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Hitler was right...

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It's not alright for anyone to do it.

The Israelis are being called Nazis by many people around the world (perhaps minus Americans).

If u read most papers in usa or north america jews were speaking against this slaughter including millions of americans i am not going to not give credit where credit is due.
niaz, thanks for the info about hitler, would you mind to tell us about zionists' brutality and massacre of innocent Muslims in Gaza and not a long ago, in lebnan
i read even UN has confirmed they used chemical weapons against unarmed civilian,
what do say about that??
If u read most papers in usa or north america jews were speaking against this slaughter including millions of americans i am not going to not give credit where credit is due.

I'm not sure the American media is critical enough, or the politicians.

But what Israel is doing is like what happened in the Ghettoes of Warsaw.
As for the public yes our nation condemned gaza wholeheartedly but our government seemed too busy sorting out their political blunders so managed few ceremonial speeches .
US and rest of the world is still oblivious to the menace which israel is for the world peace which for sure is begetting of israel,s absolute control of elite news and media sources . Here is a sneek peek into what a considerable portion of US citizens has started realizing about israel......:blah:

Israeli Terrorism and Sept. 11 | The Official Website of Representative David Duke, PhD
I dont see any difference between Nazis and Zionists occupying Palestine, both are racist killers.

Why should the Palestenian people suffer, they had nothing to do with Nazi Germany.
I'm not sure that was their belief.

It may have been a way of gaining a political ally in the Middle East, especially an oil rich country.

The Nazis definition of Aryan was blond haired and blue eyed. Hitler didn't consider himself an Aryan either.

The renaming of Persia to Iran took place in 1935, at the urge of Hjalmar Schacht, economics minister in the Reichsbank. This had little to do with reality, more to do with economic policy.

Expeditions by the Third Reich were sent to Tibet, and carried out by Bruno Berger, Nazi anthropologist. He was of the belief there was a connection between the Tibetans and Aryan races, something of a founder-descendant (Tibet then wasn't the same as today of course).

Whether Hitler took all this Aryan stuff seriously is questioned, Himmler definitely did though.

The choosing of Tibet was interesting though.

"The Nazis definition of Aryan was blond haired and blue eyed. Hitler didn't consider himself an Aryan either. "

Please understand that, that is a MYTH the Nazi's never said Aryans are required to have blond hair and blue eyes and fair skin, in fact Hitler and his henchmen like Himmler, Goebble and other didn't even have Blond hairs or blue eyes...The Blond hair and blue eyes is simply a "poster boy" image for Aryans and are considered unique Aryan traits by the Nazis...


"According to Nazis last of white race in Asia were the Iranians."-Niaz

That's not entirely true, Kashmiris are considered to be an Aryan people as well, as many Aryans after entering the subcontinent decided to live there. As you may know Kashmiris have unique "Aryan" physical traits, fair skin, fair skin, broad shoulders, good posture, chiseled facial features, and light hair even blond, and colorful eyes...Now I am sure the Nazis were aware that the Aryans in the subcontinent were mostly concentrated in Persia but also in Norther Pakistan, Northern India, and even in some parts of Afghanistan...

Niaz if you are interested in learning more please read below.

Although Kashmiris are said to be the true specimen of Aryan race, yet the last authoritative word about their origin has not been said so far. Scholars are divided on the question of the ancestory of Kashmiris. However, many Western and Indian scholars have argued that Kashmiri Pandits, without any doubt, belong to Aryan race. Pandit Anand Koul says, "it is certain that it (Kashmir) was a colony of Aryan immigrants from Central Asia. Their features and fair complexion be speak them of the inner Aryan race''. Thompson is of the view that the Aryans were a long headed race of tall stature with narrow noses and fair complexion. Their purest representatives are found today mainly in Kashmir. Monier Williams declared the Kashmiri Pandits as the finest type of Aryan race. George Campbell says that the Kashmiris are quite High-Aryan in the type of their features - very fair and handsome, with high chiselled features, and no trace of inter-mixture of the blood of any lower race."

