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How many Hindu Gods?- Dr. Naik

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All Arabic copies of the Koran have the mysterious figure 786 imprinted on them. No Arabic scholar has been able to determine the choice of this particular number as divine.

Actually there's not.

Some people in modern pop culture use that number before starting certain documents which they have to throw away afterwards. 786 to THEM (and not to the Quran) signifies the saying "In the name of Allah, the most beneficent, the most merciful". They do not want to throw away the name of Allah, so 786 would do. Its just a modern thing, nothing to do with religion.
Hinduism is an ancient pagan religion, with man-made Gods.

This religion is a religion that consist of no law rulings on sins, in fact technically there are no sins in mainstream Hinduism.

You have to remember this religion is pagan, with false gods, ridiculous Gods, so many Gods, that I am surprised these Hindus don't stop and think, HEY! Maybe this is wrong?

Also idol worshiping you must understand, is a false method of worshiping, it is materialistic and superficial by its very nature, even if it gives you some sort of self-gratification inside.

Understand, the Hindu scriptures were written by no divine influence, these scriptures are more philosophical then anything. These scriptures provide no strong guidance in life, hence fails as a religion to guide one to the true path.

And the above post is on topic? ok. i don't wish to challenge a mod's decision, but maybe you can guide us on how to give an on topic reply to the above post. remember, the topic is how many hindu gods.

ok never mind, i'm outta here.
Yes you should leave. You clearly don't have a back for these type of discussions.
Why is the creator, the sustainer, the destroyer (incidentally similar synonyms are used in the 99 names of Allah, btw) not in the forefront of worship. I think mainstream media has only shown Shiva as much, Brahma you never really see, Vishnu a bit.
But its mostly Raam, Ganesh, Hanuman, Kaali ma... you know the "reincarnations". The Hindu type Gods not the literal definition type Gods, which are more of a combination of the original three names.

My personal take is that these were just prophets who later in time become deities. Heck when Moses went on the Mount for 40 days he returned to find his people worshiping a Golden calf idol.

the 'AUM' or the 'tridev'(brahma,vishnu,mahesh)...are the three fragments of the 'AUM' or the power of the universe
...the 'deities' mentioned are their various incarnations...or 'avtars'...who were the media between the worshipers and the ultimate source
Asim the concept looks confusing to you...but in reality it's not...you'd have to read more about hinduism than that...
thers a 'sloka' in sanskrit...that goes like..
"yada yada hi dharmasya
glanir bhavati bharata
abhyutthanam adharmasya
tadatmanam srjamy aham"
which means....that "whenever evil spreads...i will come on earth to wipe it off"(loosely translated by me)
the 'AUM' or the 'tridev'(brahma,vishnu,mahesh)...are the three fragments of the 'AUM' or the power of the universe
...the 'deities' mentioned are their various incarnations...or 'avtars'...who were the media between the worshipers and the ultimate source
Asim the concept looks confusing to you...but in reality it's not...you'd have to read more about hinduism than that...
thers a 'sloka' in sanskrit...that goes like..
"yada yada hi dharmasya
glanir bhavati bharata
abhyutthanam adharmasya
tadatmanam srjamy aham"
which means....that "whenever evil spreads...i will come on earth to wipe it off"(loosely translated by me)
I understand the concept. My opinion is that it all looks made up over the passage of time.

Thats why every other idiot in India stands up and is claiming to be a God. Oh wait no, Bhagwaan ka roop. Or Avtar, or incarnation, or .... The so many other loopholes to claim divinity for every other thing. The Hindu system is that there is a lack of system.
Actually there's not.

Some people in modern pop culture use that number before starting certain documents which they have to throw away afterwards. 786 to THEM (and not to the Quran) signifies the saying "In the name of Allah, the most beneficent, the most merciful". They do not want to throw away the name of Allah, so 786 would do. Its just a modern thing, nothing to do with religion.

Sorry i have not introduced my self.

Look at this symbol of Om in a mirror and you can make out the Devnagari (Sanskrit-Hindi) numerals 7-8-6

Hinduism have allowed one to choose a God/ Goddess which appeals to their attitude and profession. A soldier would possibly choose Durga or Kali or any other God denoting Shakti, a scholar would possibly choose Saraswati, while a Baniyah would choose Lakhsmi.
Sorry i have not introduced my self.

Look at this symbol of Om in a mirror and you can make out the Devnagari (Sanskrit-Hindi) numerals 7-8-6

Hinduism have allowed one to choose a God/ Goddess which appeals to their attitude and profession. A soldier would possibly choose Durga or Kali or any other God denoting Shakti, a scholar would possibly choose Saraswati, while a Baniyah would choose Lakhsmi.
Thats way too much stretching to find a common ground.

Its like the myth about Coca Cola. If you turn the Coke sign upside down, and then see it in a mirror, it appears in Arabic "La mohammad, La Allah". (No mohammad, No Allah). These sort of things are not a theological discussion, whereby 786 is no where on the Quran as it is the very basis of your claim.
Sorry i have not introduced my self.

Look at this symbol of Om in a mirror and you can make out the Devnagari (Sanskrit-Hindi) numerals 7-8-6

Hinduism have allowed one to choose a God/ Goddess which appeals to their attitude and profession. A soldier would possibly choose Durga or Kali or any other God denoting Shakti, a scholar would possibly choose Saraswati, while a Baniyah would choose Lakhsmi.
Thats way too much stretching to find a common ground.

Its like the myth about Coca Cola. If you turn the Coke sign upside down, and then see it in a mirror, it appears in Arabic "La mohammad, La Allah". (No mohammad, No Allah). These sort of things are not a theological discussion, whereby 786 is no where on the Quran as it is the very basis of your claim.
I understand the concept. My opinion is that it all looks made up over the passage of time.

