Likewise "Little AK/Pakistan in general" in England provokes strong sentiment. Let me give you an example.
Just now I was waiting patiently to order some takeaway food at an unnamed restaurant run and staffed by my own community members but 15+ years my junior. The floor manager pranced around like some even more disorganised class clown version of David Brent spending more time trying to impress gum chewing female co-workers and cajole fellow wannabe jockistanis on the shop floor instead of tending to his burgeoning queue of customers. Since nobody stepped forward to the counter to actually ask to serve me (including the manager who was closest), I stepped up to be greeted with "can you hang on just a minute?".
I politely acknowledged and stepped back twiddling my thumbs. The manager (who said this to me) then proceeded to check some bags over twice. The phone rang and he took a phone order. I waited patiently as did two others behind me. He passed the phone order on to his team. I was staring at him now expecting him to make some kind of eye contact but he ignored everyone waiting. He took another phone order and then said to the customer on the phone "hang on one sec" while he greeted a female colleague with needless 20 seconds of banter who just came through the door and eventually asked her to "serve the shop customers". I was waiting 5 minutes while he took phone orders instead of my order without any valid reason whatsoever.
The issue is that with a prior generation, quality of service mattered. What is wrong with these junior UK born Pakistan origin managers these days who cannot be bothered to extend simple courtesy to customers?
I realise the OP is criticising the "freshie" community but believe me, they are a world better than these arrogant younger UK born types who haven't even retained common courtesy. Maybe I'm picking the wrong restaurants but it's honestly a recurring theme and I stress that it's not the case with Pakistani establishments run by actual freshie Pakistanis or older individuals - the service there is excellent. Sorry to derail the thread but I had to get that all off my chest and it is somewhat related.