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How many Hindu Gods?- Dr. Naik

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Hinduism isnt a religion but a philosophy--a way of life.

Every one is a hindu whether a practising or not though some priest may deny some on the condition of purity.

And its god is the supreme Param Brahman almighty god.

All different gods worshipped in hindu drama are different avatars, names and form of one singular god(Brahman).

For better understanding of Brahman...

Brahman - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
I read Hinduism as that they have one real god which you guys broke down further into Brahma, Vishnu, Shiv, the rest are mistakenly called Gods.

Where did u read that ..
Pls provide link... so i can clear ur confusion..

It's like the Greek religion. For example they had a love, god. Now if you see Cupid, his function was more of a worker, than of God. He'd go around shooting arrows from his bows.

Dnt insult Greek gods...otherwise tomorow greeks will insult islam...

What I'm saying is, the Grandeur expected out of a God is not there for most of the Indian Gods. Hanuman's role, was more a general, when he led the monkey army. God as most of the world understands it, is like "... And then God said, let there be light... and there was light".

So flying over sea and lifting a Dronagiri was common role ...
check ur basics ...

So thats why I say, Indian gods are mistakenly called Gods. In the passage of time, the religion gets changed. Some cool dude called Raam must've appeared and they called him God. In our religion, he would've been called a Prophet, if you can discount some of the things he did. Which might be Hindu additions as well to the real story.

U need to read ramayan which i cant explain in totality here as it is very vast ...

Lord Rama was person with ideal values ...

U gotta read it man ....

How to respect others and bow down to respected figures is given in ramayana....

will help u a lot.....
Well the thing is... This might sound a little arrogant to you, our religion is the best and Hindus don't consider their religion to be the best.

So obviously we preach our religion, we debate like we do here. We defend violent attacks with armed force upon our faith.

I don't think Hinduism prepares you as morally bad human beings in all aspects of life most of you are normal human beings, probably don't steal, lie, torture innocents, are fair and just and strive to do the right things... But all the many Gods theory proves is that its probably all man made.

If you say you have a way of life that we created and is not divine but it helps control people to be nice, then its the end of the argument. But when you try to fit these beings into the definition of God, then I personally don't buy it.

About the sex with children thing, I'll drop it, just something I've read with vedic references. It was just supposed to be an example of you how occurrences are there when Hindu Gods have done seemingly weird things.

I do not agee , Islam is not the best, Its one of the best .Thats all.You are again proved to be a "Closed" thinking . Do you have any place for those who do not believe in God? We have a place, I have already told, Hinduism is a way of living which teaches you from how to take bath to how to prepare your mind for death.

Do you think we lost our control and fought with Sikhs? or Jains? Or Budhist Monks ? NO. Just think why. I go to church if my temple is far from my home.My religion allows to do that.
Hinduism isnt a religion but a philosophy--a way of life.

Every one is a hindu whether a practising or not though some priest may deny some on the condition of purity.

And its god is the supreme Param Brahman almighty god.

All different gods worshipped in hindu drama are different avatars, names and form of one singular god(Brahman).

For better understanding of Brahman...

Brahman - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
What about Sanata Dharma?

I actually agree with you and thats my point. Hinduism is not divine. It has some explanations of divinity, which don't hold on to certain arguments we may raise. But the way of life aspect is fine. The question was only raised on the divinity of the Gods.
What about Sanata Dharma?

I actually agree with you and thats my point. Hinduism is not divine. It has some explanations of divinity, which don't hold on to certain arguments we may raise. But the way of life aspect is fine. The question was only raised on the divinity of the Gods.

What do you mean by Sanathana Dharma? Google it and find out the reason. What is divine ? Match both the answers. You get what you need .
I do not agee , Islam is not the best, Its one of the best .Thats all.
Of course you don't thats why you are not a Muslim.

You are again proved to be a "Closed" thinking.
Why because I consider Islam to be the best? If I thought Hinduism was the best wouldn't I be a Hindu? It just makes logical sense to say Islam is the best. There should be no gray area here, but Hindus have one. It's like Hindus are saying "You're the best, I'm the best, everyone is the best". Makes no sense.

Do you have any place for those who do not believe in God? We have a place, I have already told, Hinduism is a way of living which teaches you from how to take bath to how to prepare your mind for death.
No you can't be Muslim without believing in God. You can be Hindu, thats why I'm saying Hinduism is less to do with divinity as is Islam.

