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How can India be a superpower if it can't even build a bridge?

Of course you did. Once again your lack of education is glaring. The Government of India Act was already passed in 1935 - so the X Force was in Ramgarh only with Indian permission. Sigh.

Indian independence declared 1947. That a non-Indian has to tell an Indian that is just plain sad for Indian schooling.
Götterdämmerung;2648603 said:
Your stupidity knows no limit.

Just for you. Living in India is KZ enough. :lol:

Danke. Now off you go to rote learn Mein Kampf. If there are any Jews left in your village - perhaps you can hurl a few stones at them today.
Incorrect. You explicitly stated that I insinuated that Japan conquered China. I did not. You lied to prove a point - and now that the priest has been caught in the home of the madam - you are trying to get away with your blatant lie. Perhaps that is accepted practice in China - in more civilized nations, we argue points with honesty.

No lie. See your posts #99 and #103, where you equate Moscow (the capital of Russia) with Nanking.

Is there even a 5th Tier US College??? I ask because you would know.
Indian independence declared 1947. That a non-Indian has to tell an Indian that is just plain sad for Indian schooling.

Hahahahahahahahahahaha - I love it when people don't know what they talk about. The Government of India Act which made India self-governing was passed in 1935. The complete withdrawal of the British came about because of the Indian Independence Act. By your fantastic logic Australia is still not free! hahahahahahha - the chinese education system - lol
Danke. Now off you go to rote learn Mein Kampf. If there are any Jews left in your village - perhaps you can hurl a few stones at them today.

Dafür nicht!

We treat our Jews more than fair enough unlike fanatic Hindus abusing and discriminating Muslims and Christians on a daily basis. Not only that, Dalits who themselves are Hindus get the same barbaric treatment from higher castes as well.

Glorifying fascist brutality and accusing others being Nazi at the same time. Truly Incredible India!
No lie. See your posts #99 and #103, where you equate Moscow (the capital of Russia) with Nanking.

Is there even a 5th Tier US College??? I ask because you would know.

I doubt they would accept you - you can give it a shot. Hope is always a good thing.

---------- Post added at 01:11 AM ---------- Previous post was at 01:10 AM ----------

Götterdämmerung;2648626 said:
Dafür nicht!

We treat our Jews more than fair enough unlike fanatic Hindus abusing and discriminating Muslims and Christians on a daily basis. Not only that, Dalits who themselves are Hindus get the same barbaric treatment from higher castes as well.

I really doubt that the 6 million you killed would say "more than fair enough". But then, they are dead. Your forefathers ensured that.
Götterdämmerung;2648626 said:
Dafür nicht!

We treat our Jews more than fair enough unlike fanatic Hindus abusing and discriminating Muslims and Christians on a daily basis. Not only that, Dalits who themselves are Hindus get the same barbaric treatment from higher castes as well.

Glorifying fascist brutality and accusing others being Nazi at the same time. Truly Incredible India!

Oh and your even let the Palestinians kill a few in Munich in 1972 - just to remind the world of your true feeling toward the Jews.
Hahahahahahahahahahaha - I love it when people don't know what they talk about. The Government of India Act which made India self-governing was passed in 1935. The complete withdrawal of the British came about because of the Indian Independence Act. By your fantastic logic Australia is still not free! hahahahahahha - the chinese education system - lol

Sovereignty and Self-government are not the same.

If India had sovereignty it would have a UNSC seat from day one. FAIL.

Hey where's Waldo, I mean Gandhi??? Is he off shining Churchill's black loafers??

Sovereignty and Self-government are not the same.

If India had sovereignty it would have a UNSC seat from day one. FAIL.

Hey where's Waldo, I mean Gandhi???


LOL - it is a testament to the Chinese inferiority complex that you need your leader's picture clicked with two white guys for it to be considered iconic. It is a testament to Indian confidence in its own ability that this picture is good enough to be considered iconic.

Yes! We Know What Japanese Did To You Guys.. :disagree:
Why So Much Hatred Mate ? You Carrying Some Japanese Gens ?

From the way uneducated Indians talk, you would think Japan won the War.
News flash for Indians, they got NUKED and surrendered unconditionally.

---------- Post added at 12:54 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:53 AM ----------

LOL - it is a testament to the Chinese inferiority complex that you need your leader's picture clicked with two white guys for it to be considered iconic. It is a testament to Indian confidence in its own ability that this picture is good enough to be considered iconic.


So is he shining Churchill's black loafers in that photo?? I was right.
Self-Government and Sovereignty : Frankly this is my last educational bit to you. Please enroll in some class.

There is a difference between de facto and de-jure working of a state. For example the Head of State of Canada, NZ and Australia is the Queen of England. This is the legal status of these states. But factually they are self-governing independent states. The Indian Independence Act of 1935 gave India factual self-governance and the Indian Army which trained and equipped your Chinese X-Force was a volunteer army of Indians. So we helped you - but then we have always been kind of magnanimous.
From the way uneducated Indians[ talk, you would think Japan won the War.
News flash for Indians, they got NUKED and surrendered unconditionally.

Don't Burn, I Only Replied A Chinese Troll And What I Posted Is A Well Known Fact :azn:
B/W I Don't Want TO Go Deep, Lets Drop It Here

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