Source: Kashmiri Overseas Association, Inc. (KOA)

Best Regards, A1Kaid
I think Hitler had the same idea some of the whites here in America had toward the Indians. " The only good one, is a dead one." Sad, I do know the difference between the a "Jew" and a Zionist. I don't have a problem with Jews.
"The Nazis definition of Aryan was blond haired and blue eyed. Hitler didn't consider himself an Aryan either. "

Please understand that, that is a MYTH the Nazi's never said Aryans are required to have blond hair and blue eyes and fair skin, in fact Hitler and his henchmen like Himmler, Goebble and other didn't even have Blond hairs or blue eyes...The Blond hair and blue eyes is simply a "poster boy" image for Aryans and are considered unique Aryan traits by the Nazis...

Actually, the Third Reich were very clear on an Aryan defined blonde haired, blue eyed man in the Mein Kampf.

"In his book, Hitler divides humans into categories based on physical appearance, establishing higher and lower orders, or types of humans. At the top, according to Hitler, is the Germanic man with his fair skin, blond hair and blue eyes. Hitler refers to this type of person as an Aryan. He asserts that the Aryan is the supreme form of human, or master race."
The Rise of Hitler - Hitler's Book Mein Kampf

That's not entirely true, Kashmiris are considered to be an Aryan people as well, as many Aryans after entering the subcontinent decided to live there. As you may know Kashmiris have unique "Aryan" physical traits, fair skin, fair skin, broad shoulders, good posture, chiseled facial features, and light hair even blond, and colorful eyes...Now I am sure the Nazis were aware that the Aryans in the subcontinent were mostly concentrated in Persia but also in Norther Pakistan, Northern India, and even in some parts of Afghanistan...

Niaz if you are interested in learning more please read below.

Although Kashmiris are said to be the true specimen of Aryan race, yet the last authoritative word about their origin has not been said so far. Scholars are divided on the question of the ancestory of Kashmiris. However, many Western and Indian scholars have argued that Kashmiri Pandits, without any doubt, belong to Aryan race. Pandit Anand Koul says, "it is certain that it (Kashmir) was a colony of Aryan immigrants from Central Asia. Their features and fair complexion be speak them of the inner Aryan race''. Thompson is of the view that the Aryans were a long headed race of tall stature with narrow noses and fair complexion. Their purest representatives are found today mainly in Kashmir. Monier Williams declared the Kashmiri Pandits as the finest type of Aryan race. George Campbell says that the Kashmiris are quite High-Aryan in the type of their features - very fair and handsome, with high chiselled features, and no trace of inter-mixture of the blood of any lower race."

Source: Kashmiri Overseas Association, Inc. (KOA)

Best Regards, A1Kaid

The term "Aryan" is by and away the most used and abused term by every single country in the world. I have no idea why.

Virtually every single nation has some website or other claiming to be an Aryan race. Even the white nationalist websites do.

That the Aryans were not all blonde haired and blue eyed is a valid point.

That they were North Indian, or resembled North Indians, is something I'll definitely not accept. They certainly didn't look North Indian.

I don't accept they were Persian either, though their appearance was probably more Persian than North Indian for sure.
Actually, the Third Reich were very clear on an Aryan defined blonde haired, blue eyed man in the Mein Kampf.

"In his book, Hitler divides humans into categories based on physical appearance, establishing higher and lower orders, or types of humans. At the top, according to Hitler, is the Germanic man with his fair skin, blond hair and blue eyes. Hitler refers to this type of person as an Aryan. He asserts that the Aryan is the supreme form of human, or master race."
The Rise of Hitler - Hitler's Book Mein Kampf

Interesting..."according to Hitler, is the Germanic man with his fair skin, blond hair and blue eyes. Hitler refers to this type of person as an Aryan."

Though nobody is arguing Hitler believed people with blond hair, blue eyes, fair skin are considered Aryan perhaps he believed German Aryans have these traits, doesn't mean all Aryans as history proves that to be true...Yes understand he did consider such people to be Aryan, but Hitler also understood the origins of the Aryan people and understood Aryans also resided in Kashmir, Northern India, parts of Afghanistan, and many in Iran...

