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Honouring faith and secularism in the armed forces :Men who fight together must pray together

Again isn't this to be decided by the higher authority himself rather than people who were not there, nor knows the persons heart and level of involvement?
He have already enjoined , not to take part in any pagan rituals, ostensibly or covertly.
He have already enjoined , not to take part in any pagan rituals, ostensibly or covertly.

With something as serious as the accusations leveled against him, it is up to Allah to decide, not mortals who have routinely been shown to interpret things codified in Koran, Sunnah and Hadith etc.. quite differently from each other.

No one here on planet earth can claim to know the exact 100% strict precise meanings of such as Allah intended....it is more for personal guidelines to improve yourself the best way you can personally see as such in the end. You will know how right or wrong you are in the end ultimately.

Expanding your own personal interpretation to others for the intent of passing judgement on them is wrong. That is the job of the almighty not you....given only HE has the totality of facts and judgment criteria regarding it, NOT you.
With something as serious as the accusations leveled against him, it is up to Allah to decide, not mortals who have routinely been shown to interpret things codified in Koran, Sunnah and Hadith etc.. quite differently from each other.

No one here on planet earth can claim to know the exact 100% strict precise meanings of such as Allah intended....it is more for personal guidelines to improve yourself the best way you can personally see as such in the end. You will know how right or wrong you are in the end ultimately.

Expanding your own personal interpretation to others for the intent of passing judgement on them is wrong. That is the job of the almighty not you....given only HE has the totality of facts and judgment criteria regarding it, NOT you.
My friend/sir here we are not dealing with the intricacies of sectarian differences but the grundnorm of Islam agreed upon by all major and minor jurists------- its as simple as 1+1 =2.
philosophical dialect of any kind can't change the reality. He breached that" lakshman rykha" ,not by attending the gathering but by performing pagan rituals himself without being forced to do so, if he did that.
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Again its people, not God himself.

No one on planet earth can speak for God in absolute way.
Here are some of the God's Words, This is chapter 109 of the Noble Quran
1.Say : O ye that reject Faith!
2.I worship not that which ye worship,
3.Nor will ye worship that which I worship.
4.Nor will I worship those whom you have worshipped;,
5.Nor will ye worship that which I worship.
6.To you be your Way, and to me mine.

Some more proofs from Qur'an

“No human being whom God gave the scripture, authority and Prophethood is then to say to the people, "Worship me beside God." But instead, "Devote yourselves to your Lord according to the scripture you have been teaching and to what you have been studying.

Nor would he command you to take the angels and the prophets as lords. Would he command you to disbelieve after becoming submitters?” 3:79-80
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there are Muslims who consider Hinduism people of the book. I forgot the correct term. this would make Hinduism on par with Judaism and Christianity.
Any fatva issued by those who think like that? Even if there is any, it will surely contradict Quranic verses.
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Here are some of the God's Words, This is chapter 109 of the Noble Quran
1.Say : O ye that reject Faith!
2.I worship not that which ye worship,
3.Nor will ye worship that which I worship.
4.Nor will I worship those whom you have worshipped;,
5.Nor will ye worship that which I worship.
6.To you be your Way, and to me mine.

Some more proofs from Qur'an

“No human being whom God gave the scripture, authority and Prophethood is then to say to the people, "Worship me beside God." But instead, "Devote yourselves to your Lord according to the scripture you have been teaching and to what you have been studying.

Nor would he command you to take the angels and the prophets as lords. Would he command you to disbelieve after becoming submitters?” 3:79-80

In the end, like I said, it is best to leave it to the higher authority rather than passing judgement on other people ourselves.

People can explain why and so on to Allah in judgement day...who is anyone to pass judgement before that given no harm is coming to anyone else? (which is where human intervention and judgement...i.e laws of society comes in).

The spiritual judgement is something to be left to the spiritual world, not human world.
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