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How many of you believe in Spirits and all that ??

are belief main logic kyon ghusad rahe ho.... :hitwall:
do you have any bhoot pret dayan pishach churail story... or anybody told you in childhood .. plz share.

we seriously need some christian ppl here .. @Nexus .. have you converted yet or not.. i want christian ghost story...

Sun ek story..... real stor...happened in my family..

Baat bahut purani hai...mere great Grand pa ke jamane ki. He was a smart man and had a being a teacher vision that education is very important. So he rented a house in near by city and all kids who has completed their high school in that house to save time for them to commute between city and village in Taanga (horse cart).

He use to visit city to keep chek on them and ensure that cook has money or other things were in order.

One day he visited city and got very late, other insisted him to stay overnight before returning. He knew he has to be in school to teach. He took his Ghori (horse) and started journey back to village. It's approx. 10~12 km stretch mainly thru state highway (present day). Those days it was a gravel road and passed thru.. canal, farms, mango plantations, wild bushes and a small stretch of jungle (does not exist today).

On way near canal he saw big marriage party with unusually bright illminationwas going on. Being curious person and well know guy in our village and most fo teh near by villages he was surprised that there is a such marriage going one and he is not aware. Why?

With too many questions in his mind he just enters in tents set up.... moment he entered he was stunned to know that it was a grand setup ..seems to be a party of a very wealthy person.

As he entered, some one greeted him "aao master Ji" and requested him to eat something. After he was convinced that this party belongs to a rich person form other city and they selected location for a change ....he ate food ...there were at least 8 ~10 types of sweets, wheat roties and basmati rice ( a rare sight) those days.

While he was eating he was warned by and elder "Master Ji please eat and enjoy but do not carry anything with you".

He did not listen and put few sweets in pattal (dish made of tree leaves) and headed home. Being tired he retired in bed as soon as he reached home.

Morning he called one the dearest and youngest nephew and asked him to eat sweets he brought last night. Kid opened the small packet, there was no sweets but dry leaves, stone etc.... he told dada ji, he was shocked to know about it. He immediately headed to the place he saw party last night but there was no sign of party.......

What do you conclude ..from this story??
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Sun ek story..... real stor...happened in my family..

Baat bahut purani hai...mere great Grand pa ke jamane ki. He was a smart man and had a being a teacher vision that education is very important. So he rented a house in near by city and all kids who has completed their high school in that house to save time for them to commute between city and village in Taanga (horse cart).

He use to visit city to keep chek on them and ensure that cook has money or other things were in order.

One day he visited city and got very late, other insisted him to stay overnight before returning. He knew he has to be in school to teach. He took his Ghori (horse) and started journey back to village. It's approx. 10~12 km stretch mainly thru state highway (present day). Those days it was a gravel road and passed thru.. canal, farms, mango plantations, wild bushes and a small stretch of jungle (does not exist today).

On way near canal he saw big marriage party with unusually bright illminationwas going on. Being curious person and well know guy in our village and most fo teh near by villages he was surprised that there is a such marriage going one and he is not aware. Why?

With too many questions in his mind he just enters in tents set up.... moment he entered he was stunned to know that it was a grand setup ..seems to be a party of a very wealthy person.

As he entered, some one greeted him "aao master Ji" and requested him to eat something. After he was convinced that this party belongs to a rich person form other city and they selected location for a change ....he ate food ...there were at least 8 ~10 types of sweets, wheat roties and basmati rice ( a rare sight) those days.

While he was eating he was warned by and elder "Master Ji please eat and enjoy but do not carry anything with you".

He did not listen and put few sweets in pattal (dish made of tree leaves) and headed home. Being tired he retired in bed as soon as he reached home.

Morning he called one the dearest and youngest nephew and asked him to eat sweets he brought last night. Kid opened the small packet, there was no sweets but dry leaves, stone etc.... he told dada ji, he was shocked to know about it. He immediately headed to the place he saw party last night but there was no sign of party.......

What do you conclude ..from this story??

With no disrespect meant, LSD?
Any sort of first hand experience or just for the sake of religion ??

First hand experiences as well as experiences of other people. But i just don't like to talk about my personal experiences. Things like these our elders have told us not to discuss with others, only people who are very close like relatives and family members are allowed to know, that too old and mature ones since they have the wisdom and understanding as well as the experience in dealing with and handling such cases.
With no disrespect meant, LSD?

LOL, that was too early for LSD to make way to Indian let alone India rural area.

I knew that some smartass would come out with this type of theory...so I kept one most important part with me. There were 2 persons/ 2 horses ... Dilli was completly ****** :yay:
Sixth sense never gets boring

I know a person with strange abilities .... one day late morning my wife cooked Chole Bhatoore (a rare dish, you do not get good chole bhatoore in Shanghai) on wk end in Shanghai. The phone rang ....Trin trin trin (well i like old phone ring tone)...

He asked me are you guys eating Chole Bhatoore sitting on floor (were rare thing for me to do)? That was exactly we were doing .. I surprised!!