Also if you study some things about genetics like the R1A Haplogroup which is said to be a unique genetic trait of Aryan people I advise you to read below.

"The three groups of humans had taken refuge for so long that their DNA had naturally picked up mutations, and consequently can be defined into different haplogroups. As they spread from these refuges, Haplogroups R1b, I and R1a propagated across Europe.

- Haplogroup R1b is common on the western Atlantic coast as far as Scotland.
- Haplogroup I is common across central Europe and up into Scandinavia.
- Haplogroup R1a is common in eastern Europe and has also spread across into central Asia and as far as India and Pakistan.

These three major haplogroups account for approx 80% of Europe's present-day population."

DNA Heritage

Also be careful of only attaining your sources about Hitler from western sources and media, as the Zionist and Jewish run Media control much of the information and manufacture history...

They will tell you Hitler was this and that and he believed in this, when the truth is much different...
Interesting..."according to Hitler, is the Germanic man with his fair skin, blond hair and blue eyes. Hitler refers to this type of person as an Aryan."

Though nobody is arguing Hitler believed people with blond hair, blue eyes, fair skin are considered Aryan perhaps he believed German Aryans have these traits, doesn't mean all Aryans as history proves that to be true...Yes understand he did consider such people to be Aryan, but Hitler also understood the origins of the Aryan people and understood Aryans also resided in Kashmir, Northern India, parts of Afghanistan, and many in Iran...

Also if you study some things about genetics like the R1A Haplogroup which is said to be a unique genetic trait of Aryan people I advise you to read below.

"The three groups of humans had taken refuge for so long that their DNA had naturally picked up mutations, and consequently can be defined into different haplogroups. As they spread from these refuges, Haplogroups R1b, I and R1a propagated across Europe.

- Haplogroup R1b is common on the western Atlantic coast as far as Scotland.
- Haplogroup I is common across central Europe and up into Scandinavia.
- Haplogroup R1a is common in eastern Europe and has also spread across into central Asia and as far as India and Pakistan.

These three major haplogroups account for approx 80% of Europe's present-day population."

DNA Heritage

Also be careful of only attaining your sources about Hitler from western sources and media, as the Zionist and Jewish run Media control much of the information and manufacture history...

They will tell you Hitler was this and that and he believed in this, when the truth is much different...

God. Where did i say that Hitler was right about anything?

All I'm saying is that this is what Hitler believed, and that was his definition of purity.

Also when you talk of R1a1, you have to remember that the haplogroups offer only a very small fragment of a person's lineage.

You will see some R1a1 that look completely different, even racially different.

The point about this, is that whilst the originator was the same, the R1a1 intermingled with the local inhabitants (and we know from historical texts that in North India any "Aryan" was in a minority). This means that you will not find any "Aryans" in North India, except for a trace or two in their ancestry.

The Persians, as I've explained before were considered "Aryan" by the Nazi economics minister only, and that was for economic reasons - To get allies in the Middle East they needed to concoct stories about racial consistency with people in the Middle East, and Iran with its vast oil resources, in my opinion, was one of those places. You tell me why their anthropologists were searching in Tibet and not Iran for the Aryans....
That's not entirely true, Kashmiris are considered to be an Aryan people as well, as many Aryans after entering the subcontinent decided to live there. As you may know Kashmiris have unique "Aryan" physical traits, fair skin, fair skin, broad shoulders, good posture, chiseled facial features, and light hair even blond, and colorful eyes...Now I am sure the Nazis were aware that the Aryans in the subcontinent were mostly concentrated in Persia but also in Norther Pakistan, Northern India, and even in some parts of Afghanistan...

Niaz if you are interested in learning more please read below.

Although Kashmiris are said to be the true specimen of Aryan race, yet the last authoritative word about their origin has not been said so far. Scholars are divided on the question of the ancestory of Kashmiris. However, many Western and Indian scholars have argued that Kashmiri Pandits, without any doubt, belong to Aryan race. Pandit Anand Koul says, "it is certain that it (Kashmir) was a colony of Aryan immigrants from Central Asia. Their features and fair complexion be speak them of the inner Aryan race''. Thompson is of the view that the Aryans were a long headed race of tall stature with narrow noses and fair complexion. Their purest representatives are found today mainly in Kashmir. Monier Williams declared the Kashmiri Pandits as the finest type of Aryan race. George Campbell says that the Kashmiris are quite High-Aryan in the type of their features - very fair and handsome, with high chiselled features, and no trace of inter-mixture of the blood of any lower race."

