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History of Genocide of Muslims in India

1. Why it is not part of your curriculum them?
2. What is gangu?...yes am' not Pakistani but Kiwi (of Pakistani descent)...any problem?

for my previous post, I didn't said they (Indian) invented but contributed/known for.... I gave reference of studies imparted in western universities...you want proof...google...if too lazy..forget...I am not here to convince you...people like you can't be convinced.

Curriculum or not, the DNA, Genetic and Anthropological studies will prove in due course that Modern day Pakistanis are the progeny and descendants of that civilization. FAKE NEWS and propaganda from our enemies cannot change this inevitability.

Sure you are of Pakistani descent and I am the King of Brazil and Germany.................................:disagree:

So before you begin more false flagging, let's get back to what happened a few weeks ago. WHERE is the COMPELLING, CREDIBLE & GENUINE Western evidence that CONFIRMS that indians have invented ANY advanced sciences or technologies...................:azn: IF you are not lying then remember to post the links to the evidence here.

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Aww so cute. Can you once acknowledge what you lot make one go through, or its just perpetual victim card you want to play.

Or even better, lets celebrate conversion of Hagia Sophia into a mosque.

Or why not you start a thread of muslim atrocities on non muslims since Islam inception? Especially region called India where Islamic invader came to loot, uninvited.

Hypocrite like you make me sound like a right winger while having 9/10 friends as muslims in a muslim majority city.

The thing is that the response from you and your ilk is always the same regurgitated tropes of whataboutery. Obviously you don't deny the atrocities that Muslims face. You take immense joy in them. You just think that you can justify them by pointing out irrelevant incidents in the other parts of the world.

Also, I am concerned for the safety of Muslims you refer to as "friends". History for the last 70 years has shown us, that the people who committed the pogroms against Muslims were the Hindu "friends and neighbors".
Curriculum or not, the DNA, Genetic and Anthropological studies will prove in due course that Modern day Pakistanis are the progeny and descendants of that civilization. FAKE NEWS and propaganda from our enemies cannot change this inevitability.

Sure you are of Pakistani descent and I am the King of Brazil and Germany.................................:disagree:

So before you begin more false flagging, let's get back to what happened a few weeks ago. WHERE is the COMPELLING, CREDIBLE & GENUINE Western evidence that CONFIRMS that indians have invented ANY advanced sciences or technologies...................:azn: IF you are not lying then remember to post the links to the evidence here.

I feel that Indians should restrict themselves to discussions pertaining to individuals who are reliably proven to be "out of India", ostensibly referring to the gangetic basin. The precise relationship between the IVC (which modern Indians FALSELY claim) and the gangetic basin is complex and there is certainly evidence of genetic diffusion, but gangetic sympathisers should be sure of one thing, that diffusion is historically from west to east. The IVC has nothing to do with the gangetic progeny, other than this genetic diffusion over time. For undefined reasons, the IVC collapsed and its remnants fled to the east, most probably before the Aryan influx from the north.

It is extremely important to define clearly how modern India has usurped the history of the entire subcontinent (not just Pakistan btw; their claims over Sri Lanka and Bangladesh are equally legendary).
My final point on this matter is a reminder that this genetic reality should in no way prejudice or predicate those who have in the past migrated to Pakistani lands (e.g. when the British left). Pakistan is as much an idea or an ideal as it is an expression of ancient DNA. Our nation is constituted by both original descendants and those who later subscribed to Jinnah's ideals as an expression of the modern state of Pakistan. Both peoples are entirely equal and in our eyes, indistinguishable. One is reminded of the original Makkans and Medinans together constituting the first unified expression of an Islamic empire. In the same way, those who were descendants of the Pakistani soil and those from afar who subscribed wholly to its ideals are in fact one and the same. The revisionist approach of hindutva elements can only be resisted by a unified and meritocratic stance.
Normally we Pakistanis only know the genocide of Muslims being committed by India in Kashmir or if someone reads newspaper would know about massacre of Muslims in 2002 in Gujrat but the fact is that there has been hardly a year when Muslims are not subjected to genocide in past 70 years .. when it comes to hate towards Muslims - Congress and BJP are just two sides of the same coin..

Here is a brief summary.

1. Calcutta Muslim Genocide - 1964

Over 100 Muslims killed by Hindu mobs and 70,000 rendered homeless. BBC wrote , "So far more than 70,000 Muslims have fled their homes in the city, and 55,000 are sleeping in the open under army protection".
As per NY Times, the riots were initiated by Hindus.

2. Bhiwandi Muslim Genocide - 1970

Thousands on Muslims' houses were burnt. 200 Muslims killed between 7 and 8 May 1970. When RSS terrorists unleashed wrath on innocent Muslims.

Following the incident the Indian government formed a Commission headed by Justice Dinshah Pirosha Madon. The final report from the commission ran to seven volumes and was highly critical of the police for their failure to prevent the riots, the report was also highly critical of Shiv Sena for their part in the violence.

