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How PAF Should Counter the SU-30 MKI

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Exactly what i meant when i said- right now its not possible- dont know which part of it was rocket science-

that will be a desperate measure- and will not yield the desired results for IAF-

don't worry ,IAF will never have to face that situation.
in iraq war the americans messed with iraqis GPS which led to wrong data and targetting...
plus PAF f16 comes with kill switch...

in war which country will USA help?
f16 comes with kill switch??:rofl:
Means Rafale comes with France Kill switch. Sukui jets comes with Russian kill switch.
Oh this means you can't take risk of war with their ally countries.:bunny:

This is nothing like that. F16 jets flew near afghan borders against militants, even US airbase is near.. It also flew near Indian borders many times.

Anyway topic is PAF Should Counter the SU-30 MKI if i am not wrong.
all i gotta say ... pakistanis should get some history lessons from neutral sources as thr history books are pretty lame to say the least .... kid your airforce was in non functional state with in couple of days both in 65 and 71 wars ...

aur mian khudaa ka shukar mnaao hum sabr kiye hue hain jab para tootegaa to pakistan siraf history books me hoga ...

Somebody just got into secondary education. :cheesy:

f16 comes with kill switch??:rofl:
Means Rafale comes with France Kill switch. Sukui jets comes with Russian kill switch.Oh this means you can't take risk of war with their ally countries.:bunny:

This is nothing like that. F16 jets flew near afghan borders against militants, even US airbase is near.. It also flew near Indian borders many times.

Anyway topic is PAF Should Counter the SU-30 MKI if i am not wrong.

kill switch comes with planes given as aides and also to country with poor track record...

hmmm I am sure India doesn't fall in either of those categories
According to US diplomatic cables F-16's will give just a few days breather to PAf before it is destroyed completely:

3. (C) While we understand New Delhi's opposition to the program, the reality is that this program will not degrade India's overwhelming air superiority over Pakistan. :)
Given India's overwhelming military superiority, this would only be a few days, but these days would allow critical time to mediate and prevent nuclear conflict. :cool:

12. (C) India enjoys an almost 2-1 advantage (736 to 370) over Pakistan in advanced multi-purpose fighters.Pakistan's shortfalls in training and tactics multiply India's edge.:smokin:Pakistan also plans to buy/jointly produce 150 inferior:cheesy: JF-17 fighters from China, but it is unclear how they will pay for them.

The author is a very senior US diplomat-Anne W. Patterson.

Cable Viewer
i have a few questions kindly do replay


wakey wakey???

Not best for offensive position, You can't bring AWACS in front line, or too easy for F16s or Jf17. But in defensive position Pak has advantage for AWACS, because it just surrounded by jets. AWACS has a more advantage in defensive position.

and what do you think ??? each phalcon is always by a bunch of MKI's + Bisons + whats more we dont even need to come in your airspace a phalcon flying well before amritsar or say bikaner can track all pakistani air space well beyond say your durand line;)

With AWACS even F7 will be in best position to tackle it move. Even No need for F16s. These days MKI can be killed with latest tactics even using F7 and mirages.
Sorry i forget F16s and Jf17s.

ok what do you think about upgraded mirage 2000's & mig 29's with archer, derby, python 5 & MICA missiles + Bisons which are all BVR capable??????

Can be useful for defensive purpose. But you can't hack data link of jets unless it comes in your space.


wakey wakey???

Not best for offensive position, You can't bring AWACS in front line, or too easy for F16s or Jf17. But in defensive position Pak has advantage for AWACS, because it just surrounded by jets. AWACS has a more advantage in defensive position.

and what do you think ??? each phalcon is always by a bunch of MKI's + Bisons + whats more we dont even need to come in your airspace a phalcon flying well before amritsar or say bikaner can track all pakistani air space well beyond say your durand line

you have an advantage in AWACS??????????:cheesy:

ook what about upg Mirage2000's & Mig 29's with Phalcon's & Indian AWACS ?????????:rofl:

With AWACS even F7 will be in best position to tackle it move. Even No need for F16s. These days MKI can be killed with latest tactics even using F7 and mirages.
Sorry i forget F16s and Jf17s.

same as above????

Can be useful for defensive purpose. But you can't hack data link of jets unless it comes in your space

what about indian hackerrs do you think they will not attck you .......we have much much more than you can ever imagine

Ek kahawaat hai .....................

Kawwa jitnaa marjee oonchaa ur le rehta cheel ke neeche hee hai:rofl:
don't worry ,IAF will never have to face that situation.

i dont know what you are up to- you yourself had brought forth that scenario-
Well if its for general appeasement- let me say this- The war is not going to happen- Duh!!!
According to US diplomatic cables F-16's will give just a few days breather to PAf before it is destroyed completely:

Cable Viewer

The few days breather is all that is needed for the current doctrine to hold.

---------- Post added at 03:32 AM ---------- Previous post was at 03:32 AM ----------

well you can check on net about that ,,, i am no tough guy but thats the facts atleast i am not fed up lies abt victories of pakistani military whn every time they got thr ***'s whipped ...

The internet and facts.. oh yes.
its good thing he deleted it-
i was searching for some su-30 and rafael crashes-

1 or 2 months back, indian SU-30MKI crashed in Pune i guess.