Source: Kashmiri Overseas Association, Inc. (KOA)

Best Regards, A1Kaid
Buddy, There is nothing called aryan race. Aryan is a Quality not race
Aryan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Aryan is an English word derived from the Sanskrit "Ārya" meaning "noble" or "honorable".[1][2] However, the earliest occurrences of the word (in the Rigveda) have been explained by P. Thieme (1938) as meaning 'hospitable', derived from ari (friendly) 'stranger', as can also be seen in Arya-man, the name of the god of hospitality and, hence, marriage exchange. The Avestan cognate is "Airiia" (and Airiiaman) and the Old Persian equivalent is "Ariya". It is widely held to have been used as an ethnic self-designation of the Proto-Indo-Iranians [3] Since in the 19th century, the Indo-Iranians were the most ancient known speakers of Indo-European languages, the word Aryan was adopted to refer not only to the Indo-Iranian people, but also to Indo-European speakers as a whole.
Buddy, There is nothing called aryan race. Aryan is a Quality not race
Aryan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

That's what you've been taught in India, which is incorrect.

The Pan Indianists want everything originating in India, so cannot possibly have an Aryan race that would contradict everything Pan Indian. So, your intellectuals have created this nonsense about a "missing river", and Aryan meaning "nobility.

The Aryans were a group of people in history. They were not a nobility.
"I could have annihilated all the Jews in the world, but I left some of them alive so you will know why I was killing them..."
[Adolf Hitler; Mien Kampf]

... and time is proving Hitler's was right and West realised that even before, that is why they, very tactfully relocated them from europe to middle east. now the whole world has seen what they did to innocent people of Gaza but no country has raised her voice against zionist's brutality rather western media tried its best to cover up by hiding the facts.

please visit the following link to see glimpse of what evil zionist have done to innocent, i am sorry but due to image size restriction i could not upload the whole lot so saved as pdf at following link


and please always keep this mind that zionist evil nexus is now rapidly growing, i hope you already know who would be their likeminded friends

but shame on us Muslims we are still fragmented and thats exactly the enemies Islam want... wonder when we will unit to stand as one against all the odds

Genocide of any nation is not permissable in any culture. Islam forbids it and the Quran clearly asks us to speaks nicely to and of each other before even establishing prayers
If you approve of Hitlers genocide then you have no face left to condemn the crimes against the palistinians. You must remember that, the jews are as much against the current regime,s behaviour as are muslims. Believe me world peace federation has many jewish representatives. Now would you recommend killing all jews?
Do not be driven by emotions and think this out carefully as statements like yours are often exploited and work in favour of those committing the crimes. Also all that you have done is lose your objectivity by posting such views.
Our war is against Zionism and its policies not AGAINST JEWS!!! You must understad the difference!!
^^ aryans,aryans,aryans......

i suppose aryans were humans too and were the descendants of those first humans who came out of africa !
that means africans were/are the first aryans ? .....

there are are lots of theories about aryans but the truth is that whatever regional or type of people say egyptians,asians,arabs,westerners etc whosoever becomes powerful tries to differentiate itself from other human beings by some way or other...
sometimes it is due politics and sometimes it is due superiority complex,
and nothing more.
all this bs about this race and that race is false and induced in the society always by politicians of some sort,

we in India are now seeing practically that there is no difference at all and now its slowly but steadily becoming a common perception and it will bear fruitful results in future

whatever physical differences like color of skin,etc remain is due to the surrounding atmosphere/geography and nothing more , the dna of all human beings is alike

so the bs of mr hitler should not be concerned anymore
i suppose after sometime no more importance will be given to the difference
in religions and only good deeds of a human will be considered.

all must say bye to hitler,osama,mullah omar,etc and their ideologies of hatred forever :smitten:
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