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how can secular indians justify 17% hike in defence budget...

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ofcourse I am better script writer because I am not here to pass time or insult onto others and I have a cause...Its not only about me or you its about our nations and future...whats the use of these weapons...we both have nuclear bombs so that must be considered as a truce why try to run ahead now when yu know yu cant ...Pakistans missile are world famous for their accuracy...but still whats the use of all that lets spend all that money on education and improving general lives of people all India has to do is to conduct an independent referendum in Kashmir and we have nothing against India..otherwise you know us well ...Dont you:coffee:

What is there for Pakistan to fear? After all, you have world most accurate missiles, anyway for Indians, Pakistan is not our arch rival. Our military build up is for someone else

As regarding Kashmir, Kashmir has been solved the day Kashmiris have voted in hoards for Assembly elections. So no more referendum is required
Withdrawal of Pakistan forces was a prerequisite as per this resolution passed by the United Nation, hope you have read it too,and India was permitted to place its troops to control the law and order of the land under the same resolution. Pakistan ignored the UN mandate and continued fighting which forced India to ignore the plebiscite.

My manliness does not need to be shown to a child, Play with someone of your age dear.

Still you cant justify 700000 army in there or can yu....we have hardly thirty thousand in all of azad kashmir and we have said at repeated intervals that we are willing to hold a referendum if India would do the same ...But your leaders sing the other story ...permanent part of india n all that ...blablabla ...

regardin age do you know the age of mohammad bon qasim n the age of people whom he >>>>..

just talk with logic here n that it
ofcourse I am better script writer because I am not here to pass time or insult onto others and I have a cause...Its not only about me or you its about our nations and future...whats the use of these weapons...we both have nuclear bombs so that must be considered as a truce why try to run ahead now when yu know yu cant ...Pakistans missile are world famous for their accuracy...but still whats the use of all that lets spend all that money on education and improving general lives of people all India has to do is to conduct an independent referendum in Kashmir and we have nothing against India..otherwise you know us well ...Dont you:coffee:

you started two threads & in both you are chanting same things after all ... "referendum in Kashmir" & mighty missiles or weapons of Pakistan..... there are many threads running on these matters .. bro make some sense & do something new in new threads...
Still you cant justify 700000 army in there or can yu....we have hardly thirty thousand in all of azad kashmir and we have said at repeated intervals that we are willing to hold a referendum if India would do the same ...But your leaders sing the other story ...permanent part of india n all that ...blablabla ...

regardin age do you know the age of mohammad bon qasim n the age of people whom he >>>>..

just talk with logic here n that it

Your figures are wrong. If you want to hold referendum in P-O-K, that is fine. India would welcome it.
what is Pakistan's obsession with Indian secularism , some of them will go to any length to prove that india is not secular .

Secularism and defence budget has no connection
Still you cant justify 700000 army in there or can yu....we have hardly thirty thousand in all of azad kashmir and we have said at repeated intervals that we are willing to hold a referendum if India would do the same ...But your leaders sing the other story ...permanent part of india n all that ...blablabla ...

regardin age do you know the age of mohammad bon qasim n the age of people whom he >>>>..

just talk with logic here n that it

What is that you want to convey? You started with a UN resolution which made you look downtrodden when I replied. Now you want to question the Presence of Indian Army in Kashmir? Well then hear it. Its a border and it cannot be left open.

Its not our politicians which say so. Read what UN had to say in the 1990, resolve through proper dialogue. You urged for a Kargil and received a befitting response and you still expect India to believe you and remove the troops?

Before kargil war Indian army on a regular basis follows the accord signed with Pakistan of vacating the forward bases in winter time. You people capitalized the opportunity and captured our forward bases against us. Now do I justify the presence of our army there??

You are not Jinnah , not close to him. So age is certainly a barrier for you.
What is that you want to convey? You started with a UN resolution which made you look downtrodden when I replied. Now you want to question the Presence of Indian Army in Kashmir? Well then hear it. Its a border and it cannot be left open.

Its not our politicians which say so. Read what UN had to say in the 1990, resolve through proper dialogue. You urged for a Kargil and received a befitting response and you still expect India to believe you and remove the troops?

Before kargil war Indian army on a regular basis follows the accord signed with Pakistan of vacating the forward bases in winter time. You people capitalized the opportunity and captured our forward bases against us. Now do I justify the presence of our army there??

You are not Jinnah , not close to him. So age is certainly a barrier for you.

Pakistan is securing the same border with 30-40 thousand troops that you need 700000 to secure I didnt know indian army is so incomptent..anyways accepted that yeah UN stated to resolve it bilaterally but it also said to hold an independent referendum and yu are not able to reply to it except giving this n that n that n this...what....

We are willing to hold a referendum in our part but yr govt dun even wanna talk abt it n here yu r Mr all knowing mahatma gandhi ....

have some shame what yu r siding....rapin innocent women n killing innocent kids and youth thats what yu call a democracy and then yu have the guts to say yu r right ...
Still you cant justify 700000 army in there or can yu....we have hardly thirty thousand in all of azad kashmir and we have said at repeated intervals that we are willing to hold a referendum if India would do the same ...But your leaders sing the other story ...permanent part of india n all that ...blablabla ...

regardin age do you know the age of mohammad bon qasim n the age of people whom he >>>>..

just talk with logic here n that it

r u out of your mind....talk sensible...
Pakistan is securing the same border with 30-40 thousand troops that you need 700000 to secure I didnt know indian army is so incomptent..anyways accepted that yeah UN stated to resolve it bilaterally but it also said to hold an independent referendum and yu are not able to reply to it except giving this n that n that n this...what....

We are willing to hold a referendum in our part but yr govt dun even wanna talk abt it n here yu r Mr all knowing mahatma gandhi ....

have some shame what yu r siding....rapin innocent women n killing innocent kids and youth thats what yu call a democracy and then yu have the guts to say yu r right ...

What do you call the terrorist attacks in India, even the world most wanted terrorist was hiding in Pakistan under you army's nose. We have those men stationed there because we know that the moment we let a slack in our defense there will be terrorist who will try to infiltrate. We have already seen how trustworthy your guy's words and treaties are.
this is the most idiotic thread i have ever came across!!!the thread starter doesnt even knows what secular means!!going by his/her words any secular nation should not increase its defence budget even though its neighbours are in continous arm procurement race!!yes there are numerous problems here but who are u to advise us on how to spend our money???just keep ur **** out of our matters!!one more thing before barking at others look inside ur own country first!!for the year 2010-2011 pakistans spending on defence as a percentage of gdp was 3.2 while that of indias was 2.2!!i think u got ur answer !!
I am not been caring I simply don't like most Indians on this forum and their govt policies and I want you lot to waste your moneys and do lots of FXX ups

You dont like Indian govt policy of wasting money for defence? Okay!

What is your take on your govt policy of training Freedom fighters*
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