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How Britian & Sir Winston Churchill Starved to Death 8 Million Indians

Should Whole World unite against West Imperialism of the World and Condemn them

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But to get to the real point here folks; what to do about it today? attack the current generation of Brittons or other Europeans of today for this event that is now in the far past(1), and thus provoke WW3?... Or try to get yourselves the kind of leaders (at each next election) that will spread the wealth and clean water and cheap good food to the people?..

We, the post WWII and post-colonial generation are at no faults. Most people who were guilty for those crimes are either dead or about to die within the new few years.

I think our neighbours have it a bit too easy by sweeping the dark side of their history under the carpet while have been constantly reminded of our past. Whenever Germany raises its voice you will find on practically all magazine and newspaper covers decorated with a German leader cum Hitler mustachio.

I for my part feel no guilt for the Nazi crimes as I was born long after 1945 but I have to remind myself that there was this very dark history in my country and our generation should do our utmost to prevent it from happening again.

It's not helpful to revise, relativise and paint it in a brighter colour, it just makes us look hypocrite.
Its a famine in Bengal. So lets don't compare that to genocide. And Churchill to Hitler. This is getting overboard. India should be thankful to Britain for creating their nation instead of blaming them for everything.

You can be thankful for the opium wars, by allowing the British to toy you for another 50 years in Hong Kong. We Indians preferred British walking out.

Churchill finally died broken-heart by watching demise of the British empire.

It was not Famine but planned Genocide of Indian Bengali People, they deliberately did it
Get your Facts Right, Whole World must know about this as these Western Imperialist Supremacist Nazis Crusaders are Not stopping and they will not STop until DROP DEAD

You are quoting a guy, why used racial jibes against Filipino people in a thread on
Typhoon Haiyan.
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If it wasn't the great famine in Bengal, the Japanese would have liberated India Japanese style. On the list of glorious Japanese war history, there would have been Calcutta next to Naking.

So you are presuming that millions killed was worth it.... Worth it for who?

As the Millions killed were our people our perspective perhaps is different from yours..... Whether it's jap, British or German imperialism it is all the same to the victims.

Then again such callous crap is part and parcel of your makeup I suppose.
So you are presuming that millions killed was worth it.... Worth it for who?

As the Millions killed were our people our perspective perhaps is different from yours..... Whether it's jap, British or German imperialism it is all the same to the victims.

Then again such callous crap is part and parcel of your makeup I suppose.

I think you need to have a better understanding of English, just being able to read English won't do the trick! :azn:
Hardly cooked up stuff. This is what Lord Mountbatten had to say....

By advancing the date by 10 months, he unwittingly caused the murder of one million people. I mentioned this to Mountbatten when I interviewed him at his sprawling mansion in Broadlands near London in October 1971, for my book, Distant Neighbours.

As if I had touched a raw nerve, he felt uncomfortable and lapsed into silence. He admitted that at least one million people died during Partition. But his defence was strange: He had saved from starvation three times the number during the 1943 Bengal famine by giving 10 per cent of space in his ships for the transport of good grains. This, despite the opposition of Winston Churchill, then British prime minister. Mountbatten was then chief of the Allies' naval operations in South Asia.

“Well, before Providence, I can say the balance is in my favour,” said Mountbatten

Churchill's hatred for the Subcontinent is well known and thoroughly despised by his contemporary politicians both Americans,Russians and Indians as well. He displayed his fascinations for colonialism shamefully,which was remarkably visible when it came to Military planning during World War II,causing much exasperation to the Americans and the Russians. I,as an Indian do not remember him as a great leader but a pathetic liar and a failed politician who lived in his own world of Racialism and hatred for the oriental people as a whole.
I've also learnt that actually Churchill was a real bastard
For Britain itself, Churchill was a good leader, but for other countries and British colonies, he was just a cruel mass murderer.
The Holocaust Hoax Exposed | Page 2

85 million indians killed by the British Jews

[url="http://www.jewishterrorism.com/85-million-indians-killed-by-the-british-jews/"]85 million indians killed by the British Jews[/URL]

Starving Indian family, British Raj, 1876

British grain taxation policies, coupled with drought, caused an estimated 12-29 million Indians to starve to death from 1876-1902. The British Jewish administration, headed by the viceroy Lord Lytton(who dismissed calls to feed famine victims as “humanitarian hysterics”), not only did nothing to stop the disaster but actually pushed an act of parliament in 1877 that forbade famine relief, for fear it would cut into the record profits being made. They did allow desperate refugees from the countryside to earn their food at work camps in Madras and Calcutta, where their rations were less then that of prisoners at Buchenwald. British troops massacred starving mobs who tried to storm the trains and ships that were exporting their grain to Britain. The Madras Chamber of Commerce suggested the police set up flogging posts to prevent people from stealing the grain.

“Their very eyeballs were gone … Their fleshless jaws and skulls were supported on necks like those of plucked chickens. Their bodies – they had none; only the framework was left.”- a British journalist describes famine victims, 1877.

Famine in Africa, especially Ethiopia is also a product of the Jews.

85 million indians killed by the British Jews
I think you need to have a better understanding of English, just being able to read English won't do the trick! :azn:

English is practically my primary language so there is no issue with comprehension.

I fully see who and what you are....

glib out of context comment does not solidify your vacuous position.
once again, in WW2, people were starving all over the planet. such is the nature of true world war.
who starved at whose expense???if britain goes to war with germany shoud indians die for their imperial ambitions??further india was a land of riches and surplus food with their revenue and agricultural policies they killed the agrarian society in india.u can see the after affects even today after 65 years.our farmer still depends on the govt subsidies.

Its a famine in Bengal. So lets don't compare that to genocide. And Churchill to Hitler. This is getting overboard. India should be thankful to Britain for creating their nation instead of blaming them for everything.
yeah right u must give away all ur food to us and buy some weapons and dont forget to thank us when ur people die.
who starved at whose expense???if britain goes to war with germany shoud indians die for their imperial ambitions??further india was a land of riches and surplus food with their revenue and agricultural policies they killed the agrarian society in india.u can see the after affects even today after 65 years.our farmer still depends on the govt subsidies.

yeah right u must give away all ur food to us and buy some weapons and dont forget to thank us when ur people die.

There was a famine there. Blame the famine instead of your leader at the time of the famine. If India is a land of surplus food, than there should be no famine. As for the question of "should Indians die for Britain's imperial ambitions" back in 1943 is the same as asking the question today "should Tamils die for India's imperial ambitions. India was part of British empire back then.
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