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Honouring faith and secularism in the armed forces :Men who fight together must pray together

Men like Col. Ata Hasnain do not become less Muslim when as an officer he deem it necessary to pray together with his boys. It is his duty, as a leader to infuse a sense of unity, brotherhood between the followers and the followed on the line of duty, when difference between life and death becomes thin.

Men like him justly feels that, it is best for Indian Muslim community, not to be too much obsessed with defining what is according to Islam and what is not, who is Muslim and who is not, when the community itself is not a homogeneous one and is divided into multiple schools of theological philosophy and sub-sects (the immediate experiences have not been too much inspiring), rather leaving it entirely upon individuals to in what way they want to define their faith. Thankfully, this is the sense that is predominant among Muslims in this country and this is the only way we can preserve our true ethos as a secular, multi-religious democracy.
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Does Syed Ata have an explanation for the fact why India does not respect the muslims the way loyalist muslims like him respect it. Why are muslims less than 4% in the army when their population is 14%. Why is the percentage even less among officers. Things don't add up. No matter how much we muslims enslave ourselves, sell ourselves to India we will always be the outcasts, the terrorists and unwanted people.

We need to give up this worship of Bharat and form a united front against Hindutvas. That is our need. Not kissing bharti butt.

At the Time of Partition You had 20% + Minorities ( Hindus , Sikhs etc. ) What is the % in Pakistan Now.. and Would u plz explain what is the % of Hindus in Pakistan Armed Forces ?
. .
Good for you mr. Ata Hussain.

I hope you stay safe and you or some of your family members don't get lynched for carrying some meat around.

Good luck...:tup:
Its some of the basics of islam

Every muslim should know not to mix islam and pagan or false religions or lead prayers for other religions or have partners with God

ur insecurity as a muslim comes out very clear in ur posts and the fatwas which u issue on this forum. do ur duty as a muslim and leave other muslims 2 do theirs for Allah (swt) knows best and is the ultimate judge ..not u
ur insecurity as a muslim comes out very clear in ur posts and the fatwas which u issue on this forum. do ur duty as a muslim and leave other muslims 2 do theirs for Allah (swt) knows best and is the ultimate judge ..not u

I disagree its a muslim's duty to point out wrong

And partaking in pagan puja is clearly wrong
We find perfect peace with our Lord and his will, his will is clear we will not indulge in mixing our faith with false religions and Paganism nor will we have any partner with God

You people are hindus you can believe in flying monkeys, snakes, cows, blue gods, multi armed gods, lingams whatever you want

But to Muslim's this is all haram and worthless, thats true in India, its true in Pakistan its true in Bosnia, Russia, Europe or anywhere else muslims are

The fundamentals of our faith espouse belief in one God and to accept that Muhammad pbuh is his messenger

Any muslim worthy of the name would never accept Puja or a regiment idol, this is all nonsense to us

This man partaking in these rituals risks ceasing to ve a Muslim (regardless of what he calls himself) and hell
Good for you..I hope no one has to die for your peace with your lord.
Good for you..I hope no one has to die for your peace with your lord.

Of course not we just have to enlighten both muslims and non-Muslims on what is acceptable and not acceptable in Islam

And Puja, idols, regiment idol all this is unacceptable
Of course not we just have to enlighten both muslims and non-Muslims on what is acceptable and not acceptable in Islam

And Puja, idols, regiment idol all this is unacceptable
I doubt a God would punish someone for respecting others beliefs but i am certain he will punish those who kill others for his beliefs.
I doubt a God would punish someone for respecting others beliefs but i am certain he will punish those who kill others for his beliefs.

Respecting someone's belief is one thing and is required in islam, partaking in rituals however is intolerable

When you do puja you might as well go the whole hog and start worshipping idols
I cant believe that we even have to debate this, clearly the Kalima Tayyiba didn't mean anything to this Indian Army officer then who are we to tell him anything.

why even tell anyone anything about religion ?

I disagree its a muslim's duty to point out wrong

And partaking in pagan puja is clearly wrong

if you want to point at things that are wrong there will be no end to it
But like all Pakistanis he is a former Indian.:D
Nice try maamo , pre 47 his ancestors were proud Punjabi not some wara pao sissy mumbite and post 47 a proud Pakistani Punjabi
On topic.
Attending some non Muslim religious congregation for the sake of showing respect to that religion is a different thing but to take part in that worshipping act is strictly forbidden by all Muslim jurists be it shia sunni wahabi deobandi-------
Attending some non Muslim religious congregation for the sake of showing respect to that religion is a different thing but to take part in that worshipping act is strictly forbidden by all Muslim jurists be it shia sunni wahabi deobandi-------

But isn't the true level of "taking part" ultimately something only God can decide (i.e what lies within the heart of the person)?

I for one have taken part in various Hindu, Christian and other religious rituals that I personally do not believe in....but no one externally could tell that, only God could if he/she/it exists in the capacity this almighty is defined. Why I took part in them is the same reason ultimately as this soldier, to foster community, good-will and brotherhood....i.e greater good things that God if he exists would ultimately understand.

Shirk to me can only govern what truly lies in the heart and soul of a person when engaging in some action.

Will Allah punish good people who give lustful glances somewhat accidentally out of nature or does the true punishment lie for people who seriously have negative permanently lust-controlled hearts?
Shirk to me can only govern what truly lies in the heart and soul of a person when engaging in some action.
As per Islamic injunctions ,Almighty may forgive any sin but not shirk if done intentionally without any reasonable threat to ones life! Attending any event to show solidarity with nonMuslims is altogether a different thing but when someone actually takes part in a un Islamic ritual and invokes pagan deities like other attendees just to please them , then the thin redline is violated immediately after that invocation. You might be well aware of the graveness of Lakshman Raykha?

Will Allah punish good people who give lustful glances somewhat accidentally out of nature or does the true punishment lie for people who seriously have negative permanently lust-controlled hearts?
Off topic!
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but when someone actually takes part in a non Islamic ritual and invokes pagan deities like other attendees just to please them

Again isn't this to be decided by the higher authority himself rather than people who were not there, nor knows the persons heart and level of involvement?
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