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how did china build its infrastructure ?

how did Japan and south korea build infrastructure so quickly ? they were democracies werent they ?

plus how will chinese companies help build indian infra faster ?

when they were building infrastructure (japan 1970, SK 1980-1990) they were "guided democracies" that are similar to how we are. In fact, when Britain was building its infrastructure, its democracy was also very much "guided" - the poor whose houses were demolished for the first railroads, the London Subway, the gas light system, etc had no voice anyways. We've come a long way from the British Empire days where the people were kicked out and the houses knocked down.
I wouldn't give the credit of the achievement to CPC.

I think it boils down to 1 factor: Chinese High average IQ. :D

No troll, seriously, it is because that it's not an "accident", a "coinstance" or a "random event" that China just happend to have built relatively good infrastructures so quickly.

Firstly if it's not an "accident", then it must be due to something deliberately planned and executed out of sheer determination, right? These depend on IQ level of the society involved, as low IQ societies such as some African countries can't get it executed even with ready available blueprints while sitting on tons of diamond mines.

Secondly, the infrastructure can not be done by an individual or a small group or groups, but more by a society at large in fact: from strategists (think tanks), decision makers, planners, to engineers, designers, manufactruers and labours, etc. It again proves that it is not "an accident', but a result of a conscious and collective behaviour.

But why this behaviour boils down to inate abilities such as high IQ?

OK, people say it's due to hard work, nationalitic ppl, sacrifice, focus, good planning, CCP policy, finance available, etc. Yet these factors are all determined by the corresponding inate ability of IQ eventually.

Through time, high IQ societies have been capable of building highly attractive cultures together with a set of time-proven values; with high cultures and values come naturally some desirable cultural traits such as focus, discipline, hard work, sacrifice..AND people naturally become nationalistic - nothing but being attracted to their own culture.

High IQ societies usually have good planning with clear priorities which include govt policies (regardless the characteristics of govts, dictatorship or democratic), etc. With time a society of high IQ people are able to gather finance and resources needed, overcome red tapes, figure out how to get it done in time and on budget, in spite of some coruptions.

CCP alone , or dictatorship alone, can't do it. There're many disctatorships in the world, which has it done like China did and is doing?

My answer therefore is: high IQ.
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In china its simple the gov. wants it ,it builds it.Their is no opposition ,no politics,no red tapism.Here to build a large city u have to get aproval from ministers,pay a few babus,then acquire land which takes its own sweet time,court cases,take care of environmental restrictions............

Unlike china here we have to keep every1 happy,if u dont some political leader is going to jump in ,organize strikes,sit on dharnas..........

The chinese motto for a long time has been build,build,build.There economic model unlike ours is based on progress through manufacturing for which u require excellent infra.Hence the extraordinary growth of chinese cities.

In india fast paced construction is only visible in sez's.Cities r growing but at a nails pace as compare to china.It will take 20 years for new and major indian cities to resemble those of china as of today.

Also economic crisis drives away the investors.Any crisis in the future will adversely effect our infra growth.China is also less corrupt than us.This is also a major factor in attracting investment.
In china its simple the gov. wants it ,it builds it.

Not that simple.

Why govt wants it? (think collective IQ of the govt)

And many govts (some are dictatorship also) in the world want it too, but they can't built it, can they?

Why China can, others not? ( think: Chinese eat rice , use chopsticks, work hard, ... ---- culture ----- IQ)

Their is no opposition ,no politics,no red tapism.

How do you know that? Any proofs?

In spite of coruptions, politics, and red tapes, China got it done.

Why? ( think IQ :D)

Here to build a large city u have to get aproval from ministers,pay a few babus,then acquire land which takes its own sweet time,court cases,take care of environmental restrictions............

So? after all those, can you get it done?

Likely no. Why not ? ( think collective ... :D )

Unlike china here we have to keep every1 happy,

Excuse me? So "China"or Chinese in fact in this fact are deliberately unhappy? Strange, isn't it?

(Think "sacrifice", "discipline".... Think collective IQ ..)

The chinese motto for a long time has been build,build,build.

So indian motto for a long time has been not to build, not to build, not to build. Is that what you were saying?

Think why so....

In india fast paced construction is only visible in sez's.Cities r growing but at a nails pace as compare to china.It will take 20 years for new and major indian cities to resemble those of china as of today.

20 years? sure? or not so sure?

Also economic crisis drives away the investors.Any crisis in the future will adversely effect our infra growth.

economics crisis drives away the investors - is the same to everyone on the earth, isn't it?

China is also less corrupt than us. This is also a major factor in attracting investment.

really? but why "China is also less corrupted?"

So China, being a dictatorship, is less corrupted less India, the largest democracy in the world? No, it is just not possible!

Trust me, think IQ. :D
it's ridiculous to ascribe the success to the IQ!!:hitwall::hitwall:诶怪不得老外说我们国人有些高傲自大了
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OK, I knew it that many ppl would disagree as IQ sounds so non-PC or even cruel. But one has to think that by IQ I meant a collective one, not an individual case.

Whatever "other" factors are, they are "symptoms", not the "root cause", as I explained in my first related comment.

The root cause however has sth to do with the innate capabilities of a society/country, which is nothing more than a collection of like-minded individuals like you and I.

Perhaps few things can be described as representative as successful infrastructure building in expressing a nation's innate capabilities (basically IQ, plus so called "EQ" :lol: if you like) , because the whole infrastructure build-up requires millions of people working in many and diverse fields over years to make it happen.

Yes, external bad luck ( govt policy, short of money/ resources, accidents, lawsuits, corruptions. etc) usually happen meanwhile, but all in all the event acts just like kind of "statistics" in a sense the more numbers ( years, people) you gather along the way, the more prone they are in "ironing out" those unfortunate "external bad luck accidents", and therefore the more valid it is in reflecting the general characteristics of those numbers ( people, in this argument).

And those characteristics are innate, not external / environmental. IQ is the best indicator if innate ability out there in both explaining and predicting long term "statistical" events such as infrastructure build-up.
^^ Hey mate, I was not aiming to flam or try to degrade someone or some people, only a blatant truth that I believe in and argue about in relation to the topic in hand, unforgiving and impolite it may sound in Chinese culture.
^^ Hey mate, I was not aiming to flam or try to degrade someone or some people, only a blatant truth that I believe in and argue about in relation to the topic in hand, unforgiving and impolite it may sound in Chinese culture.

Just find your idea of IQ being the answer to any and every question kind of amusing. I think someone took an IQ test as a boy, got a good score and made it a part of his identity for the rest of his life.

Whatever happens to him, whatever other people think of him, he's got that IQ score to hang on to.
how did china build its infrastructure ?

china did this so fast only cause of two reasons :

1) WILL power in there goverment to do something.

2) One party rule.

And we lack both of these points.
Just find your idea of IQ being the answer to any and every question kind of amusing. I think someone took an IQ test as a boy, got a good score and made it a part of his identity for the rest of his life.

Whatever happens to him, whatever other people think of him, he's got that IQ score to hang on to.

you are basically right on this one, see, due to IQ then? :D
china did this so fast only cause of two reasons :

1) WILL power in there goverment to do something.

High IQ people have high WILL power, sth to do with extraoridinary emotional control, discipline and coordination.

2) One party rule.

High IQ people set their priorities right, sth to do with logic and reasoning.

And we lack both of these points.

Don't worry, your high "EQ" could help. :D
^^^^ You keep implying Emotional Quotient to be some kind of excuse dumb people use to not feel inferior,when what it really is, is a poorly defined term that relates more to life experience and emotional control.
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