Do you think we lost our control and fought with Sikhs? or Jains? Or Budhist Monks ? NO. Just think why. I go to church if my temple is far from my home.My religion allows to do that.
So just because you're Hindu, I should think you're bad people? You did a good thing for them, hurray, good for you. But thats not what I'm arguing about.
Hinduism isnt a religion but a philosophy--a way of life.

Every one is a hindu whether a practising or not though some priest may deny some on the condition of purity.

And its god is the supreme Param Brahman almighty god.

All different gods worshipped in hindu drama are different avatars, names and form of one singular god(Brahman).

For better understanding of Brahman...

Brahman - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Would appreciate some easy to read links like that. Most of the Bhagavad Gita and Ramayan translations on the net aren't an easy read.
Hinduism is an ancient pagan religion, with man-made Gods.

Link PLEASE . Were u present when gods were created ? how are so sure.

Dnt spread misinformation ....if u dont knw ...

This religion is a religion that consist of no law rulings on sins, in fact technically there are no sins in mainstream Hinduism.

We teach values rather than sins ....and there are rules in India .
If u want to know read Kautilya Arthshastra ...

It is regarded as one of best book for rules and management...

You have to remember this religion is pagan, with false gods, ridiculous Gods, so many Gods, that I am surprised these Hindus don't stop and think, HEY! Maybe this is wrong?

U are way lost it ....

Also idol worshiping you must understand, is a false method of worshiping, it is materialistic and superficial by its very nature, even if it gives you some sort of self-gratification inside.

so if u dnt beleive that picture consist of god can u kick the photo of mosque and prophet ?????

U too beleive that photo consist of ur god ...as we do...

Understand, the Hindu scriptures were written by no divine influence, these scriptures are more philosophical then anything. These scriptures provide no strong guidance in life, hence fails as a religion to guide one to the true path.

Hope this will help u ...if u have any more querries search hinduism on google...
Of course you don't thats why you are not a Muslim.

Why because I consider Islam to be the best? If I thought Hinduism was the best wouldn't I be a Hindu? It just makes logical sense to say Islam is the best. There should be no gray area here, but Hindus have one. It's like Hindus are saying "You're the best, I'm the best, everyone is the best". Makes no sense.

No you can't be Muslim without believing in God. You can be Hindu, thats why I'm saying Hinduism is less to do with divinity as is Islam.

So just because you're Hindu, I should think you're bad people? You did a good thing for them, hurray, good for you. But thats not what I'm arguing about.

Now you get the answer why Christians and Muslims are fighting for years? First step to be good is accept your neighbor as best as you are. You do not accept , Thats why you deserve this struggle.

When Gori was defeated by Prithviraj Chowhan he let him go alive,But when Prithviraj Chowhan was defeated by Gori , He killed him. You might say so what Gori has succeded as a king,I say he is failed as a human.
Ok post in your quick last words before I close this thread. I think it was more or less one of our better discussions on Hinduism and hopefully everyone learned a little about the Hindu faith.

I think I've communicated my point of view, others have too... Most Hindus did a decent job at the education, some were more or less offended that such a discussion is taking place to begin with, some were threatening to post defaming posts on Islam "in vengeance", lol.

I also hope everyone got the point of view of the forum that we're a secular forum and allow such discussions in the member's club just to raise the level of tolerance amongst our people and not to poke fun at Hindus. There are millions of Hindu Pakistanis and I'd be a traitor if I devised plans to do this just for the sake of hurting their sentiments.
Well, I believe in God as muslim. All monotheistic religions are logic whereas I think that religions like Hinduism are clearly man-made, I heard that from Muslims and Christians. But if people believe in Hinduism and think, it is right, then they shall believe in it. Persons like me or many Europeans could never follow such a religion. Each to their own

Hinduism is not man made . It existed since ancient times and will live forever...

Even i cant follow islam if u cant follow hinduism...

There is whole theory of why we have so many gods .....but for that u need lot of hardwork....

12 years chanting may be ....are u ready.....
Yes ridiculous. Allow me to provide some images.

With my respect to Hindu members, I urge to rethink your religion, what sense is there in it? Look at these Gods, they do not exist, only in your imagination, you must understand that even all three monotheistic religions Judaism, Christianity, and Islam have consider much of the Hindu doctrine to be foolish and not pragmatic or true.

By the way I am just showing you pictures of your own Gods, they way YOU PORTRAY THEM, if thats too much for you, then why even bother...

ya this is imaginations the real gods are said to be having more of aura ....
By the way because you guys have millions of Gods in many cases

How do you remember all their names?

It is very hard to remember ...u need a lot of hard work.....

and lot of memory and intellegence which we have so our saints can remember them
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