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'Horrible': Christian churches throughout Egypt stormed, torched

Every violent movement has a 'tipping point' - when they transfer from political/religious extremism to outright armed violence. TTP for instance does not have an agenda, they just kill and give knee jerk reactions. We might be seeing something similar hatching in Egypt.

Why do you allow JayAtl to troll on this forum but nothing happens to him?
He is constantly spewing anti-China f*lth but he never gets warnings or infractions but when a Chinese responds to him, we get warnings and infractions.

Are Pakistani mods afraid of Indians on PDF?

Can you give him a permanent ban next time he gets a ban?
This world is really getting fu@ked up! All thanks to religion! Nostradamus did predict the end of humanity in the 21st century. Looks like the time is near!
Are Pakistani mods afraid of Indians on PDF?
Nope! I've been banned 4 times and received 57 infractions so far! :hitwall: And I'm Indian!! :P Instead, they're afraid to ruffle Chinese feathers and avoid banning you guys in spite of the nonsense you Hans spew against the Yindoos!

Don't you know that you guys are 'sweeter than honey' as far as our Pakistani friends are concerned? :D
. . . . . . . . . . . .
no........ :bad:
call me a murderer but not gay/lesbo :fie:

The one on the right is you :omghaha:

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