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How about Tata, Mahindra, Bajaj, TVS in Pakistan?

fine. there are deluded patriots who believes that Pakistanis will absolutely love Indian stuffs(like a apple fanboy craving for ipad :P). I will rather see Tata Trucks running in Iraq than in Pakistan in next 100 years.
Piaggio storm from the looks uses engine and design from LML Adreno which was from circa 2002. and do You know LML partnered with Piaggio all those years. they were once called LML-Vespa FYI.



well TATA has already shiped more than 300 vehicles (trucks, busses & pickups) to Iraq.
Why would india not manufacture 70cc ?? are gas prices that low

Forget about Indian men even Indian women & college girls will hate such powerless vehicles, indian vehicles are mix of good power,decent emission standards ,good throttle response, sufficient mileage & style all this at a affording price.

wont u agree they look better than horse and donkey carts in mid city traffic ??
than it might suit Pakistan more I guess as there are no horse or donkey carts seen in indian mid cities.
well why not If they maintain the quality, standard, pay taxes & follow Pakistani Laws, with no harm to Pakistani industry than only,

BTW it seems Pakistanis will not be intrested in indian cars 100% sure, cz of the higher quality cars are already available in Pakistan & indians cannt match the standard of Honda, Toyota etc which are popular among masses,

better sale those low standard indian cars of tata wata to bangladesh or some african countries....
ha ha ha ha i love when my pakistani freinds talk like that ....well dont worry too much about indian quality & low prices the big bro of yours is the master of that art good luck freinds for the future & for yopur kind information we indian have be exporting spares to you since ages thru smuggling & now thru dubai so cheers mates
ha ha ha ha i love when my pakistani freinds talk like that ....well dont worry too much about indian quality & low prices the big bro of yours is the master of that art good luck freinds for the future & for yopur kind information we indian have be exporting spares to you since ages thru smuggling & now thru dubai so cheers mates

GURU uncle dont start the BS of that spare parts again, as the OP is in the view of selling the complete product in Pakistan which seems not possible provided the standard of indian toys,

why it seems offensive to you guys when pakistanis are not intrestd in low quality products?
ha ha ha whatever you say Javed well i dont mind till im & my family is makin money f that so hardli matters to me ....

cheers mate
Do women normally drive 2 wheelers in pakistan , cause i was reading about the surprise a pakistani got on crossing from the wagah border into India and seeing so many women on 2 wheelers in India ?
SOME people here are very prejudiced and have some backward beliefs. So that's unlikely.
Although it's unsafe as there are many robberies to motorcylists on gunpoint so ofcourse there's an added risk for women.
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