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How India's growth will outpace China's - The Economist

All this talk about Chinese people being unable to innovate and having entrepreneurial spirit is hogwash and comes out of the racist and stereotypical view of Chinese people are not individuals. We are the yellow horde in Korea attacking like automatons in human waves. :blah::blah:

Just a shame that so many people still buy into this racist POV even in mainstream.

I know what you mean, but that's just CAPTAIN AMERICA and other assorted trolls.

Most non-Chinese people I meet are well aware of Chinese historical inventions, and what they have contributed to humanity.
The CPC have killed the innovation, entrepreneurship or rather to say independent thinking in Mainland.

Communism is a blip in Chinese history, it's magnitude is tiny if you place it in the context. Any damage done is fully reversible and really has been reversed already.

Look at Hong Kong or Taiwan where you will see the same people of Chinese origin mastering entrepreneurship and innovation.

Don't forget people of Chinese ancestry who dominate business in SE Asia.
Instead of comparing India and China ... as the whole world is obsessed in playing the rising countries to play against each other, lets try to see why India can or at least has the potential to catch up with China ... (I don't think it will happen in near future)

1. Indian Infrastructure - India's infrastructure is and will be a dragging factor in coming future. Sure, its investing 100billion dollars in infra... but its gonna show some impact only in second half of the decade.

2. Corruption - Well ... no need to say anything. But since you can't remove it overnight ... there are few positive steps that are being taken ... slowly but steadily. E-Governance is going to be an important factor in near future. With the introduction of UID, lots of services are going to be centralized and more transparent ... so this will defntly have some effect atleast at the lower level.

3. Democracy - Lets face it ... we are who we are. We are okay with its flaws ... and we don't mind being dragged by the inefficiencies of it.

4. Agriculture - No improvement in near future. infact, govt is not really interested in taking effective steps to increase the production levels.

A country's GDP can't be sustained with just service sector and exports. India need to rethink it's strategy and 2010-2020 would be a good time to start working on that.

5. Private sector - It can do better and will be doing it as they are growing strong with favorable policies in most of the sectors.

6. Manufacturing - China's way way ahead in manufacturing capabilities. India has to catch up on this front. If it can't then it has to forget about being a global power!
Communism is a blip in Chinese history, it's magnitude is tiny if you place it in the context. Any damage done is fully reversible and really has been reversed already.

Don't forget people of Chinese ancestry who dominate business in SE Asia.

Exactly. China was Communist for 30 years... out of a civilization that lasted over 5000 years.

There is SO much more to China than just the Communist revolution.
many people see China as just a country with Communism. But the leaders of China had a grand vision for the country and they did the right thing instead of getting bogged down by traditional beliefs.

The power of China is to manage through the times and adapting to the international pressure, its own people and in fact the aspirations of the leaders.

The world needs more leaders that can guide the whole world rather than those who get consumed by the power and lose sight of their goals.
many people see China as just a country with Communism. But the leaders of China had a grand vision for the country and they did the right thing instead of getting bogged down by traditional beliefs.

The power of China is to manage through the times and adapting to the international pressure, its own people and in fact the aspirations of the leaders.

The world needs more leaders that can guide the whole world rather than those who get consumed by the power and lose sight of their goals.

Modern China is all about pragmatism. They are no longer driven by any ideology whatsoever, they will use capitalism when they deem it useful, and they will use socialism when they deem it useful.

Like Deng Xiaoping said: "I don't care if a cat is black or white... all I care about is how well it catches mice."

China invests everywhere without discrimination. We even invest in Japan when the need arises.
India’s literacy rate is rising, thanks in part to a surge in cheap private schools for the poor, but it is still far behind China’s.

I Have one Question- pouch
By the time Indian literacy rate come to the level of Chinese And by the same time it would be fair to except that Chinese by that time would have become as comfortable as we are with English. So it means on literacy front and on the know how of english we would be some what same.

But as the global economy becomes more knowledge-intensive, India’s advantage will grow. That is something to ponder while stuck in the Delhi traffic.

So why would the Chinese not be able to compete with us in knowledge based economy. Does that mean that we are smarter than them
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All this talk about Chinese people being unable to innovate and having entrepreneurial spirit is hogwash and comes out of the racist and stereotypical view of Chinese people are not individuals. We are the yellow horde in Korea attacking like automatons in human waves. :blah::blah:

Just a shame that so many people still buy into this racist POV even in mainstream.

