted bolt away,,, I know very wellfrom my first-hand experience how these strong-built-pork-eators screem like cats when confronted...

THEY WILL RUN AWAY WHEN SHOWED A BOLD FACE... they are cowards inside,,,
سورة الاٴنفَال

اے ایمان والو جب تم کافروں سے میدان جنگ میں ملو تو ان سے پیٹھیں نہ پھیرو (۱۵) اور جو کوئی اس دن ان سے پیٹھ پھیرے گا مگر یہ کہ لڑائی کا ہنر کرتا ہو یا فوج میں جا ملتا ہو سو وہ الله کا غضب لے کر پھرا اور اس کا ٹھکانا دوزخ ہے اور بہت برَا ٹھکانا ہے (۱۶) سو تم نے انہیں قتل نہیں کیا بلکہ الله نے انہیں قتل کیا اور تو نے مٹھی نہیں پھینکی جب کہ پھینکی تھی بلکہ الله نے پھینکی تھی اور تاکہ ایمان والوں پر اپنی طرف سے خوب احسان کرے بے شک الله سننے والا جاننے والا ہے (۱۷) یہ تو ہو چکا اور بےشک الله کافروں کی تدبیر کو کمزور کرنے والا ہے (۱۸) اگر تم فیصلہ چاہتے ہو تو تمہارا فیصلہ آ چکا اور اگر باز آؤ تو تمہارے لیے بہتر ہے اور اگر پھر یہی کرو گے تو ہم بھی پھر یہی کریں گے اور تمہاری جمعیت ذرا بھی کام نہیں آئے گی اگرچہ وہ بہت ہوں اوربے شک اللہ ایمان والوں کے ساتھ ہے (۱۹)

اور کافر یہ نہ خیال کریں کہ وہ بھاگ نکلے ہیں بے شک وہ ہمیں ہر گز عاجز نہ کر سکیں گے (۵۹) اور ا‘ن سے لڑنے کے لیے جو کچھ (سپاہیانہ) قوت سے پلے ہوئے گھوڑوں سے جمع کر سکو سو تیار رکھو کہ اس سے الله کے دشمنوں پر اور تمہارے دشمنوں پر اور ا‘ن کےسوا دوسروں پر جنہیں تم نہیں جانتے الله انہیں جانتا ہے ہیبت پڑے اور الله کی راہ میں جو کچھ تم خرچ کرو گےتمہیں (اس کا ثواب) پورا ملے گا اور تم سے بے انصافی نہیں ہو گی (۶۰)

Just a jihad call is needed from Pak Army & all these so-called TTP/Taliban/Al-CIAdah etc will take a u-turn & will turn against US & her pets working for her...
how will china react

China will sit back, yawn...and probably issue a statement, at most.

The Chinese are not silly enough to jeopardize their stellar growth and economy for Pakistan by confronting Uncle Sam in these times of global economic worries.

The best option for China, for now, is to keep quiet and spend their energies in preventing their economy from the Eurozone and Dollar shocks.

Pakistan is not so important as to warrant that the Chinese imperil their relationship with Uncle Sam at this critical juncture.
Lets discuss real scenarios that if Pakistan is attacked nucs will also be landing in India and even if its nuclear debrie it will still be carried over by air into India and destroy or effect Indian cities and population

And this helps Pakistan how ???

They have not run away for the past 10 years. Are you doubting the boldness and the bravery of the Pathans?

Besides, the talibs mostly keep their faces hidden, don't they?
No they won't ,,, they are cowards who are aggressive ONLY against those who demonstrate cowardice,,, Like Pakistanis are doing right now,,, N.Korea didn't & they didn't have guts to do anything against N.Korea... Iran didn't & they didn't do anything against Iran... "Ghar Kay Shair" the bullies who when confronted bolt away,,, I lived in West & know very wellfrom my first-hand experience how these strong-built-pork-eators screem like cats when confronted...

