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How many brahmos does India have and how we defend against this ?

There's a video circulating on youtube with the title
"Greece has to equip its Rafales with Brahmos" (by some indian channel with an english name).
Some people questioned this on the comments of the video,based on the fact that the Greek Air Force has SCALP EG and...the replies were like this:
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how’s this even related to this thread, troll? Keep your India hatred elsewhere and stop flamebaiting.
how’s this even related to this thread, troll? Keep your India hatred elsewhere and stop flamebaiting.
I'm not flamebaiting. It has to do with Indians thinking that Brahmos is a superweapon of some sort,that everyone should use on their Rafales. The weapon is untested and the only user is India. Nobody cared to acquire it,all these years.
The fact that the Indian Armed Forces and government promote it so much as some kind of a wonderweapon,is annoying.
I'm not flamebaiting. It has to do with Indians thinking that Brahmos is a superweapon of some sort,that everyone should use on their Rafales. The weapon is untested and the only user is India. Nobody cared to acquire it,all these years.
The fact that the Indian Armed Forces and government promote it so much as some kind of a wonderweapon,is annoying.
See the thread title then reply, if it’s annoying then don’t engage in BrahMos threads.
There's a video circulating on youtube with the title
"Greece has to equip its Rafales with Brahmos" (by some indian channel with an english name).
Some people questioned this on the comments of the video,based on the fact that the Greek Air Force has SCALP EG and...the replies were like this:
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Ya it’s an Indian channel lmao, go get a life false flagger.
All Rights Reserved by Russian Yakhont Missile... Brahmos is just a copy of the Russian weapon which has even been supplied to Syria.



All Rights Reserved by Russian Yakhont Missile... Brahmos is just a copy of the Russian weapon which has even been supplied to Syria.

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But it couldn't fit in their new warships,so they opted it out,supposedly. Doesn't that make it different from Oniks? Actually,I was just reading the wikipedia article about it:

The defence ministry reported that due to the size and hull specifications of the BrahMos, few if any of its new ships will be able to accommodate it.[224]

So basically the Russians didn't care to integrate it to their new vessels nor actually make any purchases.
Ok, guys.
Before you start to think about how many brahmos India, you have to know how much each brahmos cost.
In 2012, IAF was permitted to purchase 200 air-launch Brahmos with $1billions, roughly $5m per unit. But considering part of funds spent for Su-30MKI modification, the missile price should be around $3m.

Since now is 2021, some of components were already indigenous. So let's assume the current price is $1.5m (highly unlikely). If India to deploy 3000 missiles, it will cost 4.5 billions for missiles alone. If you add on the personnel cost, launchers, other equipment, the total cost should be $6b. If India is produce all these missiles in 15 years, it means each year India need to spend $400m for 200 missiles.

After looking at these numbers, I believe everyone can get the answer. I haven't start the maintenance and training cost yet.

By the way: everyone should ask a question why no other country is using this supersonic cruise missile in other area except anti-ship.
The purpose of the project is to determine are their ANY ways to counter measure the
mack 2.5 - 3.0 missile against incoming targets? The question for general's & defense staff
should be the defence of Pakistani assets in threat of incoming BrahMos missiles of India
which are tagged indestructable? Pakistan doesn't have a defensive shield as Tel Aviv or
New Dehli of multi layered defenses yet only HQ-9 types systems that are yet to be proven ?
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The purpose of the project is to determine are their ANY ways to counter measure the
mack 2.5 - 3.0 missile against incoming targets? The question for general's & defense staff
should be the defence of Pakistani assets in threat of incoming BrahMos missiles of India
which are tagged indestructable? Pakistan doesn't have a defensive shield as Tel Aviv or
New Dehli of multi layered defenses yet only HQ-9 types systems that are yet to be proven ?
Israels iron some is incapable of intercepting such munitions. They have only been used against sub sonic - mach 1 rockets with a predictable trajectory.

Pakistan does have a defence against it.

Ly80 sam can intercept it at range. The SAM itself travels at mach 3+

CAMMERs on the babur corvette can intercept as well
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