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How India is preparing to counter the China threat

It is NOT China's land... We will keep on saying that the border issue is NOT resolved.... For the years to come by! Whether you like it or not... Those barren lands are NOT worth to fight another war with a Nuclear armed India! Bring it on, We are ready to cut your nose this time.

In 1962 Indian defense was in a pathetic state! This time it was not that easy! Yes Chinese army has better numbers and equipment's... But that will NOT make us succumb before you!

Lol nuclear armed India, it's that your bargain ship? :lol: even with that Indians gorvernment is living with constant fear that we will claim the territory back by conventional force so they are so alarmist with every single move we did in Tibet such infrastructure development: railway, airport, dams and especially water ;). So to answer your Challenge as "bring it On" is "we're coming" :azn:
I really don't understand why Indians are so scared of us. They constantly live in fear and paranoia. I guess since China and India have similar populations the Indians felt humiliated after the 1962 war. I think they thought they were superior to us, but after the war, they found out they are inferior to us. I think what they had thought and what actually happened shocked and humiliated them, which contributes to the anti-China hatred all Indians have.
Lol nuclear armed India, it's that your bargain ship? :lol: even with that Indians gorvernment is living with constant fear that we will claim the territory back by conventional force so they are so alarmist with every single move we did in Tibet such infrastructure development: railway, airport, dams and especially water ;). So to answer your Challenge as "bring it On" is "we're coming" :azn:

Ya... come on, come on.... Don't whine about it... A great country which ran away in 1962 without settling the terms in their favor is coming again! You are more than welcome!
Ya... come on, come on.... Don't whine about it... A great country which ran away in 1962 without settling the terms in their favor is coming again! You are more than welcome!

We pummelled you so bad you have been living in fear and paranoia for 50 years. When you actually had the chance to beat the PLA, you got whooped. No point crying behind keyboards and cameras. You had a chance to prove India is worthy of our respect, but you blew hot air in 1962. For all your chest thumping, you fired blanks when it really mattered.
I really don't understand why Indians are so scared of us. They constantly live in fear and paranoia. I guess since China and India have similar populations the Indians felt humiliated after the 1962 war. I think they thought they were superior to us, but after the war, they found out they are inferior to us. I think what they had thought and what actually happened shocked and humiliated them, which contributes to the anti-China hatred all Indians have.

FYI.... Your guesses & thinking is are so imaginary and a new Chinese movie can be made with it!

Wow... look whom do you won... A country which had been enslaved & ruled for 1000 years and it is a country which got independence for just 15 years with the defense sector in a pathetic state with a leader who claimed that the nation do not need an army, who has no knowledge about foreign policy & how to defend an invasion!

More over I am not anti-China.... I have some 50-60 Chinese friends in Shanghai, Macau and Beijing.... Many of them are very nice and friendly and are so ignorant that they don't even know that China fought war with India... State of the nation where even facebook is banned!

oh sorry, I am speaking to a CPC employed internet warrior.. who will earn 50 cents for each post... Go on.. earn your 50 cents!
You've clearly never heard of the Korean War. The fact that North Korea is a country now and is not part of a united Korea is due to China. Read up the Korean War or watch a video of it, might learn something about history.
Might be too hard to stomach for an Indian.

:-) We are the nation who fought with Alexander the great with all our force and proved to be fierce opponent... China is powerful... That does mean, India will succumb before it!

The mighty China fought the Korean war with the Soviet backing if the war goes nuclear... And covered the Americans from all side silently won't make you invincible! Every nation has its high's and down's.... Like mighty China suffered under Japanese Invasion and at a point of time, Almost 90% China was ruled by a Mongolian ruler!(Just an illustration!)

I am an avid supporter of South Korea with their Hyundai and Samsung brands.... I just like those brands!

Speaking about a war in 330 BC is stupid, Like speaking about a war of 1950's! Our stomachs are big...because we use to eat with out hand not with two small sticks!
Hmm... Three times the defence budjet of pakistan!
"Warmongering" China has not had any cross-border bloodshed with any neighbouring country for over 30 years.

India on the other hand, not only has regular bloodshed on both the Pakistani and Bangladeshi borders but also more extreme things like beheading that have occurred only just a month ago. With another cross-border killing just yesterday.

We are not the ones that you have to be worried about. We are the ones avoiding bloodshed and concentrating on economy.
You have a war within, which is equally bad. Tibetans are immolating themselves by the hundreds and Xinjiang is on fire where you guys are busy killing innocent men women and children by the dozen almost daily. Your own people are being subjected to torture because the commie government hates free speech and democracy. You fellows are like in a concentration camp under your corrupt CPC masters who are answerable to none.

