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How Modi defeated liberals like me

For those who claim he will destroy minorities, the world is watching. DO you think its posiible for someone to do that and not suffer the consequences? We all need to wake up. Modi is simply the best man for the job. If any moron voted for the likes of Rahul, then you are the real threat to vote an idiot to run India.
Coming from Muslims who are constantly claiming to be persecuted worldwide.

The West has been bombing and killing Muslims worldwide for decades. Israel is a colonial outpost of the West created by displacing Muslim and Christian Arabs. European colonialists divided up Muslim lands all over the world.

By contrast, Britain did Hindus the greatest favor in history by giving them a unified country; something which had not existed for thousands of years.

While it may seem counter-intuitive, Unless you know the political realities of India, you will not know whether that is true or not.

Modi is the biggest communalist of them all.

One of his biggest selling points, although not the only one, was to echo the constant whining that the evil Muslims were hijacking the Indian political process, at the expense of the majority Hindus. Never mind the fact that the greatest beneficiaries of quotas are lower caste Hindus.
Modi is the biggest communalist of them all.

One of his biggest selling points, although not the only one, was to echo the constant whining that the evil Muslims were hijacking the Indian political process, at the expense of the majority Hindus. Never mind the fact that the greatest beneficiaries of quotas are lower caste Hindus.
This had nothing to do with quotas at all.

This is about the political class and intellectuals turning a blind eye to what Muslims did while constantly criticizing Hindus if they did something remotely similar.

As I said, since you have not lived here and experienced it, you donot know about it.
He will take care of muslims better than congress
when did congress take care or muslims or anyone for that matter?

Modi is the biggest communalist of them all.

One of his biggest selling points, although not the only one, was to echo the constant whining that the evil Muslims were hijacking the Indian political process, at the expense of the majority Hindus. Never mind the fact that the greatest beneficiaries of quotas are lower caste Hindus.
complete BS
This had nothing to do with quotas at all.

This is about the political class and intellectuals turning a blind eye to what Muslims did while constantly criticizing Hindus if they did something remotely similar.

As I said, since you have not lived here and experienced it, you donot know about it.

Oh please!

Do you think the average voter cares what a bunch of intellectuals think?

Modi's appeal was that Muslims were getting favorable treatment (i.e. quotas) at the expense of Hindus. Never mind the fact, as I stated, that the biggest beneficiaries of quotas are lower caste Hindus.

complete BS

If you count the number of times Modi supporters used the words 'secularist' and 'communalist', you will know that this was one of his biggest selling points.
Oh please!

Do you think the average voter cares what a bunch of intellectuals think?

Modi's appeal was that Muslims were getting favorable treatment (i.e. quotas) at the expense of Hindus. Never mind the fact, as I stated, that the biggest beneficiaries of quotas are lower caste Hindus.
Not even close. Muslims dont get any quotas. There was no plan to introduce any quotas for Muslims either apart from isolated calls from a few politicians.
If Shah Rukh Khan can be a secular because he said "I am a Muslim and I am proud of it" why cant Modi say"I am a Hindu and a Nationalist andI am proud of it".

If secularism means Muslims being able to block entire street and offer Jummah Prayers...whats wrong with a Hindu worshiping River Ganga .

Why should Majority Hindus be apologetic about their religion....but Minority Muslims can use Religion as a trump card during every conversation?

This time around...Modi has succeeded in turning the tables on Minority pacification Politics.
Bang on.....
If you count the number of times Modi supporters used the words 'secularist' and 'communalist', you will know that this was one of his biggest selling points.

I wonder if you apply the same out come to Gandhi or Jinnah, what would be the outcome?
The road India has turned to will only be visible after the honeymoon ends.
I'm sorry but this is AGAIN another instance of wishful thinking. India is stronger than one man there are checks and balances in place, the Indian people of 2014 aren't going to stand by and let Modi do what you are trying to proclaim he will do.

And anyway, what is so hard to understand, he wasn't elected on a Hindu fundamentalist agenda but on development/economy ONLY. You sir just don't have a grasp on even the most basic things pertaining to India and these elections. Indian democracy is far more mature than you enjoy in Pakistan so perhaps that is what throwing you? That's me giving you the benefit of the doubt because really it seems like a serious case of sour grapes.

