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How can Pakistan counter India’s ABM system?

Lets be realistic here for once, the US has so far been the most successful country when it comes down to designing and building military hardware. The amount of resources they can throw human and capital are simply unmatched, you honestly expect India to build a 100% credible ABM for only a fraction of the budget and only a fraction of the expertise, you have to be on some really nice drugs to actually believe that. Its good to be optimistic, but i will be a fool if i believe that i can outrun Bolt in a 100 meter sprint race.

In short your argument is based on an assumption if US cannot do it then no body can...You tell is it fair argument???? Now i am not saying or claiming India's ABM system is perfect but we do have 5 succesful tests.. Only one being unsuccesful so far(there is a story behind that one but for now i will let it go)....Are you saying all of that is farce????

The missiles that we have right now in our arsenal are also build at a fraction of cost of what Americans have, does that mean our missiles are not reliable either??? Look i am not sure what are you basing your data upon but technology is growing very fast...Something which was almost impossible 10 years back is up and running today...Americans with their superior resources and knowledge will reach there far early then rest of the world. I have no doubt on that however that doesn't mean rest of us will never reach there...

Let me give you one example. American's have operations F-22 for almost 7-8 years while the rest of the world is still building prototypes of what is considered as 5 generation. This prooves their advanced technology might. However the same Americans with their superior knowhow are struggling to keep costs of F-35 program down. So the amount of money poured in R&D is not always a good indicator...

As far as India's ABM capabilities are concerned, i have my doubts about its operational capabilities. Looking at the current state of the Indian Missile Program, i have a hard time believing that in such a short span of time the Indians are going to come up with a missile that can shoot down another maneuvering missile. The amount of testing that is required, the steps that are required, its an incremental process. Anyways, no point in speculating, all our queries will be answered in due time.

I am not sure what you mean by the bold part but AAD and PAD are a reality..System and capability is already there...right now they are being fine tuned....Thereafter it will take time before it becomes operations but that does not negate the fact that capability is there, no???
WE will compare the ABM when it is fully functional, delivering the goods and pack a genuine threat. In the mean time, stop living in disillusion.
WE will compare the ABM when it is fully functional, delivering the goods and pack a genuine threat. In the mean time, stop living in disillusion.
until then u atleast think what to do about it for the sake of status which the forum has given to U
For the moment the indian ABM is a lab rat and given the track record of indian defence projects it'll remain a lab rat for a very long time perhaps even indefinitely
For the moment the indian ABM is a lab rat and given the track record of indian defence projects it'll remain a lab rat for a very long time perhaps even indefinitely

the "lab rat" has already been successfully tested many times and its operational date is 2015 it was a lab rat last decade now its a gorilla :)
Something to consider - ABM's have been around for 50 years. The problem is that none of them were genuinely effective. They were better than nothing, but no one truly believed they'd be an actual shield from ballistic attack.

ABM's... are... HARD to make and do well. But we will be seeing them get much better, due to one thing - high-speed digital electronics. Older systems simply didn't have the speed to deal with a mach 20 RV. Now, we're getting closer, but we must be careful not to swallow the propaganda that "We will be 100% protected."
until then u atleast think what to do about it for the sake of status which the forum has given to U

This is not your concern Mr. The reality is that you folks live in a world of your fantasies where everything is perfect if it is made in India. Where has this led you? No INDIGENOUS project has been a suceess. Do you have any idea why US has been repeatedly failed in making an effective ABM shield despite spending billions and world'd best tech?? Go figure out first.
Something to consider - ABM's have been around for 50 years. The problem is that none of them were genuinely effective. They were better than nothing, but no one truly believed they'd be an actual shield from ballistic attack.

ABM's... are... HARD to make and do well. But we will be seeing them get much better, due to one thing - high-speed digital electronics. Older systems simply didn't have the speed to deal with a mach 20 RV. Now, we're getting closer, but we must be careful not to swallow the propaganda that "We will be 100% protected."

Bang on there. 100% certainty can never be provided.
A pathetic post indeed specially considering the status the forum offers you..... you people have all the time, reasoning, logic and inputs to justify discussions on JF-17 block II (4-5 threads running any time), AK II, etc... which you are yet to seen in design phase even..... aswell as endlessly debating about imaginary projects like JF-17XX, Tipu/Taimur ICBM, J-XXX single seated stealth aircraft of China..... with your assumptions and imagination but somehow it starts to burn behind when someone brings out the real projects which are there for every one to see and has been highly successful it is clear who is living in disillusion here.... An eye opener with some hard facts the 1st level of ABM or I should say the Ashwin BMD system would start its deployment by the end of next year while the PDV would start an year after..... In the meanwhile the Akash SAM is being heavily deployed at various places all over the country thanks to BEL for helping Churning out 500 missiles per annum expect a similar rate for Ashwin and somewhat less but sufficiently rates for PDV..... the only reason that PAD is not being brought under production for deployment purpose is because it is a liquid fueled missile hence a solid fueled PDV has been made which would share the same seeker technology with that of PAD with some modifications and greater interception height extended upto 150km the test to validate the missile systems would be done next month.... since the missile would share many features from the PAD hence its production is slated to start by the end of 2013 and the deployment at important cities would be completed by 2014..... in the meanwhile the Early detection capability is being strengthened by the deployment of 4-6 4D AESA MRTR with a range of 400+ km and other smaller ESA radars like 3D Rajendra PESA in numbers upto 15-19 on the western border with Pakistan alone.....however the deployment of LRTR the Swordfish which can spot an object with an RCS equivalent to a cricket ball at ranges upto 1500 km is being kept a secret..... with such a deployment our Air Defense network with the help of RIT sats. would be able to track any flying object in the Pakistani airspace as far as quetta and detect any launch of BMs as far as Iran.... better learn for once and be done with your--- will dig the well when the house will burn attitude .

Do the world a favor, share your super tech with them all so they could learn from you. :P

Uh, missiles destroyed over Indian airspace, near delhi, Bangalore etc will land in Karachi, thats news to me!
This is not your concern Mr. The reality is that you folks live in a world of your fantasies where everything is perfect if it is made in India. Where has this led you? No INDIGENOUS project has been a suceess.
pardon me for my arrogance ,who the hell u r to certify our made in india products are perfect or not ? Who certified ur pak missiles including ballistic missiles & cruise missiles are perfect & war proven kindly tell me ?

Do you have any idea why US has been repeatedly failed in making an effective ABM shield despite spending billions and world'd best tech?? Go figure out first.
US has failed or not, it is decided upon it's succesful test & deployment ,thats why russians are paranoid about US missile shield when US opted out from ABM treaty .Yes US air borne laser missile defence has failed ,but They are working on THAAD & would deploy it .I agree no system is 100% perfect .But even 95% success rate interception is a promissing sign about the succesful interception capabilty of any ABM.
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