I hate to stereotype but sadly, I have witnessed things first hand which have forged the opinion.
I am a concept art student here in US. I have seen the Chinese students being very good technically. But they would always design things that are based on existing stuff. I don't know if it is due to their lack of understanding people's taste or they are not trained to think out of the box. On the other hand , Chinese Americans have amazing creativity. Which I think is because they are hard working due to cultural reasons and they know American culture and tastes better.
That said, historically a county or an artist learns by copying others before becoming creative. We know Japanese products were regarded as low quality replicas in the past but now it is considered the hot bed for innovation . So is the case with Koreans. So I believe China will become a better innovator in near future.

My wishes to China!
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I hate to stereotype but sadly, I have witnessed things first hand which have forged the opinion.
I am a concept art student here in US. I have seen the Chinese students being very good technically. But they would always design things that are based on existing stuff. I don't know if it is due to their lack of understanding people's taste or they are not trained to think out of the box. On the other hand , Chinese Americans have amazing creativity. Which I think is because they are hard working due to cultural reasons and they know American culture and tastes better.

Well you've answered your own question. Chinese Americans understand American culture and are comfortable enough with the knowledge to innovate and be creative whereas fresh off the boat chinese probably find American culture much harder to understand. So they are probably more conservative in their artistic approach.

Innovation and creativity demands comfort and familiarity with the subject and material. As you say Chinese people aren't genetically predisposed and it really depends on the environment.
So why would the Chinese not be able to compete with us in knowledge based economy. Does that mean that we are smarter than them[/QUOTE]

I don't know what 'knowledge based' exactly means. I don't think the Indians are innovating anything. We get that feeling because the chinese have a huge manufacturing base which is non existent in India. But we have a relatively better software sector. I think the Chinese are good in manufacturing and software. But since we cannot compete with them in manufacturing, we call ourselves a 'Knowledge based' economy.
India may over take China in terms of growth but it will take time to match China in terms of overall economical might. China has done a good job in terms of industrialization and production line, specially low cost goods. Their govt's strict policies also helped a lot. Above all China did economic reform nearly 15 years earlier than India and they took the advantages.

BTW google says that in 1990 China and India's GDP....

China: $ 356 billion
India: $ 317 billion

So it was 1.12 times and may be India had more per capita income. But now China has a GDP ~3.5 times that of India.

Also China crossed $ 1 trillion mark in 1997/98 while India did that in 2007/08.
So why would the Chinese not be able to compete with us in knowledge based economy. Does that mean that we are smarter than them

I don't know what 'knowledge based' exactly means. I don't think the Indians are innovating anything. We get that feeling because the chinese have a huge manufacturing base which is non existent in India. But we have a relatively better software sector. I think the Chinese are good in manufacturing and software. But since we cannot compete with them in manufacturing, we call ourselves a 'Knowledge based' economy.

You are new to this forum so I'll tell you now; You'll wear yourself out if you try to respond to every trolling remark on this forum.:lol:
India may over take China in terms of growth but it will take time to match China in terms of overall economical might. China has done a good job in terms of industrialization and production line, specially low cost goods. Their govt's strict policies also helped a lot. Above all China did economic reform nearly 15 years earlier than India and they took the advantages.

BTW google says that in 1990 China and India's GDP....

China: $ 356 billion
India: $ 317 billion

So it was 1.12 times and may be India had more per capita income. But now China has a GDP ~3.5 times that of India.

If China started in 1978 and 12 years of it was spent on catching up par against India, then start early clearly wasn't that much of an advantage.
Well you've answered your own question. Chinese Americans understand American culture and are comfortable enough with the knowledge to innovate and be creative whereas fresh off the boat chinese probably find American culture much harder to understand. So they are probably more conservative in their artistic approach.

Innovation and creativity demands comfort and familiarity with the subject and material. As you say Chinese people aren't genetically predisposed and it really depends on the environment.

My question is, the Chinese have much better exposure to facilities, their cities and buildings look futuristic. But they aren't really prepared to facing the world yet. Pardon me if I am simplistic. Is it something to do with the media or the government?

But Indians come from fi1thy cities where access to a lot of facilities including training in the respective field is difficult. but they are much prepared to face the world. May be its something to do with the difficulty of getting things done in India. Unless you fight for it, you won't get it. So if you survive in India, you can survive anywhere.

Again, its just an observation. No offense to anyone.

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