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Hitler was right...

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People like you should be in jail

And people like you should spend a day or two with the families of the victims who are suffering from the Israeli onslaught.
Perhaps your mindset will slightly change once you see the true horror that's being done to the Palestinians.
I don't think it will affect you any, but still.
People can openly criticize Islam, Judaism, Christianity. They can Insult Mohammad (saw), Moses (PBUH) & Jesus (PBUH).

But no one can question holocaust, you can go to jail for it in Europe, where is the freedom of speech?

Spot on.
Here in the Netherlands, denial of the holocaust or the nazi gesture = JAIL.
However, insulting the prophet Mohammad (PBUH) or the Islamic religion as a whole is allowed.
Anyways, things are slightly changing here, people are being prosecuted for offending Muslims too, they say it is "freedom of speech", but if you're honest, people are simply trying to spread hate against Muslims.
People can openly criticize Islam, Judaism, Christianity. They can Insult Mohammad (saw), Moses (PBUH) & Jesus (PBUH).

But no one can question holocaust, you can go to jail for it in Europe, where is the freedom of speech?

I am a Pakistani living in Pakistan. A muslim, the best of all nations. I want the best things for my people and land. I do not care what Europeans or Americans do. We are beyond Americans and Europeans. And I say we should not send any holocaust denier or acceptor to jail.
I understand how you guys can hate israel..but please don't hate jews. thats like people hating muslims for 9/11. Most Jews are good people, and a lot of them even oppose Israel's actions. Hell, most of the lawyers that suppourted the inmates in Guantanamo were jewish. So please, don't ever say that Hitler was a good person, he was an evil dictator that killed millions of innocents, and led millions of his own countrymen to his deaths.
Jews are not the problem, Zionism is the problem

Infact true jews are against the crimes committed by Zionist state of Israel.

Jews are not the problem, Zionism is the problem

Infact true jews are against the crimes committed by Zionist state of Israel.


Spot on Brother.
One must direct ones ager in the r ight direction. Otherwise how are we any different from them? Our war is with Zionism not with Jews. In the palestinian solidarity movement is a very brave lady who endures constant harranging and telephonic abuse from her fellow ews to continue protesting against the inhumane treatment metted out to Palistinians. My hat off to this brave lady, she has put us all to shame.
PS: every one who reads this post MUST go and see the Palestinian Solidarity campaign website and the information there . You must see te maps to see ow Palestine is getting smaller.
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Hitler was actually right, he made us realize the world has been at a loss by his butchering just because he didn't want the world to progress-the actual mindset of all dictators)

The above has been a forward mail been circulating around so show 'Muslims' why they are so powerless.

I am not defending them or the Israeali's here for the onslaught they did. but the fact is WE were the ones who seeded the killings going on in Pakistan and Afghnistan as well. Does that mean anyone is justified to kill the whole Muslim race?

We might hate the Jews for the massacre in Gaza and US for the killings going on in Pakistan and Iraq but that's not going to help anyone.

Hatred is no solution.
I am religious but I am not narrow-minded.

PS:I didn't read the whole thread, so if this has been posted already ignore the repitetion
Just be honest. A large amount of people in our subcontinent are Aryans and this is not only true for Kashmiris. This word has nothing to do with Greeks or Macedonians and is from Rigveda (about 2000 B..C). Now some people are trying to make all important people to belong to the Semitic (Arab-Jewish) race for political reasons. Modern genetics can be exploited by a fake planter to even prove this. But there is no doubt that most of us Aryan Race people.
Just be honest. A large amount of people in our subcontinent are Aryans and this is not only true for Kashmiris. This word has nothing to do with Greeks or Macedonians and is from Rigveda (about 2000 B..C). Now some people are trying to make all important people to belong to the Semitic (Arab-Jewish) race for political reasons. Modern genetics can be exploited by a fake planter to even prove this. But there is no doubt that most of us Aryan Race people.
. In Ladakh there is a tribe of pure Aryans the Dropkas. Tibet people are Mongols.
In reality the Nazis had sent spies in many parts of the Indian subcontinent in order to recruit Aryan men for breeding farms in Germany. Now a fake history movie has been made to cover up the reality and create a confusion by mentioning that the Nazis sent spies to Tibet. The Nazis had mainly targeted the Western part of the continent, the Valley of Kashmir, and Citral. This is well known. In Tibet people are Mongold. In Ladakh there lives a tribe of Aryans the are called Drop-Kas[/B]
If it was other Muslims doing what Isreal is doing ,, their would not be a word said, just as tens of thousands of muslims have been killed in the past, but because its not muslims every religious and racist bigot come out from under their rocks. There was no question that Isreal was going to retaliate sooner or later for the attacks on Isrealis civilians..
People like you should be in jail