---------- Post added at 11:51 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:48 AM ----------

Indian Fanboys always forgot, All F-16 in Pakistani inventory have JHMCS and AIM-120 C5 and block 52+ radar can easily detect SU-30MKI at 100-KM due to its hugh RCS!
Oh what a great RCS of SU-30 mki.
Aircraft Radar cross section (estimate)
Sukhoi Su-30MKI -------------> 20 square metres
JF17 -------------------> 3-4 Square metres
Dassault Rafale ----------------> 2 square metres
Eurofighter Typhoon ----------------> 1 square metre
Sukhoi Su-35BM ------------------- > 1 square metre
Lockheed F-117 Nighthawk-------------------> 0.025 square metres
Lockheed Martin F-22 Raptor--------------> 0.0001 square metres

He he he, too much RCS for SU30 -MKI.
MKI is inviting itself to shoot him.

Counters measures:
1. Enhance AWACS in numbers.
2. Get advantage of F7s, 400 mirage with AWACS. Just matter of see first, then pilot skills.
3. Hack the data link of SU 30 MKI if he comes in our Land. There are pretty good hackers in our country. Just hack their communication with IAF, Not only hack, but also alternate the instructions of CIPs(Common Integrated Processor) of SU 30MKI using virus. Iranian used virus and just alternated the instruction on drone. Hacking data link communication of SU30MKIwill have unique Advantage.
Create hackers, Hack the enemy.:D
According to you and opening article of this thread f-16 will detect mki at about 35-40km, let just say at 50km at max and shoot it down with aim9x, but according to this source mki will detect a plane of RCS of about 2-3 sqm at range of about 80- 90 km with its NP-011M bars.
So your low vs high RCS goes dowm the drain and please do search before posting.

I see that you are still in the numbers----100 is too much---a number between 15--20 su 30 shot down by paf on day 1, would run shudders in the ranks of Iaf. Once the cloak of invincibility is shattered---the psyche will be blown away.

The myth of the su 30 will either be shattered on day 1 of the combat or it will be the end game for paf. But once the myth gets shattered---the rest of the iaf will be no match.
And how about if those 25-30 Su 30Mki before getting shot...were able to shot 25-30 F16's or j 10 of PAF ....think about this scenareo too.....

Then the Myth about Paf pilots being superior to their counter part will be shattered.....Result will be
Game Over....
I really don't think we should we wasting our Rafale's on the western border.

For western borders, we have more than enough to negate PAFs any advantage.

Mirage 2000-9 (Ungraded Radar, engine, MICA and METEOR integrated)
Mig-29 UPG (Longer range with CFT, upgraded radar and avionics, better ECMs)
Jaguar (better engine, perfect for strike role near border areas)
Mig-27 (Ground Attack)
If your argument were ridiculous before they are now off the charts ridiculous. You are claiming that the engines are not encased in the fuselage yet you show a photograph of the fuselage where the engines are placed.Do a Google search for the AL-31, the AL-31 is much thinner than what the nacelles are. Don’t be foolish enough to believe that just because the fuselage follows the same curvature as the engines that those are engines. The engines are secured to the inner bulkheads of the fuselage.
My Comrade Bro
By all means play blind if you so wish. Firstly the very very thin :p AL-31 Engine is not encased in Fuselage. You provide proof against your argument and then play dumb :) , well i dont mind.
It is under slung Engine configuration with air intakes underneath the wings. Then coming to nacelles that you are justifying as Fuselage is just great logic. So you say ‘AL-31 is much thinner than what the nacelles are’, thank you for admitting that the thin :) Engines are enclosed in nacelles. Do you know what nacelles are? Now look up what nacelle is on web. Rather i will make it easy for you.
Nacelle is a cover housing - separate from the fuselage - that holds engines, fuel, or equipment on an aircraft
Now i will state again ‘The engines are put in sort of engine nacelles. These are metallic casing and not part of fuselage’ .
There are tons of SU-27 evolution videos by Aviation Historians. I am quoting from that.
The engine casing and nozzle act as grey bodies and emit radiation in all IR bands.

And that opening is an access panel that they remove for maintanance that than gets put back later. :lol:

Thank you again. My apologies Sir, surely these are the access areas on the nacelles. not the part of the semi-monologue Fuselage.
Again the argument here my sarcastic friend is that the Engine doesn’t need to be fully naked to be pointed out as OVERLY EXPOSED. Read a paper or two on IRS, engine IR signature.
I will rephrase - The Overly exposed engines does not mean that the engines are sitting naked at the rear end of the aircraft. I am talking in terms of IRS.
Below was in original post and i mentioned The engine casing (engine nacelles). Still not satisfied? Well fine :/

The aircraft rear fuselage has a large surface area at relatively low temperature, which is primarily heated by the embedded powerplant and external aerodynamic heating by the freestream. An Engine encased in the fuselage reduces the IR Signature .

The engine casing (engine nacelles) and nozzle act as grey bodies and emit radiation in all IR bands –
In case of SU30MKI it is even exacerbated by the overly exposed twin engines , thereby making IR detection easier

And regarding your obsession with King Cobra manoeuvre, i will get back to it later :) ta
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