According to the Madon report of those arrested during the violence 324 were Hindu and 2183 were Muslim. The Madon report was highly critical of the police, stating that their action showed a clear "anti-Muslim bias". According to K. Jaishankar, of those arrested for clearly identifiable crimes during the violence in 1970, 21 were Hindu and 901 were Muslim, a figure disproportionate to the numbers of casualties (which Jaishankar gives as 17 Hindus and 59 Muslims).


The commission was categorical: “The organisation which has both directly and indirectly provoked the disturbances which took place in Bhiwandi, Khoni and Nagaon on May 7, 1970 and thereafter is the Rashtriya Utsav Mandal, the majority of the members of which belonged to the Jan Sangh or were pro-Jan Sangh, and the rest, apart from a few exceptions, to the Shiv Sena.”


3. Muradabad Muslims' Genocide - 1980

Over 2500 Muslims massacred with police as accomplice.
On August 13, 1980, a broad daylight massacre had occurred at the biggest Eidgah in Moradabad district of Uttar Pradesh when Muslims were offering Eid prayers. A domesticated Ppig was unleashed into the gathering. Muslims protested but police opened fire on them.
Around 40,000 Muslims had gathered at the Eidgah to offer annual prayers when a contingent of the state police and Provincial Armed Constabulary (PAC) opened fire and around 300 Muslims were killed.
Justice MP Saxena Commission report on the Moradabad massacare has not be tabled yet.


4. Nellie Muslims' Genocide - 1983

Over 5000 Muslims were slaughtered with sharpened instruments in 1983 by Hindu terrorists. On the ‘Black Friday’ of February 18, 1983, when the 8-hour-long Nellie Massacre took place in central Assam's Nagaon district (now Morigaon). The carnage is estimated to have left over 5,000 people dead, including the elderly and children. The official reports, however, put the death toll at only 1,819. Victims were barricaded for 6 months before undergoing slaughter and facing the worst face of Hindu terror.
"The Tiwari Commission report (not officially published yet) has blamed the AASU and the Bharatiya Janata Party among others for the violence unleashed on the alleged Bangladeshi people."
This massacre is known as the worst one after WWII. Most of those who were slaughtered with knives were kids and women.

5. Hashimpura Massacre - 1987

The killings of of 42 Muslim men took place during a riot in Meerut in 1987 when the victims were picked up from the Hashimpura neighbourhood by the 41st Battalion of the PAC during a search operation.


6. Bhagalpur Muslims' Genocide - 1989

The Bhagalpur riots of 1989 refers to the violence between the Hindus and the Muslims in the Bhagalpur of Bihar, India. The riots started on 24 October 1989, and the violent incidents continued to happen for 2 months. The violence affected the Bhagalpur city and 250 villages around it. Over 1,000 people (around 900 of which were Muslims), were killed, and another 50,000 were displaced as a result of the violence. It was the worst Hindu-Muslim violence in independent India at the time.

According to official figures 1,070 people were killed & 524 injured. 15 out of 21 blocks of Bhagalpur were affected by the riots. 11,500 houses in 195 villages were destroyed, displacing 48,000 people. 68 mosques and 20 mazars were destroyed.

The Chandheri (also spelled Chanderi) village was attacked from three sides by the people from the adjoining villages on the evening of 27 October. The Yadavs of the neighbouring settlement had disapproved of the construction of a mosque in the village. The attackers set the mosque on the fire, along with some houses, killing 5 people.

At the Logain village, 116 Muslims were killed by a 4000-strong mob led by the police officer Ramchander Singh. The perpetrators buried the bodies in fields, and then planted cauliflower over the mass grave to hide the evidence. 14 people, including the former police officer, were convicted and sentenced to rigorous life imprisonment for the killings, in 2007.


7. Bombay Muslims' Genocide - 1992

The violence that scorched the Waghchores and their neighbours was just one episode in the intense riots that consumed India’s commercial capital after the demolition of the Babri Masjid in faraway Ayodhya on December 6, 1992. The destruction of the shrine sparked riots across India, but the violence was most intense in Mumbai – which was still known as Bombay at the time. Approximately 900 Mumbai residents were left dead in two bursts of rioting in December 1992 and January 1993.

The violence was widely reported as having been orchestrated by the Shiv Sena. An estimated 575 Muslims were martyred by Hindu terrorists.

8 - Pangal Muslims' Genocide - 1993

on 3 May 1993, the massacre of Pangal occured , when an indigenous Muslims community in Manipur, India, was attacked by the Meitie, who are the majority ethnic group of Manipur and are largely Hindu.

There are conflicting accounts of what started the violence, one account says Hindu separatists tried to buy arms from a Muslim arms smuggler and were rebuffed. Another account says that the Hindu rebels were trying to extort from a Muslim village who resisted and killed one of the rebel. The violence started on 3 May 1993 and continued will into the 5th May. Bus containing Muslims passengers were set on fire and clashes took places between Pangal and Meitei. People were killed in the roads; homes and shops were burned down. An estimated 90 to 130 people were killed.

Genocide of Muslims in Gujrat in 2002 and recently in Delhi in 2020 are anyway a simile of Hindu terror unleashed on Indian Muslims.