Considering a person who has served in the Israeli army for so long has such a mindset frightens me.

Anyone voicing his opinion against the Zionists is either killed or jailed in Israel, and now i know by what kind of people.
In reality the Nazis had sent spies in many parts of the Indian subcontinent in order to recruit Aryan men for breeding farms in Germany. Now a fake history movie has been made to cover up the reality and create a confusion by mentioning that the Nazis sent spies to Tibet. The Nazis had mainly targeted the Western part of the continent, the Valley of Kashmir, and Citral. This is well known. In Tibet people are Mongold. In Ladakh there lives a tribe of Aryans the are called Drop-Kas[/B]

The Nazis weren't interested in the subcontinent.

They sent expeditions to western China to search for Aryan history. They didn't do anything in Kashmir, Chitral or anywhere else in the subcontinent.

The breeding farms sounds like a bit more dumbness. They were executing gypsies, more like. Surely you're fake. Flintlock's ghost?
The Nazis weren't interested in the subcontinent.

They sent expeditions to western China to search for Aryan history. They didn't do anything in Kashmir, Chitral or anywhere else in the subcontinent.

The breeding farms sounds like a bit more dumbness. They were executing gypsies, more like. Surely you're fake. Flintlock's ghost?

All know that the Tibetans a fine race are Mongols. In fact many of them came from Mongolia. The breeding farm (most of us marry our cousins) concept is not only a Nazi one but many tribes even up to recent times had breeding farms surely in the Indian subcontinent, example Bishnois. This is an ancient Aryan tradition. It is well known that the North-Western region of our area was tagetted by the Nazis for breeding. Nazis had a Hindu link the Swastika etc. Why blame us Muslims for all? Himmler even carried the Hindu religious text Bhagwad Geeta:
The Nazis didn't do anything in the Indian subcontinent!

It was ruled by the British, or allied that way so the Nazis couldn't do anything there even if they wanted!

The Nazis sent many expeditions to Western China, not because they expected to find Aryans there, but because they believed Western China (then Tibet), could be an ally of theirs when they achieved world domination. They could justify this to the Germans by saying the Tibetans were their allies because they are descended from a pre mongoloian stock of Aryan people. In actual fact, the Nazis were right on this, as recent discoveries have shown.

But they did this so they could have allies in the Far East. They chose Iran as their Middle Eastern ally, and this too was made justifiable by convincing them of an Aryan connection when in fact no such connection existed.

The Nazis didn't step foot in British India though. There was a very solid policy of keeping track of foreign spies in British India.

You appear to be trying to tie the marrying cousins thing to the Nazis :D

Tell me you're jokiing, right? The concept of marrying cousins, not only occurred in the subcontinent, but also Arabia, Africa, even Europe it was occuring, didn't matter whether they were Aryan or not. To suggest the concept of marrying cousins to form breeding farms is a Nazi concept is ridiculous.

That Himmler carried around the Gita is speculation. Though it might be true - he wasn't particularly bright, and his silly theories have been taking up by modern day neo nazis who really are a bit thick when it comes to this Aryan stuff.
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