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How did Jammu and Kashmir become a part of India? 9 facts on Accession Day

I was not sulking. You need to find out what that word means before using it. I was merely showing the slumdog face of India.

The problem is everybody uses Karachi as a exposition of what Pakistan is. The fact that it is only 5% of Pakistan cuts no ice when they go running to some slum in Karachi called "Bihar nagar or Delhi basti or Lucknow goth" where it's obvious the residents are from and then croak "hey we be the same". That is like Sikh from Jallandhar landing in Southall, UK and exclaiming "hey we be same".

Exactly we have nothing in common with Indians. Not ethnically, culturally, or politically.
Not really.

I was speaking to a German a couple of days back.

About reunification. And Germany 30 years later.

I can tell you bro that even with reunification you guys have a big struggle and a tough road back.

Without it, I'm afraid you guys will continue jumping from one sponsor state to another, till they want to play you. And you have a purpose that furthers their own agenda.

Americans. Chinese. Turks. Saudis. Russians.

You will go through them all.Till there is no one left to go to.

And then you will realise the time you wasted. And the hard won opportunity.

That you are and always will be Hindustani Musalmans. Nothing else.

Cheers, Doc
Yes we are Hindustani Muslims. I would even use the phrase Hindu Muslims....we are the originals. Just not Bharati or Republic of Indian Muslims.

About 200 years of breathing space and eulogising or not eulogising the British.
If it were not for the British Raj, there would be no need for Pakistan. Even if the Marathi Empire defeated the Sikh Empire, what British India did was systematically target the Muslims like no other: business, intelligentsia, educational institutes, languages, culture, religion....what they did was rip up the roots of the Muslims of India and then pour acid on that soil so to speak. The Sikh Empire did not do that and neither did the Marathi Empire do that, even though there was oppressions committed by both of these empires against Muslims...our roots were not attacked.
Even Muslim Indian states fought against other Muslim Indian states...it was a coterminous Pakistani Pukhtoon who fomented rebellion against Mughal India...and later on in part to his efforts the state of Afghanistan came into existence....but during all this oppression, our roots were not attacked...

Not only this the British sabotaged the Khilafah movement and were also “unifiying” the followers of Sanatum Dharm into a unitary state which would then be rather antagonistic to her Muslim minority...thus the impetus for a Pakistan...and may I remind you that the British did not even want a Pakistan and only accepted a lesser Pakistan than what was proposed by the proponents of Pakistan.
Not really.

I was speaking to a German a couple of days back.

About reunification. And Germany 30 years later.

I can tell you bro that even with reunification you guys have a big struggle and a tough road back.

Without it, I'm afraid you guys will continue jumping from one sponsor state to another, till they want to play you. And you have a purpose that furthers their own agenda.

Americans. Chinese. Turks. Saudis. Russians.

You will go through them all.Till there is no one left to go to.

And then you will realise the time you wasted. And the hard won opportunity.

That you are and always will be Hindustani Musalmans. Nothing else.

Cheers, Doc

WRONG again :lol: At most only 5% of indians have ANY racial connection to Pakistan whatsoever. So at least 95% of indians have 0 connection to 100% of Pakistanis. indian so called "Muslims" are as alien to us as are indian hindus and sikhs. There is NO connection between india and Pakistan. IF there was, india, Pakistan and ultimately bangladesh would not have been created. Nothing can roll back this change. All else is just meaningless conjecture.
The Hindus screwed that up on their own. As they have throughout their history.

You guys (subcontinental Muslims) got 200 years of breathing space as a result.

And a nation to arm behind.

I understand why @Indus Pakistan loves the Brits.

I've never understood why the rest of you don't eugolise them.

You dodged an existential bullet thanks to them.

Cheers, Doc
They created the existential bullet... in part. But a necessary ingredient nonetheless.
I think most of the thinking members can agree that to quote @waz our leaders in 1947 "royally messed up". There is much to learn from this, so that we can learn from our mistakes. You strike when the iron is hot. We did not and rest is history. So where do we go fro m here. My thoughts -

  • We must never accept LOC as border under any circumstances
  • We place the problem as something that tenacity and time will resolve
  • We make sure we extract the maximum loss to India in every way we can short of war
  • We must not launch any crazy military attacks like Kargil etc
  • We must accept that there is no military solution. We are simply too small.
  • We must focus all our energy on developing Pakistan economically
  • We must use CPEC to connect with the wider region on our west and north
  • We must deny India any trading links to regions of our west and north this causing opportunity loss
  • We must honour the tribal Pashtuns and Kashmiri's who collectively are the only people to have gained land for Pakistan.
So same as yesterday then?
You missed one very important point. Even the nizam signed the instrument of accession. You invaded Kashmir but failed to convince the Maharaja to join you, we did the same in Hyderabad and we're successful. So stop crying and move on..