Nuff said!
China has never fought a war since 1962? Read some more before you post here. Stop posting these kind of BS China threat, it only leads to endless trolling.

yes the should disband the army too! (sarcasm) :rofl:
We pummelled you so bad you have been living in fear and paranoia for 50 years. When you actually had the chance to beat the PLA, you got whooped. No point crying behind keyboards and cameras. You had a chance to prove India is worthy of our respect, but you blew hot air in 1962. For all your chest thumping, you fired blanks when it really mattered.

I may be banned for this... But I am itching to write it... You are calling yourselves as men when the Chinese women are raped after 50-100 times by the Japanese invaders... You are living with that shame for all these years.... Comparing to that.... 1962 was never a shame!

I as a citizen can understand an army soldiers losing to invaders... But I as a husband and as a son will never forgive myself not protecting my wife and mother!
Ya... come on, come on.... Don't whine about it... A great country which ran away in 1962 without settling the terms in their favor is coming again! You are more than welcome!

We're coming in turtle speed, we will keep you waiting with un sleepless eyes then strike with lightning speed as 1962 ;)...and ya keep waiting, before that we will build few more dams and extend rail link to Shigatse to piss you off and make you alarmingly dance like monkey as Antony's famous expression " It's matter of concern" :lol: we are just too cool

Ya... come on, come on.... Don't whine about it... A great country which ran away in 1962 without settling the terms in their favor is coming again! You are more than welcome!

Bizzarely Chinese couldn't do a damn in 1975 when Sikkim was made part of India, despite Chinese claims of Sikkim as their territory
Bizzarely Chinese couldn't do a damn in 1975 when Sikkim was made part of India, despite Chinese claims of Sikkim as their territory

Lol Sikkim was a bait to trick Indian gorvernment to formally recognize Tibet as part of China and even now we have never declare Sikkim is part of India :azn:. You don't use force in every occasion, some time pen is mightier than Sword ;).
FYI.... Your guesses & thinking is are so imaginary and a new Chinese movie can be made with it!

Wow... look whom do you won... A country which had been enslaved & ruled for 1000 years and it is a country which got independence for just 15 years with the defense sector in a pathetic state with a leader who claimed that the nation do not need an army, who has no knowledge about foreign policy & how to defend an invasion!

More over I am not anti-China.... I have some 50-60 Chinese friends in Shanghai, Macau and Beijing.... Many of them are very nice and friendly and are so ignorant that they don't even know that China fought war with India... State of the nation where even facebook is banned!

oh sorry, I am speaking to a CPC employed internet warrior.. who will earn 50 cents for each post... Go on.. earn your 50 cents!
Stupid words. Even not worthy to argue.
Lol Sikkim was a bait to trick Indian gorvernment to formally recognize Tibet as part of China and even now we have never declare Sikkim is part of India :azn:. You don't use force in every occasion, some time pen is mightier than Sword ;).

India recognized Tibet in 1950s as Chinese territory

Sino-Indian Trade Agreement over Tibetan Border (1954) [p.185]


29TH APRIL, 1954


The government of the Republic of India and the Central People's Government of the People's Republic of China.

Being desirous of promoting trade and cultural intercourse between Tibet Region of China and India and of facilitating pilgrimage and travel by the peoples if China and India.

Have resolved to enter into the present Agreement base on the following principles:

1. mutual respect for each other's territorial integrity and sovereignty,

2. mutual non-aggression,

3. mutual non-interference in each other's internal affairs,

4. equality and mutual benefit, and

5. peaceful co-existence.

And for this purpose have appointed as their respective Plenipotentiaries:

The Government of the Republic of India, H.E. Nedyam Raghavan, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of India accredited to the People's Republic of China; the Central People's Government of the People's Republic of China, H.E. Chang Han-fu, Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Central People's Government, who, having examined each other's credentials and finding them in good and due form, have agreed upon the following:


The High Contracting Parties mutually agree to establish Trade Agencies:

(1) The Government of India agrees that the Government of China may establish trade agencies at New Delhi, Calcutta and Kalimpong.

(2) The Government of China agrees that the Government of India may establish Trade Agencies at Yatung, Gyantse and Gartok.