Wish Muslims had migrated to Pakistan in 1947. They refused one migration and are in constant migration within India since then. Wish they had stood for Kashmiris when they were undergoing Indian state sponsored terrorism... one could only wish for this!!!
muslims are alive happy and kicking in INDIA.
Excellent point.

There is a grey line there however.

What happens if the invader settles down on your land.

Is he still the invader and at what point does killing him move from rightful defence to genocide?

What if the invader marries a local woman and has kids with her.

Same questions.

Cheers, Doc

Then the first thing that should happen is these invaders acknowledge what they did to locals.

Instead we get these stupid threads.
This stupid thread deserves exactly my kind of answer.
muslims are alive happy and kicking in INDIA.
This is your response to the litany of human massacres that the member just posted? The modern nation state of India is accused of these genocides. This isn't some medieval pogrom. This is the independent Secular republic whose name is being besmirched and this is your response? Plenty of Indian Muslims are alive and breathing today who will have vivid recollection of the events listed, never mind having to hunt for some old report.

You must be one of those typical "secular/moderate/progressive/atheist/all of the above" types who frequent this forum...ironically only really piping up when threads mention the experiences of muslims in India.
Muslims are invaders

Also SaffronNazis:
Muslims are Dalit converts

Intellectual honesty is nonexistent among these bigots.
Then the first thing that should happen is these invaders acknowledge what they did to locals.

Instead we get these stupid threads.
This stupid thread deserves exactly my kind of answer.

Who do you want doing the acknowledging in India or Pakistan.

Do you honestly believe any of the Muslims in these two countries did any invading?


Cheers, Doc
Muslims are invaders

Also SaffronNazis:
Muslims are Dalit converts
Some of your work should be copyrighted. This is totally bang on the mark!
Who do you want doing the acknowledging in India or Pakistan.

Do you honestly believe any of the Muslims in these two countries did any invading?


Cheers, Doc

There is absolutely no reason for me to care.
As far as I am concerned, I am the victim.

My lands were attacked, millions killed, tens of thousands destroyed, generations lost.

Simply put, I don't really care.....especially when I constantly told they are victims, when history is otherwise.

Imagine if some one asking blacks in US if they believe whites in US today did slavery?
or imagine where Whites are being told they are the victims of historical black violence.
Muslims are invaders

Also SaffronNazis:
Muslims are Dalit converts

Intellectual honesty is nonexistent among these bigots.

propaganda of victim card holders anti hindu anti india front . we know how to counter it .
Curriculum or not, the DNA, Genetic and Anthropological studies will prove in due course that Modern day Pakistanis are the progeny and descendants of that civilization. FAKE NEWS and propaganda from our enemies cannot change this inevitability.

Sure you are of Pakistani descent and I am the King of Brazil and Germany.................................:disagree:

So before you begin more false flagging, let's get back to what happened a few weeks ago. WHERE is the COMPELLING, CREDIBLE & GENUINE Western evidence that CONFIRMS that indians have invented ANY advanced sciences or technologies...................:azn: IF you are not lying then remember to post the links to the evidence here.


So you are blaming me for diversion and at the same time escaping yourself on the question...."Studies will prove"....so you are ashamed of teaching your kids your non-Islamic history, half of your population is still figuring out yur origin (Arab, Turk, Mongol, etc etc) and yet per your convenience, claim to be so of soil when it suits you.....Fake news/Propaganda.by your enemies...is it?...

On my origin....I don't give a hoot to what you think...you don't matter to me.

On Indian scientific achievements...I'd give various links before...If you guys do not want to accept it as truth...Good on you...Move on. By the way, why you are so hell-bent on proofs related to science about your neighbour...Do you have piles of it in your country?....you should first tell your countrymen to allow polio drops and eradicate this disease...It's no where in the world but for your country.
So you are blaming me for diversion and at the same time escaping yourself on the question...."Studies will prove"....so you are ashamed of teaching your kids your non-Islamic history, half of your population is still figuring out yur origin (Arab, Turk, Mongol, etc etc) and yet per your convenience, claim to be so of soil when it suits you.....Fake news/Propaganda.by your enemies...is it?...

On my origin....I don't give a hoot to what you think...you don't matter to me.

On Indian scientific achievements...I'd give various links before...If you guys do not want to accept it as truth...Good on you...Move on. By the way, why you are so hell-bent on proofs related to science about your neighbour...Do you have piles of it in your country?....you should first tell your countrymen to allow polio drops and eradicate this disease...It's no where in the world but for your country.

Do you think you are able to eradicate open defecation by over 732 million people?........ :azn::


PS You do realize that the sources you used are opinion pieces and not facts..........:azn:

Over a month later and you STILL have not been able to find ANY evidence for your initial claims.........:azn:
Do you think you are able to eradicate open defecation by over 732 million people?........ :azn::


PS You do realize that the sources you used are opinion pieces and not facts..........:azn:

Over a month later and you STILL have not been able to find ANY evidence for your initial claims.........:azn:

Don't know about open defecation...

On bold...sources are from your country of Origin.....

Otherwise, go to Oxford Archives and find it for yourself...

By the way as I said...people like you, who can't accept reality and live in denial..can't be persuaded....

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