And how would you have goverened Hyderabad with no land connectivity to it?
Junagarh signed accession with Pakistan.. yet because of its majority hindu population it was militarily occupied by india.. so stfu.
Junagarh signed accession with Pakistan.. yet because of its majority hindu population it was militarily occupied by india.. so stfu.

@waz maybe I spoke too soon about it being a nice mature discussion.

Seriously man. Such basti class nonsense. It's embarrassing.

Cheers, Doc
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Waz, let's be brutally honest. Jinnah and Liaqat failed miserably. I especially blame Liaqat because Jinnah was at this point on the way to expiring as TB took hold. But Liaqat has no excuse. In my opinion he deserved that bullet he got in Rawalpindi. Thanks to Liaqat generations of Kashmiri's are suffering and being killed, raped by Indian Army. In addition Pakistan has been forced to spend so much on defence and had at least three wars. All this because cnut Liaqat did not have balls to do what Sardar Patel did in India with referance to Hyderabad. As my dad says all Liaqat could do was after having ran from India, show his fists. Sardar Patel did not show fists but instead fcukin used the fist on Hyderabad. Today it is forgotten story. This is exactly what Liaqat should have done. And every Pakistani owes gratitude to men from FATA who today are subjected to so much scorn. It was the tribals who went into Kashmir.


Sardar Patel on Hydrabad Issue
Sardar Patel Vs Kasim Razvi

In kashmir too , Sardar Patel came between india and pakistan , saved the day for india .

At the morning meeting he handed over the (Accession) thing. Mountbatten turned around and said, ' come on Manekji (He called me Manekji instead of Manekshaw), what is the military situation?' I gave him the military situation, and told him that unless we flew in troops immediately, we would have lost Srinagar, because going by road would take days, and once the tribesmen got to the airport and Srinagar, we couldn't fly troops in. Everything was ready at the airport.

As usual Nehru talked about the United Nations, Russia, Africa, God almighty, everybody, until Sardar Patel lost his temper. He said, 'Jawaharlal, do you want Kashmir, or do you want to give it away'. He (Nehru) said,' Of course, I want Kashmir (emphasis in original). Then he (Patel) said 'Please give your orders'. And before he could say anything Sardar Patel turned to me and said, 'You have got your orders'.
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Junagarh signed accession with Pakistan.. yet because of its majority hindu population it was militarily occupied by india.. so stfu.

Fair point. But then even you control large parts of Kashmir, even though the Maharaja signed the instrument of accession with India. Then, in Junagad we immediately held a plebicite where 99.5% of the people decided to be part of India, you didn't do that with your part of Kashmir.
@waz maybe I spoke too soon about it being a nice mature discussion.

Why do you guys keep condoning certain low quality posters like this guy and @Areesh man?

What hold do they have on the ownership or administration here?

Seriously man. Such basti class nonsense. It's embarrassing.

Cheers, Doc
Says the scumbag...

Fair point. But then even you control large parts of Kashmir, even though the Maharaja signed the instrument of accession with India. Then, in Junagad we immediately held a plebicite where 99.5% of the people decided to be part of India, you didn't do that with your part of Kashmir.
You make as much sense as a money on meth... you moan about Accession when it comes to IOK.. but moan when we talk about Junagarh and Manavdar... you cant have it both ways son.
Not really.

I was speaking to a German a couple of days back.

About reunification. And Germany 30 years later.

I can tell you bro that even with reunification you guys have a big struggle and a tough road back.

Without it, I'm afraid you guys will continue jumping from one sponsor state to another, till they want to play you. And you have a purpose that furthers their own agenda.

Americans. Chinese. Turks. Saudis. Russians.

You will go through them all.Till there is no one left to go to.

And then you will realise the time you wasted. And the hard won opportunity.

That you are and always will be Hindustani Musalmans. Nothing else.

Cheers, Doc
Whilst I would favour a unified south asia (pakistan, india, bangladesh only), you are under the false impression (or delusion) that pakistan was ever part of india though i don't blame you since this is a propaganda technique that indians love to use. both were created in 1947 hence "reunification" of any country in south asia would only apply to bangladesh and pakistan. a south asian version of the EU would also be good, but all of this is just wishful thinking. we are a long way off of even peaceful relations let alone cooperation.
It is unfortunate you didn't ask the people there how they feel about the Indian army and the indian country.

Maybe it's time you realize the reality ...most of them don't really care. All they want is the crying rally of the Indian slogan .."roti, kapdra aur makan". Hence Pakistan made no headway in that territory
Why was Retired Troll banned??? The fact is that as a British citizen of Pakistani and Indian origin who is married to an Indian national, who happens to be Muslim like me, ..the chances are slim to nil that Pakistan will ever lay its hands on Indian administered Kashmir.
Bro please leave the insults. Thanks.
That guy is one and im positive that even you know that.
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