If you count the number of times Modi supporters used the words 'secularist' and 'communalist', you will know that this was one of his biggest selling points.
For every time Modi said Hindu or Muslim in the election rallies he held he said development 500 times- tells you what actually Indians were sold on.
Modi peddles the victimhood of the majority mentality and many Indian Hindus lap it up.

Your answer lies in the best lines in the article.

As the event was relayed on TV, people messaged requesting that the event be shown in full, without commentary. Others claimed that this was the first time such a ritual was shown openly. With Mr. Modi around, the message claimed “We don’t need to be ashamed of our religion. This could not have happened earlier.”
At first the message irritated me and then made me thoughtful. A colleague of mine added, “You English speaking secularists have been utterly coercive, making the majority feel ashamed of what was natural.” The comment, though brutal and devastating, was fair. I realised at that moment that liberals like myself may be guilty of something deeper.

You live in an islamic state so you would not be able to understand what it means to be ashamed of your own religion even while living in a Hindu Majority country.

Before you jump to any conclusions I would Like to make a few things clear.

1 I am no fundamentalist Hindu. I will say I am more agnostic, I dont remember the last time I went to a temple. I have never read a religious book. Yes I am a Hindu Brahmin but I don't wear my religion on my sleeves.

2 None of us Indians, including die hard Modi supporters - I am one of them, want a Hindu Rashtra or want secularism to be removed. What we want is simply the definition of secularism should mean that everyone whould have equal right to be proud of his or her religion. No one should get extra benefit just because He or She belongs to a particular religion. Inshort there should be no appeasement to anyone.

I should be able to say I am a proud Hindu and not be dubbed a communal. Ahmed Khan should not get extra privileges from the govt only because he is a muslim. Ram Singh should have the same rights and privileges as Ahmed Khan.
Your answer lies in the best lines in the article.

You live in an islamic state so you would not be able to understand what it means to be ashamed of your own religion even while living in a Hindu Majority country.

Before you jump to any conclusions I would Like to make a few things clear.

1 I am no fundamentalist Hindu. I will say I am more agnostic, I dont remember the last time I went to a temple. I have never read a religious book. Yes I am a Hindu Brahmin but I don't wear my religion on my sleeves.

2 None of us Indians, including die hard Modi supporters - I am one of them, want a Hindu Rashtra or want secularism to be removed. What we want is simply the definition of secularism should mean that everyone whould have equal right to be proud of his or her religion. No one should get extra benefit just because He or She belongs to a particular religion. Inshort there should be no appeasement to anyone.

I should be able to say I am a proud Hindu and not be dubbed a communal. Ahmed Khan should not get extra privileges from the govt only because he is a muslim. Ram Singh should have the same rights and privileges as Ahmed Khan.

Your entire post proves your victim mentality.
Hindus are too nice.
They are being taken advantage of.by the minorities.

Boo hoo.

This despite the fact that Hindus dominate every aspect of life and business in India, and Muslims are disproportionately disadvantaged.

Cry me a river.

I wonder if you apply the same out come to Gandhi or Jinnah, what would be the outcome?

Supporters of Gandhi and JInnah don't use the label "secularist" as an insult.

Modi supporters do.

That says it all.

For every time Modi said Hindu or Muslim in the election rallies he held he said development 500 times- tells you what actually Indians were sold on.

I am not saying that everyone who supports Modi is a Hindu nationalist or anti-minority.

I am saying there is a significant portion of his support base which has that mentality.

The economic argument serves to attract moderates, as well as give cover to the extremists for supporting Modi.
I am not saying that everyone who supports Modi is a Hindu nationalist or anti-minority.
I am saying there is a significant portion of his support base which has that mentality.
The economic argument serves to attract moderates, as well as give cover to the extremists for supporting Modi.
No proof to substantiate these claims.

Anywho Modi was elected by the INDIAN people in the biggest election in human history, for you to criticise these democratic process is undignified.

No proof to substantiate these claims.

There certainly is.

The amount of vitriol aimed at "secularists" by the Modi brigade is evidence of what motivated many of them.

Anywho Modi was elected by the INDIAN people in the biggest election in human history, for you to criticise these democratic process is undignified.

Every event can be critiqued and debated.

Modi's election tactics, and what this election says about the Indian electorate, are both valid subjects for debate.
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