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How Kashmir was stolen from Pakistan by Mountbatten

I wish Pakistani members had an option to prevent people flying certain flags from commenting on their threads.

u talk about/accuse Indians..then Indians do have the right defend themselves..that is basic democratic right anywhere..

may be democracy is a new concept to most Pakistanis,,,so it may be tough for u,..
Kashmir was not stolen from Pakistan, Infact Raja Harisingh was thinking to join Pakistan. but Pakistan Army showed impateince and attacked it. Harisingh did what any king will do for saving his kingdom he approached to Indian government & signed papers of accession in return of security assurance. No body stoled Kashmir its Pakistan's lust & impateince which cost them the loss.

About Gurdaaspur given to India & Why was Mountbatten not made governor of Pakistan you can check following link and find some answers yourself.


Exactly what i have said multiple times here.. 2 biggest mess ups on Kashmir by Pakistan.. 1st by Jinnah in 1948 and 2nd by Musharraf in 1999
Kashmir is the only state in India who have a large majority of muslims ( also lakshwadeep isles )
It should belong to pakistan just because of that
Kashmir valley belongs to a muslim country, hindus killed so many Kashmiris

They don't wish to join you guys . They want indipendence . check out the latest opinion polls
Kashmir was never been pakistani territory.Pakis attacked it just to secure their water life line.
Its the jackass indian leaders who couldnt get their territory back :(..
Bring modi.
Well going by your logic, Lahore and Karachi were non-Muslim majority cities, so they should have gone to India. Lahore had many Sikhs and also a sizeable number of Hindus, and Karachi was filled with Hindu Sindhi businessmen. You are providing only the half truths of the Radcliffe commision. India lost more in the Radcliffe commision than Pakistan.

You guys only got Lahore because otherwise you would not have had a major city in Pakistan. Karachi, your other major city, has been built by the Indian Mohajirs who migrated there post 1947.

Source: The Sunday Tribune - Spectrum

Four districts of Sindh- Karachi, Tharparkar, Mirpur Khas and Umarkot were Hindu majority cities but was never given to India.
in the papers Harisingh signed where the hell did he give the IA to rape, plunder and loot his people in the way the IA is doing right now and has been doing since the dawn of partition, what concerns Pakistanis is not that you took Kashmir but that after taking it looted and plundered the innocent and unarmed civilians as if trying to get the last laugh on the matter, the day you stop this devil fest is the day the ''Kashmir dispute'' end and until then the resistance will continue, the hatred will continue and the resentment will only multiply and till then i say ''Vive la resistance'' Allah ho Akbar

Neither did it meant Pakistan will support paid militants & killing of Indian minorities in kashmir. Its not hidden that Pakistan brainwashed kashmiri youth ,trained them armed them. 70000 indians have been killed due to pakistan's terrorism plots in kashmir. millions of hindus have been homeless. Kashmir was just a territory before pakistan made it blood shaded symbol of patriotism now no chance they will get it back because every indian is attached to kashmir like nothing else. Pakistan due to its dirty policies lost Kashmir again now there is no peaceful solution possible. Kill us or Die if you a inch of kashmir we have. If you have balls try it.
They don't wish to join you guys . They want indipendence . check out the latest opinion polls
So why don't you let them have a referendum ?
Kashmiris don't want your india !! Let's do a referendum
But you fear....

Kashmir was never been pakistani territory.Pakis attacked it just to secure their water life line.
Its the jackass indian leaders who couldnt get their territory back :(..
Bring modi.
Why do you say " bring modi " ?
Do you want a war with pakistan ?
Pakistan would have been better under British rule, I would also incur that pakistani kashmir remove all troops and be replaced with british troops.
Lol seriously?? You really dont know what this is going to lead to?? Or u in troll mode considering the tittle and all?

My goal is to make everyone aware of the circumstances regarding the status of Gurdaspur District and how it impacted the Kashmir Status later on.
So why don't you let them have a referendum ?
Kashmiris don't want your india !! Let's do a referendum
But you fear....

Why do you say " bring modi " ?
Do you want a war with pakistan ?

The ones who dont want to be in India are the Pakistani Talibani scum you have trained and sent here. You can keep sending as many terrorists as you want, we will kill them all, but India will never be partitioned off again ever.
I find it extremely disturbing that India got no part of sindh . The 4 million sindhis of India lost their native state . Each state that was partitioned - Punjab , Bengal , Jammu & Kashmir has been divided between both Pakistan and india but India got no part of Sindh . India should have got atleast a small part of Sindh .
So why don't you let them have a referendum ?
Kashmiris don't want your india !! Let's do a referendum
But you fear....

First remove all your army troops from AK, GB & Pakistan Occupied parts of Kashmir....Let all kashmiri go back to their homes... then referendum thing can be thought of.
My goal is to make everyone aware of the circumstances regarding the status of Gurdaspur District and how it impacted the Kashmir Status later on.

If that is your intention, dont you think you should also open informative threads on how Lahore and Karachi were stolen from India by the Radcliffe commission despite being Hindu/Sikh majority areas?

You guys lost Kashmir because you tried invading it, which forced the Maharaja to join India to repel the invasion. Ideally Kashmir always wanted to stay independent nation, the Maharaja had made that clear when asked by the commission in 1946.
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