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How 5 Countries could become 14

This would never happen. Many muslims around the globe would never allow this and please don't tell me that muslims are powerless when it comes to something as cherished as this .
This would never happen. Many muslims around the globe would never allow this and please don't tell me that muslims are powerless when it comes to something as cherished as this .


Thanks to the OP for the post though. Guys , 'splitting' sovereign muslim countries serves certain agendas. WE WILL FIGHT AGAINST THESE AGENDAS NO MATTER WHAT.
These Middle-Easterners are even more messed up than us , don't you think ? :haha:
there is a history behind it be it Israelis or Arabs. from the recorded history to this day
there was a reason why seafarers tried to bypass or avoid this part of the world to reach India and ended up discovering "new world"
This would never happen. Many muslims around the globe would never allow this and please don't tell me that muslims are powerless when it comes to something as cherished as this .

as sad as it might be, where were the muslims when the Caliphate was being divided amongst various tribes?

Thanks to the OP for the post though. Guys , 'splitting' sovereign muslim countries serves certain agendas. WE WILL FIGHT AGAINST THESE AGENDAS NO MATTER WHAT.

agreed. the best to do it is to stop fighting each other. stop declaring each other kaafir and then justifying waging war against our own people. no?
Why would Saudi Arabia be split ? I don't see any fighting there.


The Persecution of Shia Muslims in Saudi Arabia - CNN iReport
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as sad as it might be, where were the muslims when the Caliphate was being divided amongst various tribes?

agreed. the best to do it is to stop fighting each other. stop declaring each other kaafir and then justifying waging war against our own people. no?

Agreed 100%. Sectarianism and 'othering' of certain sects has been detrimental and suits certain agendas. What I find surprising is that work is already being done to rip multiple sovereign muslim countries apart in multiple smaller 'controllable' units. Controllable by whom, you ask? Well I don't need to explain that;)
None of this is likely to happen, I wouldn't put much weight into this.
This wont happen.
even if it does,
This will be the worst disastar for middle east~

if you guys had found and executed that Lawrence and bombed the shit out of those Bedouin jerks before loosing Aqaba then the things might have been different.
Alas this same oil became the bane for the entire mankind because of the people of the area

neocons have had a map on that some decades ago. its not a new concept. fighting can break out at any notice. Husni Mubarak of Egypt had a popularity rating of 100% and there was calm and peace but in days that all changed

They found him - don't you know?

But they didn't execute him. They just sodomised him and let him go. And he let no more Turks get away live.
on a lighter note, why is South Yemen in the north-east? and North Yemen in the south-west?
I have heard of changing the national boudaries but not of north and south lol

Err, yes.

When Aden was given independence, she became independent as south Yemen. The old Yemen remained to the west, but for reasons unknown, both the British and the newly-independent Adenese thought south Yemen was the place to be, and was the place they were in. So we had Yemen and south Yemen.
I am still more concerned about the name of Shiitestan.

Not as bad as the map by Ralph Peters which talked of Saudi Homeland Independent Territories.

The racism and agenda of the Westerners is unsurprising, but what's truly sad is the desperation of Pakistani media people promoting their agenda in a senseless bid for TV ratings.
None of this is likely to happen, I wouldn't put much weight into this.
Most of it won't, but some of it might. I don't see how Iraq can stay united for any considerable length of time - the divisions runs too deep. In Iraq, as well as some other countries in that region, sectarian or tribal loyalties and identities are much stronger than ones based on nationalism. And that is not surprising, since most of these nation states were drawn up by colonial powers recently, and since then, no effort was made to forge a national identity. If four well trained and well equipped divisions of armymen can simply abandon their cities, imagine what kind of loyalty an average person would have to the idea of the nation state. I'm guessing, none.

Not as bad as the map by Ralph Peters which talked of Saudi Homeland Independent Territories.

The racism and agenda of the Westerners is unsurprising, but what's truly sad is the desperation of Pakistani media people promoting their agenda in a senseless bid for TV ratings.
Are you sure the current crisis is only due to western instigations? As I said above, the people in some of these regions will not be able to live together, even if the west completely abandoned the region and ignored it. I don't think there will be as much fragmentation as speculated here, but some of it is inevitable. And maybe it is a good thing too - maybe if like minded people of Iraq can form a country, they might be able to live peacefully with no more civil wars. Same for some other regions as well.
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