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How many days a week you eat meat?

Generally chicken, once a week. Sometimes in biryani form, sometimes in curry.

Mutton rarely since it is costly.
Aren't you from Hyd? Most of my muslim friends from Hyd consume way more than that
Man we Lahori's even consider chicken as vegetable. Almost everything that we eat has to have meat in it, we are either eating meat, or vegetable with meat, or daal with meat, or meat rice.

My family has toned it down a bit in recent year, otherwise we were kind of daily meat eaters.
Ok...I was of the opinion pakistani punjabis eat lentils a lot as you people complained a lot about how afghans residing in pakistan call you excessive daal eaters.
Anyway thanks for the clarification.
Generally chicken, once a week. Sometimes in biryani form, sometimes in curry.

Mutton rarely since it is costly.
Very less for a muslim ..most muslims in india eat meat at least 3 times a week
I read a lot here about pakistanis love for meat..thats why asking this question...how many days a week you eat meat...and are there any vegetarians over there...does everyone love meat?
I eat two days a week..
Zero lol.

Actually very rarely (Maybe once every 3 months, that too in hotels depending on who I go out with). Meat has never been cooked at home. Gradually, planning to completely phase towards veg food.
Dont lahoris eat much meat?i read punjabis are branded and generalised as lentil lovers...is that true...do you people prefer daal more to meat?

Khota Biryani is very famous in Lahore.
Too much meat leads to problems of the digestive system. I learned it the hard way. I urge everyone to keep a healthy supply of veggies and fruits in your daily diet to make it balanced.
Too much meat leads to problems of the digestive system. I learned it the hard way. I urge everyone to keep a healthy supply of veggies and fruits in your daily diet to make it balanced.
Hmm true
Khota Biryani is very famous in Lahore.
What is khota biryani?
Aren't you from Hyd?

Maybe. Maybe not. :D

Most of my muslim friends from Hyd consume way more than that

Very less for a muslim ..most muslims in india eat meat at least 3 times a week

Well, my family is not a big meat eater.

Khota Biryani is very famous in Lahore.

I am sincerely sad for the donkeys.
@TechMan yeah sure it is very famous among visitors and uncalled visitors.
These days meet is three times a day but i generally prefer chicken and beef only.
What is khota biryani?

Haha...got it...you were referring to a few cases of donkey meat being served in name of beef biryani.
Generally chicken, once a week. Sometimes in biryani form, sometimes in curry.

Mutton rarely since it is costly.
Ye Mutton is expensive here too but veg like okra bengan and karaylay are about the same price - veg like that are about the same price per kilo - perhaps due to COVID prices of imported veg like that have gone sky high.
What is so wrong about that?

In Karachi its a delicacy to eat a Khota.

Recently due to downward economic spiral, pork has gain a market as it's cheaper.
I though there wont be any pigs in pakistan as it is a predominantly muslim country...of course there maybe a few christians who consume it
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