I know a person with strange abilities .... one day late morning my wife cooked Chole Bhatoore (a rare dish, you do not get good chole bhatoore in Shanghai) on wk end in Shanghai. The phone rang ....Trin trin trin (well i like old phone ring tone)...
He asked me are you guys eating Chole Bhatoore sitting on floor (were rare thing for me to do)? That was exactly we were doing .. I surprised!!
He told me that he had a bet with Uncle .... the uncle claimed that while sitting right next my bro he could visit (my apartment in Shanghai. To prove his point he drawn apartment layout with minute details of furnishing and what we were doing at that particular moment.
You have a wife who cooks and cooks chole bhature on top of it. Your life is complete my friend ^_^ And I think that creeper must have a camera or soething on you guys. Might want to call cops on his ***