He told me that he had a bet with Uncle .... the uncle claimed that while sitting right next my bro he could visit (my apartment in Shanghai. To prove his point he drawn apartment layout with minute details of furnishing and what we were doing at that particular moment.
I know a person with strange abilities .... one day late morning my wife cooked Chole Bhatoore (a rare dish, you do not get good chole bhatoore in Shanghai) on wk end in Shanghai. The phone rang ....Trin trin trin (well i like old phone ring tone)...

He asked me are you guys eating Chole Bhatoore sitting on floor (were rare thing for me to do)? That was exactly we were doing .. I surprised!!

He told me that he had a bet with Uncle .... the uncle claimed that while sitting right next my bro he could visit (my apartment in Shanghai. To prove his point he drawn apartment layout with minute details of furnishing and what we were doing at that particular moment.
your wife must have told him.... :yay:
your wife must have told him.... :yay:

LOL, no. He has real power!!

He is the same guy made my life misrable while I was in college hostel. when ever I tried to drink to go out with girls...he use to go and tell my father ....Dang ..there come a warning call!!:hitwall:
o please! My avatar is way more better then any of your avatar!

One of these days, while you're sleeping, your favorite kitten is going to stalk up to your slumbering form and bite down on your jugular. You shall rise up driven by the shock of such a brutal assault, gurgling as your own life blood chokes you, only to fall back down on to the pillows and then the kitten shall ever so gently whisper in your ear, "I never liked you, you annoying prick."
@Mamba Tell me I am one evil EVIL baniya.:chilli:

The last coherent and conscious thought you are going to have Alphee is that you should have listened to Dilli Baba and skinned said kitten.:agree:
@Marshmallow For this, bake me some cookies.:bounce:
@Hyperion How much time do you think Alphee has?
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I got this info from religious forums, and my Sikh fren -

Sikhism says that other souls do exist, like how we exist with human body form, other souls also exist but without human body form; they are not dead people, they are just different people; and they are not necessarily all evil. And the biggest thing, never fear them! Because these "spirits" or "jinns" are more scared of us than we are of them; so when you are scared of them, they try to scare you or overpower you even more. So if you don't believe in them, they cannot even touch you or hurt you, because to you they don't even exist, but if you do ever run into it, never ever be scared, rather, curse it! They are scared of humans.

Sikhism teaches that upon our death our soul will either find eternal peace as it merges back with God or it will be assigned back to the samsara cycle of reincarnation, depending on our actions and our fo-cus in life.
The samsara cycle is designed to take us back to our true home of God, but Maya (attachment) keeps us bonded to this cycle. Maya includes our minds being ruled by lust, anger, greed, attachment and pride.
Part of the samsara cycle could include living as a ghost or soul on the earthly plane for hundreds of years before we are given the privilege of human life again. This is a form of karmic suffering.

The Shri Guru Granth Sahib Ji says:
“He commits many millions of sins. Day and night, he does not get tired of them, and he never finds release. ||1||Pause|| He carries on his head a terri-ble, heavy load of sin and corruption. In an instant, he is exposed. The Messenger of Death seizes him by his hair. ||1|| He is consigned to countless forms of reincarnation, into beasts, ghosts, camels and donkeys. Vibrating and meditating on the Lord of the Universe in the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy, O Nanak, you shall never be struck or harmed at all.” (SGGSJ, p.1224)
“The ghost (soul), in the body-cage, suffers all sorts of afflictions. Those who are blind to spiritual wis- dom, remain in hell (samsara cycle). The Righteous Judge of Dharma collects the balance due on the account, of those who forget the Name of the Lord. ||6||” (SGGSJ, p.1029)

So it is in Gurbani -

Kai Kot Jachh Kinnar Pishach,
Kai kot Bhoot Pret Sukar Mrigach

Kai mean many
Kot mean crore
Jachh is slang from Yaksha a type of human like entity(refered as human only in Akalustat)
They could be native of Sri Lanka before Sinhalees from north India sttled there.
Kinnar are men from high mountain from Kinnaour of Himachal Pradesh(both are refered in hindu mythology also as semi or full divine man like creatures).

Pishach is a type of Ghost ,which is vampire

Bhot and pret both are used for ghost.
Pret could be a ghost never been in human body while bhoot is ghost at least been born as human or may be other body and yet to be salvaged.
Suker is pig.
Mrig is deer.


Its true for people who met terrible/violent deaths or died before their time. Soul doesnt find peace before actual life period is over.

We already have thread on ghosts on this forum - Do you believe in ghosts
One of these days, while you're sleeping, your favorite kitten is going to stalk up to your slumbering form and bite down on your jugular. You shall rise up driven by the shock of such a brutal assault, gurgling as your own life blood chokes you, only to fall back down on to the pillows and then the kitten shall ever so gently whisper in your ear, "I never liked you, you annoying prick."
@Mamba Tell me I am one evil EVIL baniya.:chilli:

The last coherent and conscious thought you are going to have Alphee is that you should have listened to Dilli Baba and skinned said kitten.:agree:
That was :rofl::rofl:
na my kitty wont betray me :D
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