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How India's growth will outpace China's - The Economist

Indeed, why? But hey, wait a moment - it is NOT. India's software exports are around 55-60 billion dollars. China's software exports account for less than 10 billion dollars!

China is far ahead of India in manufacturing and infrastructure, though. No one is disputing that.

Software industry isn't just about exports/outsourcing. China in fact has a more well-rounded software industry comparing to India and that's based mostly on internal demand which can never be outsourced, ironically because we do not speak much English.

About a decade ago, roughly when Zhu Rongji went to India and said China has hardware and India has software, there was a lot of excitement in China about adopting the Indian model of software export/outsourcing. But nowadays more and more people are realizing a strong internal demand rather than exports should drive the Chinese software industry.

Even in the export sector, Chinese software export is much larger than $10 billion when embedded software is factored in. People may not realize this, but Huawei is China's biggest software company judging by revenue of its software business.
At present they seem to have problem with infrastructure without Chinese expertise and investment. When India can make its own decent telecom gear, roads, infrastructure and provide toilet then we can seriously considerin india going anywhere on world economy...right now its just a growing teenager with attitude problems sometime.
I think there has been 9 Chinese Nobel Prize winners, just none from Mainland China.

Dont think it has as much to do with racism as lack of freedom

List of Chinese Nobel Prize Laureates

With over a billion people, native Chinese do not win Scientific Nobel Prizes for the same reasons that Arabs living under Islam do not win Scientific Nobel Prizes. As for Chinese or Arabs who win Nobel Prizes in Literature, they do not live in America but they are usually despised and hated by their native countries. In the case of Gao, the Chinese government officially regards him as an exiled dissident, and all of his works are banned. In the case of the Egyptian Naguib Mahfouz who died this year, he was attacked by Muslims for his writings.

So when I said that Islam was holding back scientific progress, it applies equally to the Chinese government. It applied as well to the Soviets in the past era. Religion or Governments that deny freedom and liberty just do not create anything. They can steal it, or buy it, but they cannot create it.
List of Chinese Nobel Prize Laureates from Planck's Constant

Real Interesting article, you might want to read it.

You've trolled this point before. All anyone has to do is look up those threads to see what a fool you made yourself out to be.
Cardsharp probably can't resist the fun from our commedian "CAPTAIN AMERICA" :D

I took everyone off my ignore list when I took Challenger off.

I love how Cpt Am. despite his none achievement wants to claim credit by standing on the shoulders of others. Well go to the graduate department of any chemistry, physics, and biology department here or in America and I defy you to find one without a Chinese person in it and these bright people are increasingly returning to China for faculty positions.
I took everyone off my ignore list when I took Challenger off.

I love how Cpt Am. despite his none achievement wants to claim credit by stand on the shoulders of others. Well go to the graduate department of any chemistry, physics, and biology department here or in America and I defy you to find one without a Chinese person in it and these bright people are increasingly returning to China for faculty positions.

How could he claim that the Chinese are incapable of innovation when he is unabashedly stealing from internet articles lol :D?

Watch he is going to start accusing us of being bullies again...
After reforms it take the time. It took time for both China and India. China did it in 1978 and got the result starting from ~1990. India did that in 1992 and we have seen good sustained growth from ~2000. But when the Chinese economy reach a maturity level, the growth will be be reduced.

Ya, their economic reformer was Deng Xiaoping(I think) in the 70s. Our reformer was Manmohan Singh in the 90s.
Ya, their economic reformer was Deng Xiaoping(I think) in the 70s. Our reformer was Manmohan Singh in the 90s.

You are giving Singh too much credit. The reforms happened almost out of apathy IMO. Rao the stop gap had no viable opposition. At least that is the account I was given.
Lets think about this a minute, there have been 531 Nobel Prizes since 1901 of that about a dozen have been given to Muslims, Mainland Chinese and the USSR, especially if you leave out peace prizes and literature. Combined Muslims, Chinese and USSR made up what maybe half the world population. Is this poltics, racism or just the fact that there was not sufficent reasons that they deserved to be given Nobel Prizes. If so point out more then a dozen discoveries that deserved Nobel Prizes.

Do you think there is any truth at all to the statement:

Religion or Governments that deny freedom and liberty just do not create anything. They can steal it, or buy it, but they cannot create it

How China Steals U.S. Military Secrets
A spate of recent spying cases opens the lid on China's aggressive military buildup. What's most troubling: It is based largely on U.S. technology.
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You are giving Singh too much credit. The reforms happened almost out of apathy IMO. Rao the stop gap had no viable opposition. At least that is the account I was given.

Can anyone go into detail I dont know enough. I just know it reduced the red tape and took out the old system used by the British raj. Thanks. :tup:
At present they seem to have problem with infrastructure without Chinese expertise and investment. When India can make its own decent telecom gear, roads, infrastructure and provide toilet then we can seriously considerin india going anywhere on world economy...right now its just a growing teenager with attitude problems sometime.

I agree with all of your points except for the highlighted point. Weather India builds toilets for its people or not, it is going to be an important economic player because of its size and population. I am not sure if India could be a competitor for China but things will only get better for India and it will undoubtedly be an economic power. I just hope the attitude problem you mentioned changes so that people will start linking us :)
India’s GDP is expected to grow by 8.5% this year, and could grow even faster. Chetan Ahya and Tanvee Gupta of Morgan Stanley, an investment bank, predict that India’s growth will start to outpace China’s within three to five years. China will rumble along at 8% rather than double digits; India will rack up successive years of 9-10%. For the next 20-25 years, India will grow faster than any other large country, they expect. Other long-range forecasters paint a similar picture.

Tired of people looking into a crystal ball and predicting the future. No human being knows what will happen tomorrow, if they did they could've stopped 9/11 and the war OF terror.
Lets think about this a minute, there have been 531 Nobel Prizes since 1901 of that about a dozen have been given to Muslims, Mainland Chinese and the USSR, especially if you leave out peace prizes and literature. Combined Muslims, Chinese and USSR made up what maybe half the world population. Is this poltics, racism or just the fact that there was not sufficent reasons that they deserved to be given Nobel Prizes. If so point out more then a dozen discoveries that deserved Nobel Prizes.

This is almost word for word what you've posted on that other thread a couple of month back.
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