The Trade agencies of both Parties shall be accorded the same status and same treatment. The Trade Agents of both parties shall enjoy freedom from arrest while exercising their functions, and shall enjoy in respect of themselves, their wives and children who are dependent on them for livelihood freedom from search.

The Trade Agencies of both Parties shall enjoy the privileges and immunities for couriers, mail bags and communications in code.


The High Contracting Parties agree that traders of both countries known to be customarily and specifically engages in trade between Tibet Region of China and India may trade between Tibet Region of China and India may trade at the following places:

(1) The Government of China agrees to specify (a) Yatung, (b) Gyantse and (c) Phari as markets for trade. The Government of India agrees that trade may be carried on in India, including places like, (a) Kalimpong, (b) Siliguri and (c) Calcutta, according to customary practice.

(2) The Government of China agrees to specify (a) Gartok, (b) Pulanchung (Taklakot), (c) Gyanima-Khargo, (d) Gyanima-Chakra, (e) Ramura, (f) Dongbra, (g) Puling-Sumdo, (h) Nabra, (i) Shangtse and (j) Tashigong as markets for trade; the Government of India agrees that in future, when in accordance with the development and need of trade between the Ari District of Tibet region of China and India, it has become necessary to specify markets for trade in the corresponding district in India adjacent to the Ari District of Tibet Region of China, it will be prepared to consider on the basis of equality and reciprocity to do so.


The high Contracting Parties agree that pilgrimage by religious believers of the two countries shall be carried on in accordance with the following provisions:

(1) Pilgrims from India of Lamaist, Hindu and Buddhist faiths may visit Kang Rinpoche (Kailas) and Mavam Tso (Manasorovar) in the Tibet Region of China in accordance with custom.

(2) Pilgrims from Tibet Region of China of Lamaist and Buddhist faiths may visit Banaras, Sarnath, Gaya and Sanchi in India in accordance with custom.

(3) Pilgrims customarily visiting Lhasa may continue to do so in accordance with custom.


Traders and pilgrims of both countries may travel by the following passes and route:

(1) Shipki La pass,

(2) Mana pass,

(3) Niti pass,

(4) Kungri Bingri pass,

(5) Dharma pass, and

(6) Lipu Lekh pass.


For traveling across the border, the High Contracting Parties agree that diplomatic personnel, officials and nationals of the two countries shall hold passports issued by their own respective countries and visas by the other Party except as providing in Paragraphs 1, 2, 3 and 4 of this Article.

(1)Traders of both countries known to be customarily and specifically engaged in trade between Tibet Region of China and India, their wives and children who are dependent on them for livelihood and their attendants will be allowed entry for purposes of trade into India or Tibet Region of China, as the case may be, in accordance with custom on the production of certificates duly issued by the local government of their own country or by its duly assigned agents and examined by the border checkposts of the other Party.

(2)Inhabitants of the border districts of the two countries who cross the border to carry on petty trade or to visit friends and relatives may proceed to the border districts of the other Party as they have customarily done heretofore and need not be restricted to the passes and route specified in Article IV above and shall not be required to hold passports, visas or permits.

(3)Porters and mule-team drivers of the two countries who cross the border to perform necessary transportation services need not hold passports issued by their own country, but shall only hold certificates good for a definite period of time (three months, held a year or one year) duly issued by the local government of their own country or by its duly authorised agents and produce them for registration at the border checkposts of the other Party.

(4)Pilgrims of both countries need not carry documents of certification but shall register at the border checkposts of the other Party and receive a permit for pilgrimage.

(5)Notwithstanding the provisions of the foregoing paragraphs of this Article, either Government may refuse entry to any particular person.

(6)Persons who enter the territory of the other Party in accordance with the foregoing paragraphs of this Article may stay within its territory only after complying with the procedures specified by the other Party.


The present Agreement shall come into effect upon ratification by both Governments and shall remain in force for eight (8) years. Extension of the present Agreement may be negotiated by the two Parties if either Party requests for it six (6) months prior to the expiry of the Agreement and the request is agreed to by the other Party.

Done in duplicate in Peking on the twenty-ninth day of April, 1954, in the Hindi, Chinese and English languages all texts being equally valid.

Sd: NEDYAM RAGHAVAN Plenipotentiary of the Government of the Republic of India.

Sd: CHANG HAN-FU Plenipotentiary of the Central People's Government, People's Republic of China.

Sino-Indian Trade Agreement over Tibetan Border (1954)

Rest of your post is delusions suited to reduce mental agony and suit your fantasies :laugh:

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