No, it was not. Kievan Rus were founded at that time. Kievan Rus was/is not Russia. It's Kievan Rus. The capital was Kiev. Ukrainians have more claim on that then anyone else. Besides the rulers were either Scandinavian or Uralic. Not Russian or Slavic even.
Keep telling yourself that. The Arabs managed to defeat the Mongols in a few decades. On the other hand Mongols/Tatars ruled your asses for dozens of centuries. There was no Russia until Ivan IV The Terrible who became the first Tsar of Russia (not Russia but the Principality of Moscow). A poor isolated corner of Northeastern Europe without any influence.
Russia first became relevant under the GERMAN Tsar's and especially in the late 17th century under Peter The Great. That's also where 80% of your current lands were conquered from the poor Uralic/Mongol/Tatar natives and obviously Caucasians.
USSR and the later Russian Empire were the only relevant Russian periods. Still they are dwarfed by the achievements of Arabs that I just mentioned. USSR lasted for less than 75 years as well.
Besides USSR was made up by dozens of non-Russian countries and even ruled by non-Russians from Stalin (Georgian) to others.
Anyway keep believing that you "won" the Cold War.
Still the Russian oligarchs that rule your country are staying in the West whenever they can and not in Russia. Understandably so. Even Putin's own family lives abroad.