Thats why every other idiot in India stands up and is claiming to be a God. Oh wait no, Bhagwaan ka roop. Or Avtar, or incarnation, or .... The so many other loopholes to claim divinity for every other thing. The Hindu system is that there is a lack of system.

Thanks to the lack of system i visit Mahim Darga every week.
Are you sure your system doesn't lack anything ? I know mine does.
I understand the concept. My opinion is that it all looks made up over the passage of time.

Thats why every other idiot in India stands up and is claiming to be a God. Oh wait no, Bhagwaan ka roop. Or Avtar, or incarnation, or .... The so many other loopholes to claim divinity for every other thing. The Hindu system is that there is a lack of system.

the vedas are the hindu scriptures which are much older than the koran...and are still in sanskrit the way they were written on palm leaves around 800 bc...it's still recited in the same way as it was around that time...prove me wrong...ofcourse there have been evils incorporated through the ages...but that is at the follower level not at the scripture level.
I understand the concept. My opinion is that it all looks made up over the passage of time.

Thats why every other idiot in India stands up and is claiming to be a God. Oh wait no, Bhagwaan ka roop. Or Avtar, or incarnation, or .... The so many other loopholes to claim divinity for every other thing. The Hindu system is that there is a lack of system.

Useless topic, This topic itself is wrong, Hinduism accepts all concepts . Hinduism accepts there is no GOD too.You can still be a Hindu if you don't believe in GOD.Think it as a way of living than a religion . Looks like even many of the Indian Hindu friends also do not know about this .

And I STRONGLY OPPOSE YOUR POST. The main backbone of Hinduism is "Aham Brahmasmi" which means "you are GOD" . All of our Sastra says you are GOD. We have temples to teach us our body is GOD . This is definitely not a lack of "system (I do not agree with this term) ".

Please do not post anything which can harm others feelings.If you do not know about any religion please learn about it. ALL RELIGIONS ARE BEST WITH BEST CONCEPTS AND TEACH US HOW TO LIVE.

" Religion cannot have any loophole. Religion is not a system" .

You belong to a religion if you follow that religion . I can be Hindu + Muslim , If I follow both the religions. Hinduism accepts a Muslim if he follows Hinduism. Hinduism accepts all except those who say "I am not a Hindu" . By this for me you are a Hindu as long as you are not going to say you are not.

I hate if any communist posts something against my religion.If you have anything to degrade my religion keep it with you and do not post anything in public forum,Be a Human then you can think of following a religion.
the vedas are the hindu scriptures which are much older than the koran...and are still in sanskrit the way they were written on palm leaves around 800 bc...it's still recited in the same way as it was around that time...prove me wrong...ofcourse there have been evils incorporated through the ages...but that is at the follower level not at the scripture level.

Do not offend any one, Religions cannot be compared . If Hinduism is older than Islam , what does that mean to anybody ? I would say Do not reply for this kind of messages :)
Useless topic, This topic itself is wrong, Hinduism accepts all concepts . Hinduism accepts there is no GOD too.You can still be a Hindu if you don't believe in GOD.Think it as a way of living than a religion . Looks like even many of the Indian Hindu friends also do not know about this .

And I STRONGLY OPPOSE YOUR POST. The main backbone of Hinduism is "Aham Brahmasmi" which means "you are GOD" . All of our Sastra says you are GOD. We have temples to teach us our body is GOD . This is definitely not a lack of "system (I do not agree with this term) ".

Please do not post anything which can harm others feelings.If you do not know about any religion please learn about it. ALL RELIGIONS ARE BEST WITH BEST CONCEPTS AND TEACH US HOW TO LIVE.

" Religion cannot have any loophole. Religion is not a system" .

You belong to a religion if you follow that religion . I can be Hindu + Muslim , If I follow both the religions. Hinduism accepts a Muslim if he follows Hinduism. Hinduism accepts all except those who say "I am not a Hindu" . By this for me you are a Hindu as long as you are not going to say you are not.

I hate if any communist posts something against my religion.If you have anything to degrade my religion keep it with you and do not post anything in public forum,Be a Human then you can think of following a religion.

see there you go ASIM...you dont have to read scriptures to understand what hinduism teaches...this guy's post shows how tolerant a hindu is s'pposed to be...i have my questions about islam...which make me feel that it's a funny religion...but they are my questions and dont mean that what i feel is actually true...i am a hindu and you are a muslim and i dont we'd trade places ever!
Do not offend any one, Religions cannot be compared . If Hinduism is older than Islam , what does that mean to anybody ? I would say Do not reply for this kind of messages :)

you dint read what i was replying to...i was replying to somebody suggesting that hinduism has been modified over the years.
I did not see Dr. Zakir Naik attempt any low blows at Hinduism. He was not talking about Hindus being confused or Hinduism being wrong in this video. He was mentioning the similarities in Hindu scriptures and what Islam teaches, and that is a noble thing. You guys have all derailed his message. Had it been a Hindu saying the same things, all of you would be saying "look how tolerant he is, focusing on similarities rather than differences", and yet, because it is a Muslim doing the same, you get on his back and disgrace him.

Lastly, Dr. Zakir Naik is a world renowned academic in the field of Comparative Religious Studies. He is not some preacher that appears on TV preaching hate messages and performing "magic", as you see in every religion these days. He has spent years studying not only Islam, but Hinduism, Christianity etc. Therefore, our confused understanding of our respective religions cannot be used as a basis to disprove his arguments. You need an intellectual to counter an intellectual, not emotional illiterates.
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