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How far ahead of India is China?

Actually Cirr is correct the prices of everything has gone up for the past 10 years, the value of the USD has gone down quite considerably. You can't draw a strait line between China's GDP in 2002 and India's GDP in 2012 in dollar terms.

This is you're reasoning, to me it's a big huh. The value of any currency should be measured at what and how much things you can buy with it ie inlation/deflation.

People have been saying for decades now that India sooner or later will collapse even great minds today like Lee Kuan Yew and Jim Rogers are saying that "India is a artificial state".

1. China today is no longer Communist.
2. People have been saying since India's inception till today that it will eventually collapse.

No- the SCALE is the USD not chinese prices. And the only thing that needs to be looked at is how different that yardstick is (2002 Vs 2011). If Indian/ chinese prices go up or down due to inflation or other factors, the same will get reflected in the USD estimates which will go up or down accordingly. This is BASIC math. Rest of your post is BS. In any case I (like most other people) don't have any trust in Chinese intellectuals on social or political issues.
You dont get point of our government.

They want to weed out corruption and focus absolutely on poorest of poor, so that they are helped out in livelihood in subsidized ration and gas. We don' t have luxury of trillion dollar reserves like CHina. SO we have to focus our resources to most needy people. Hope you get my point

Actually on this point I don't think we can defend this. My suggestion to MS Alhuwalia is that since he is so convinced that people can live at Rs.29 / day 'comfortably', let him prove this by living on that amount for a few years. I'm sure that he has his compelling reasons and he'll surely try to argue that he should be belived because he is one of the top economists of the world (was considered for IMF Head, World Bank head etc.). Therefore I believe him and believe that even when we cut out his salary and lavish perks down to Rs.29, he'll live a beautiful and comfortable life. the jackass deserves it for setting these stupid levels.
Actually on this point I don't think we can defend this. My suggestion to MS Alhuwalia is that since he is so convinced that people can live at Rs.29 / day 'comfortably', let him prove this by living on that amount for a few years. I'm sure that he has his compelling reasons and he'll surely try to argue that he should be belived because he is one of the top economists of the world (was considered for IMF Head, World Bank head etc.). Therefore I believe him and believe that even when we cut out his salary and lavish perks down to Rs.29, he'll live a beautiful and comfortable life. the jackass deserves it for setting these stupid levels.

Rs. 29/ day is poverty line, In India that means money required for basic survival, not living comfortably. Understand economics before commenting on it .
Rs. 29/ day is poverty line, In India that means money required for basic survival, not living comfortably. Understand economics before commenting on it .

rs.28 a day is poverty line. If you have that much, you can survive. 'Living comfortably' was a sarcastic figure of speech I was using to describe MSA. And you don't need to give me any lectures on economice- I know it quite well.
Rather you can migrate to CHINA.
I would rather be a free man than being instructed to do what I should

in what way care to explain what our government instructed us to do? oh I get it goi don't force their citizen to have an education so they are free to harm women on the street on a daily basis am I correct
in what way care to explain what our government instructed us to do? oh I get it goi don't force their citizen to have an education so they are free to harm women on the street on a daily basis am I correct

sorry mate, that was not intended to make fun of CHINA, it was against the guy who was interested in ditching democracy. There is a large section of people who are already neglected by the very own people who represent them in Parliment. I dont want that to be made even worse by making a group of elietes who dont have to listen to the people and make their own decessions.
No- the SCALE is the USD not chinese prices. And the only thing that needs to be looked at is how different that yardstick is (2002 Vs 2011). If Indian/ chinese prices go up or down due to inflation or other factors, the same will get reflected in the USD estimates which will go up or down accordingly. This is BASIC math. Rest of your post is BS. In any case I (like most other people) don't have any trust in Chinese intellectuals on social or political issues.

It has nothing to do with Chinese or Indian prices. Its simply the fact that 1 USD today buy a lot less than in 2002 ie inflation.

Sigh! A Chinese's grasp of economics and politics. Capitalism is a form of economy, Communism is a form of Government. The Chinese form of Government is Communism.

Communisme is both political and a economic system. The planned economy, China has abandon that for a freemarkt economy.


It has nothing to do with Chinese or Indian prices. Its simply the fact that 1 USD today buy a lot less than in 2002 ie inflation.

Communisme is both political and a economic system. The planned economy, China has abandon that for a freemarkt economy.

Planned economy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Market economy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Nope, perhaps that is what they teach is China but that is completely wrong. Read the wikipedia articles for yourself instead of just posting links.

You are clearly confusing socialism - a form of economy with communism - a form of government.
It has nothing to do with Chinese or Indian prices. Its simply the fact that 1 USD today buy a lot less than in 2002 ie inflation.

Communisme is both political and a economic system. The planned economy, China has abandon that for a freemarkt economy.

Planned economy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Market economy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Dude... are you referring to what 1 USD will buy in the US (in which case it is correct) or what it will buy in China-( in whcih case it is irrelevant). If the scale is the same, then whaever inflation China or India sees will automatically be reflected in the final tally.
Nope, perhaps that is what they teach is China but that is completely wrong. Read the wikipedia articles for yourself instead of just posting links.

You are clearly confusing socialism - a form of economy with communism - a form of government.

No- there are extensive economic theories associated with communism- especially the lack of individual property rights and the collectivization of Industry and resoucres - many of which have been abandoned by Chinese people but was definitely in full force in the USSR.

Rather you can migrate to CHINA.
I would rather be a free man than being instructed to do what I should

naaa, I don't thin you should censure him so much. it's become very fashionable to say- we need a dictatorship, a coup and such.
Any country would not tolerate advocating overthrow of government??????

Actually, all civilized countries give their citizens a chance to overthrow the ruling Government in a peaceful manner every 5 years. Countries like Zimbabwe, Saudi Arabia, North Korea and China are clearly not in this bracket.

Voting out a government and overthrowing the system are two different Matters. Here in Germany it is by law forbidden to install a different system than our current democratic system. Try to re-install a monarchy or worse a Nazi-regime and you won't be able to even count to three before the Verfassungsschutz knocks on your door.
Of course there are deep seated injustices in India - but this is true of all societies and all democratic societies in their earlier avatars go through a learning curve. Communist nations implode.

We started two years later than India with democracy and that after we were brainwashed with Nazi-ideology and bombed back to the stoneage in WWII. 75 % of my city was like the surface of the moon. And see where we are and where you are.

Of course it is communist. What else is it?

Have you ever read the works of Marx? I guess not, or else you wouldn't spew that much ingnorance.
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