THEY WILL RUN AWAY WHEN SHOWED A BOLD FACE... they are cowards inside,,,

Of course you have the right to think that. I respectfully disagree, but please allow me to state mine too: When push comes to shove, the US military is the best in the world.
Simple. Learn from Iran to be sovereign and brave. Also just like Iran announce in the event of an attack by anyone including US/NATO, Pakistan will hit Israel. You see Israel is just like the balls of US. You threaten to hit the balls hard enough and US will never come for a fight. That is the truth. Simple but effective. Then Pakistan can negotiate on equal terms, and demand reparations for 1980's Mujahedin war as well as for this war on terror. Pakistan needs several hundred billion dollars and this should come now, or else Pakistan can threaten to close off the land and air corridor to Afghanistan giving an ultimatum of a week. After that US can move in and out their equipment and soldiers via Russia or Iran. That is if the constitution of those countries allow American weapons be transported across their territory.
Ppl should watch diplomatic movements in coming days. I mean if senior US officials visit russia, china, ksa, india & discuss abt Pakistan. Then I think "boot on ground situation will not be far.
If preperations on war begins then I think Russia will definitely asked for it's share.
To keep china out of it... India will anondon vietnam... Ground forces will move to kashmir & akhnoor airbase.
All such things to happen require atleast 6-7 months preps. Even if limited war breKout then still it will be of low intensity in the beginning. As Sir santro said... Major thrust will come from India later on
Of course you have the right to think that. I respectfully disagree, but please allow me to state mine too: When push comes to shove, the US military is the best in the world.
So far they have been "best" against poor cave dwellers & those who barely had to feed their children a bread twice a day... "best" against iraq where under-cover-CIA in form of UN-inspectors made sure iraq was NOT able to fight back at all... I mean they are "best" only against those who show weakness...

That's what I tried to tell u above... their "best" powers were sitting ducks against those who faced them bravely like N.Korea & Iran... Pakistanis have been showing cowardice & that's making them feel like lions,,, the day Pak-Army decided to confront them , their behavior would be NO different than that against N.Korea/Iran etc...

There was a country (can't remember the name) who expelled US embassy for being involved in activities against their interests,,, US did NOTHING,,, & that country also restored it's peace...
So far they have been "best" against poor cave dwellers & those who barely had to feed theor children a bread twice a day...

That's what I tried to tell u above... their "best" powers were sitting ducks against those who faced then bravely like N.Korea & Iran... Pakistanis have been showing cowardice & that's making them feel like lions,,, the day Pak-Army decided to confront them , their behaviour would be NO different than that against N.Korea/Iran etc...

There was a country (can't remember the name) who expelled US embassy for being involved in activities against their interests,,, US did NOTHING,,, & that country also restored it's peace...

Like I said before, you have the right to think that. And, I still think that when push comes to shove, the US military is the best in the world.
i think,members from India and Pakistan give logical response to such matters.the people of India and Pakistan like each other,few hardliner,s from both sides play their dirty games.now it,s the time to reset India , Pakistan relations in best interest of their people,s development.both countries, India, Pakistan poverty ratio is extremely terrible.all the funds we waste in developing nukes,buying modern fighters,and all other weaponry,could change the fate of poor people of subcontinent.why we are fighting for last 62 years,pls do,nt mind ,for Kashmir issue,kashmiris hate both India and Pakistan.and it,s a harsh reality.most of you will have the right to disagree with me butt as a journalist ,i observe this harsh reality in Pakistani Kashmir on the sad occasion of 2005 deadly earthquake.both countries leaders should realize the ground realities.pls think about your people,not about nukes,fighter jets...etc.as the matter of possible US attack on FATA concerned,they are waiting for a long time,when will Americans attack on their territory.tribal people of Pakistan are natural born fighters,their traditions,their terrain,tough life style,love with every modern weapon,all things are signs of their bravery.most of tribes have a vast experience in gorilla war fare.they fought against Russia,afghan army and in most recent years against Pakistan army.if Americans attack their homes,they will attack their bases in Afghanistan.no one dare to challenge their sovereignty.their history is full of brave resistance against any aggression.so do,nt underestimate the capabilities of free tribal people of Pakistan.in this scenario, Pakistan army have no other option to fully support them and defend their homeland,it,s their primary duty.
agar hum logon may aqal hoti toh aaj yea PDF bhi na hota. but this is a hate and war mongering world. got to live and die with it.
They have not run away for the past 10 years. Are you doubting the boldness and the bravery of the Pathans?

Besides, the talibs mostly keep their faces hidden, don't they?
lol you are hurting his ego, don't go to far or else he will start abusing you. he has been calling India a US kept dog and yet he continues to be in green. he has a free pass lol. btw Mr be sur its you guys who are taking money to be bombed everyday by US not India or any other of US allies. and watch your f!lthy mouth. even we can say dogs pigs blah blah but won't stoop to your level. grow up!
To enemies of Pakistan we have nothing to lose just bring it on...............:pakistan:
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